2020 Olympics in Iran?

Could Iran ever host the Olympics or World Cup?

14-Oct-2009 (13 comments)
Last past week, as we witnessed Brazil being awarded the Olympics for 2016, I could not help but wonder if there was even the remotest possibility of Iran or perhaps Tehran being awarded the Olympics for 2020. I know it’s a distant possibility - a silly dream. But could it be that Iran, or more specifically Iranians can put right, what is so badly wrong with Iran within four years? Having been in Brazil in the mid 70’s, I have watched how Brazil has transformed itself from decades of dictatorship and backwardness to a modern, secular, democratic and vibrant nation we can all be proud of as a positive contributor to the international community>>>


What's missing?

The Iranian coup three months on

11-Oct-2009 (one comment)
Whatever happens over the next weeks and months the Islamic regime has walked out of its fortress, crossed over the moat and the drawbridge has been irrevocably destroyed behind it. There is no going back. In this article I will outline the reasons for this conclusion, and go on to describe the achievements, the weaknesses and some of the lessons for the progressive forces fighting the regime in Iran. Hopefully there may also be some lessons for the left abroad, confused as it appears to be as to how to interpret the scenarios beamed at it from Iran>>>


A military strike would be a disaster

So how should we confront Ahmadinejad?

04-Oct-2009 (8 comments)
Why would anyone be shocked by the so-called revelation that another uranium enrichment facility exists somewhere near Qom? It amazes me how even Iranians of the Diaspora, who know the Islamist regime well, seem distressed by it all. I am not claiming to have known any more than anyone else about this, but I certainly never believed that the Iranian government was capable of being transparent about anything, least of all about its nuclear program. Deception is a form of negotiation. And transparency is as alien a concept to this regime as fairness and justice>>>


 انقلاب مجازی

در اینترنت ما با افراد پراكنده و بسیار آسیب پذیر طرفیم

ایدئولوژی اینترنت فردگرا و دمكرات و حتی بی سالار است ولی از نزدیك كه نگاه كنید می­بینید كه این فقط همان ایدئولوژی كار است نه حقیقتش. این وسیله در عمل به هیچ­وجه مروج توسعهٌ یكسرهٌ آزادی فردی نیست و در شبكهٌ وسیع اینترنت فرد بسیار تنهاتر و بی دفاع تر از آنیست كه تبلیغ می­شود. این تصور كه وسیله ای تكنیكی پیدا شده كه كار سیاسی را آسان یا بی مخاطره می­كند، جای كوشش و سازماندهی در صحنهٌ جامعه را می­گیرد و آنرا نالازم می­سازد حرف مفت است. دمكراسی با این تكنیك و آن تكنیك تضمین نمی­شود، فقط با همت و هشیاری مردم است كه شكل می­گیرد و بر پا می­ماند>>>


Balance of deterrence, or a catastrophe?

The world has to prepare itself for a proliferated Iran

02-Oct-2009 (6 comments)
After several years of IAEA inspections, accusations of a clandestine production of nuclear arms, UN security council sanctions and even threats of preemptive strikes, Iran continues its nuclear program. The question remains whether the possibility of Iran joining the Middle East nuclear arms family would destabilize the region. Or would it stabilize the balance of deterrence and with that only empower Iran’s position without causing a security threat to Israel and the US interests in the region? This review essay focuses on these questions and provides a critical analysis on these issues>>>


Is democracy a relic of the past?

There is a significant part of the world, that has never experienced democracy and never will

02-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
Liberal democracy has long since been pronounced dead by many, correctly or not. The reality in the post Soviet, post U.S. world entering BRIC (Br, In, China) and G-XX era is that there is little room for ideology or rights. Indeed if you look at the latest G-20 press release, it is a listing that has very little to do with ideology or rights issues. It stands out for its blandness, lack of creativity and any material substance for that matter. The only noticeable item is the one we did not need any G-20 show. That they will do their utmost (wink wink) to ensure global recovery is supported or continued>>>


چرا به جمهوری اسلامی میگوییم نه؟

برای اینکه خواهان دمکراسی و آزادی و انتخابی بودن تمامی سران مملکت هستیم

02-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
برای اینکه خواهان آزادی بیان، آزادی پوشش و تمامی آزادی های فردی هستیم و این نظام بر اساس قوانین شرعی اش، ابتدایی ترین آزادی های انسانی ما را با زور و سرکوب از ما دریغ داشته. برای اینکه برای ساختن ایرانی آباد و ساختن آینده ای بهتر برای خود و فرزتدانمان محتاج آزادی مطبوعات، آزادی تجمع، آزادی احزاب وسازمانهای مستقل هستیم و این نظام در 30 سال گذشته، با نفی ابتدایی ترین آزادی های سیاسی باعث عقب ماندگی اجتماعی و اقتصادی کشورمان شده. >>>


Support the people

The clever way to impose sanctions on Iran

30-Sep-2009 (96 comments)
Tomorrow, the five members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (known as the P5+1), will sit down with Iran in the latest attempt to ease increasing global anxiety over the country's nuclear programme. The threat of new sanctions hangs in the air. We have been here before: deadline after deadline, sanction after sanction, we return to the same old dance, the only real difference being that the Islamic Republic is inching ever closer to the Bomb. So perhaps now is the time to try something new. In anticipation of the October 1 meeting, the P5+1 must embrace their greatest ally in the war on nuclear proliferation: the people of Iran>>>


ما راكجا میبرید؟­

ببینیم گروه های سیاسی تازه دمكرات امروز ما را به كجا می­خواهند ببرند

30-Sep-2009 (3 comments)
آنچه كه همهٌ ما از چند ماه پیش شاهدش هستیم پیدایش حركت مردمی عظیمی است كه از روز تأسیس جمهوری اسلامی تا به حال سابقه نداشته است. این حركت كه نطفه اش در اعتراض به نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهوری اسلامی بسته شد ضربه ای به نظام اسلامی وارد آورد كه از زیر بار آن كمر راست نخواهد كرد. ولی در عین حال از همان ابتدا هم روشن بود كه باید برای ادامهٌ حركت استراتژی معقولی پیدا كرد وگرنه نیرویی كه به راه افتاده است، هر قدر هم وسیع باشد، در نهایت راه به جایی نخواهد برد. نمی­توان این جریان را فقط با ذكر فجایع رژیم زنده نگاه داشت، حیات این جنبش مستلزم داشتن هدف روشن است. >>>


آقای خامنه ای باید برود

رهبران جنبش باید بدانند که حتی ساده ­ترین اهداف مردم­سالارانه با حضور "آقا"، حکومتش و لشکر شعبان بی­ مخ‌ هایش امکان پذیر نیست

28-Sep-2009 (9 comments)
قدس آمد و رفت و فصل کیفتأ تازه­ای را در مبارزه‌یِ مردم­سالارانه‌یِ مردم­مان باز کرد. از هفته‌هایِ پیش از روز قدس همه‌یِ چشم‌ها به روز قدس بود، هم در جبهه‌یِ کودتا و هم در صفوفِ جنبش. سؤال خیلی ساده بود: بعد از این شکنجه‌ها، کشتار‌ها، تجاوز‌ها و تهدید‌های متعدد و مکرر و لجن پاشیِ شبانه روزیِ صدا و سیمایِ ننگ، آیا مردم به خیابان‌ها باز خواهند آمد؟ از همان آغاز انتخابات خرداد هر بار تناسب قوا بین نیرو‌های استبداد و مردمسالاری تغییر کیفی یافت رژیم تاکتیک‌های تازه بکار برده. تظاهرات روز قدس یکی ازین نقاط عطف بود که جنبش را به مرحله‌ی کیفتأ تازه وارد کرد. مرور گذرایی می‌کنم به این نقاط عطف جنبش از خرداد تا امروز>>>


The sounds from the street

"Shoar" in Iran

25-Sep-2009 (4 comments)
The story of chants, mottos and slogans (shoar in Persian) dates back to the early days of the revolution in 1979. But the unexpected turn of events after the recent presidential election have revived the power of this revolutionary tradition and demonstrate the ever-changing nature of political culture in Iran today. For one month preceding the Election Day on June 12, young Iranians – who compose the majority of the country’s population – poured into the streets all over Iran to campaign for their presidential candidate>>>


One nation under God?

The young people inside Iran are our leaders

25-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
Despite the various and random political views that most of us as Iranians follow; in times of suffering, underdevelopment and immediate need we pull everything together and bring about a single voice. If you have noticed the internal movements in Iran have absolutely no-central dictating entity, yet they move as a whole consistently without loosing focus. It is sad and a shame that we have lost some lives in the process of such movements and we hope this never repeats itself. We should learn that this is serious and it carries both physical and financial consequences>>>


Ahmadinejad's trap

Will the focus at the UN be on Ahmadinejad's human rights abuses?

23-Sep-2009 (25 comments)
When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes to the UN his biggest fear will be that the visit will be marred by international condemnations over election fraud and the massive human rights abuses taking place in Iran under his watch. If he has his way, however, the international media may forget about the killings in Iran and focus on his provocative Holocaust comments instead. Mindful of the horrific human rights abuses that have taken place in Iran in the aftermath of the stolen elections, and the continuing protests and resistance by ordinary Iranians, one would think that Ahmadinejad's lack of internal legitimacy would be the natural topic of conversation. But Ahmadinejad is not a man of limited resources>>>


Support those inside Iran

The Iran Democracy Fund after the crackdown

23-Sep-2009 (4 comments)
The recent statement by Iran's top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei -- that he saw no proof the British or the West were behind the protests -- should encourage the United States to pursue a more assertive approach to support Iranians working for change. Nevertheless, the State Department's Iran Democracy Fund -- currently the only tool available for promoting democracy in Iran -- has been extremely cautious in its funding decisions since President Barack Obama's inauguration. Moreover, recent changes to the program are neutralizing its effectiveness>>>


A Timid G79

Irresponsible to remain passive when the green movement is striving to address democracy and freedom

21-Sep-2009 (4 comments)
This is the story of current mindset of my generation – 1979 generation (G79). The generation that, in disproportion, bore the burden of the revolution and its aftermath (the hegemony of Molatarism, the reign of religion upon our most private lives, the suppression of political parties and groups that were in disparity with fundamentalism political Islam, the Iraq war, the first migration in millions of Iranians in modern era, etc …). With that huge price, sadly enough, the G79 suspects, thereon, to entrust his ballot upon any new political movement so readily>>>