Putting forward IRI's vision for global Islamic domination
Among the IRI's seniors, president Ahmadinejad is more famous for his fierce rhetoric and odd behaviour. His absurd comments, lack of rationality, revolting habits and odd gestures suggest personal immaturity or even abnormality. In his speeches, he usually sinks himself into a hectic and incoherent stance in which his words go so beyond the limits of decorum that even some of his companions feel embarrassed about him.--even the most inexperienced and insecure politicians rarely engage in spontaneous outbursts like him.
میخواهند جنگ نژادی-مذهبی راه بیندازند، حواسمان را به اینترنت و وبلاگستان جمع کنیم
خانوم، آقا خیلی حواسمان را باید امسال جمع کنیم. حرامزادههای آمریکایی قرار است جنگ مذهبی و نژادی در ایران راه بیندازند. به آدمهایشان پول بدهند که بمب بگذارند و آدم بکشند و بعد هم یک سری گروههای قلابی مثلا سنی مذهب یا وهابی یا چمیدانم جدایی طلب عرب یا ترک یا کرد مسوولیت آنها را قبول کنند. میخواهند جوانهای شیعهی متعصب را بزنند بکشند تا بعد که آنها از روی حماقت و نادانی رفتند و مثلا انتقام گرفتند آرام آرام این پینگ پنگ خونین را شروع کنند و کل ایران را در عرض شش ماه تبدیل به بغداد کنند. شوخی ندارم و آنها هم ندارند.
Mojahedin's Khalgh's foothold in U.S. Congress and the mass media
In recent months, there has been significant activity by a terrorist group lobbying Senators and Congressmen on Capitol Hill. The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an Islamic socialist organization listed on the State Department list of terrorists, has launched a widespread lobbying campaign to persuade US politicians to unfreeze bank accounts associated with the MEK and to promote war with Iran. In pursuit of these objectives, the MEK and its affiliate, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), have created numerous front groups, with the express aim to lobby prominent California members of Congress. Their targets include Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi—all individuals who urge high-level diplomacy with Iran
What can America’s friends do for America?
Where are your friends when you really need them? Isn’t that time of need when true friends really surface, sharing their buoyancy as they try to help keep you afloat? Well, we really haven’t seen many of those friends around, not for America, although we have seen the traditional parasites – those who instigate our misguided foreign policy for their own ends, as well as those who either go along with America’s criminal government, or simply look the other way. In some regions, such as Latin America, one would hardly expect to find any friends of the United States – of the non-servile kind, that is – given the long history of bullying and the oppressive hand this nation has had in that region… but what about Europe?
هويت اسلامی جديد ماهيتی صرفاً ايدئولوژيک دارد
باری، بنظر من می رسد که در بيشتر جوامع پيشامدرن، يا جوامعی که نيش مدرنيت را چشيده و از نوش آن محروم مانده اند، يکی از جدال های انديشگی در بين متفکران وابسته به گروه هائی که بر سر مدرنيت با يکديگر دارای تضاد عقيده و هدف هستند پيش از آنکه جنبهء سياسی داشته باشد، گاه حتی بی آنکه خود بدانند، به مسئلهء «هويت» بر می گردد که ظاهراً پديده ای فرهنگی است تا سياسی. در واقع، در صحنهء حيات سياسی و اجتماعی، هر گروه، ضمن انجام فعاليت های سياسی خود، داعيهء آن را نيز دارد که «مردم» دارای هويتی هستند که گروه مزبور بهترين معرف و مؤيد آن است. در عين حال، مبارزه گروه ها عليه يکديگر نيز، بجای اينکه مبارزه ای مبتنی بر «برنامه» باشد، کارش به مواضع فلسفی و فرهنگی آنان در مورد «هويت» می کشد.
نظرات مهندس احمد زیرک زاده در باره دموکراسی و تحزب به مناسبت صدمین سال تولد وی
کتاب خاطرات مهندس زیرک زاده معرف تاریخ و فلسفه نهضت ملی است. او از تکان های شدیدی که نهضت مشروطیت به فرهنگ و زندگی مردم ایران داده بود آغاز می کند و مینویسد: "حرکت به اندازه ای شدید بود که امواج ضعیف و فرسوده آن باز هم سال ها بعد از خاموشی هسته مرکزی هنوز صدها کیومتر دورتر از مرکز جنبش، اثرات تکان دهنده و تحول انگیزی دارد" . "نه تنها من بلکه هر بچه ایرانی به مجردی که حرف زدن یاد می گرفت با اسم باقرخان و ستارخان آشنا می شد. اولین درسی که در مدرسه به او می دادند شرح انجمنها، کمیته ها، قرائت خانه ها و کتابخانه هائی بود که با خون دل مردم ایران تهیه می گردید و مبارزات و اقدامات رجل و سرداران مشروطیت سرلوحه تمام کتابهای درسی مدارس بود".
Iran’s independence and sovereignty is threatened with false allegations made by U.S. and Israel
How can a morally bankrupt nation induce the world to punish a law-abiding state and by so doing, violate not only international law, that of the nonproliferation treaty (NPT), but the Geneva Conventions? Sanctions are warfare. It cost Iraq over half a million innocent lives, a genocide, in preparation for the ‘shock and awe’ that was to come. America and her co-conspirators violated all Geneva Conventions when the sanctions were imposed – lives were snatched -“collateral damage” they called it. This rogue state, America, in violation of all laws, God’s and man’s, is dictating to the world
What is the truth about Muqtada al-Sadr’s connections with Iran?
On Tuesday April 8 General David Petraeus, the US commander in Iraq, made the latest in a long string of accusations against Iran and its “destructive” role in Iraq, including its financing of militia groups. He implied Iran had supported the Mahdi army in the recent battle for Basra, conveniently failing to mention Tehran’s support for the US occupation government in Baghdad. Ironically the same false claims are being used by Tehran apologists to ‘prove’ Iran’s credentials as an anti-imperialist force supporting the Iraqi resistance. However, the realities of the current inter-shia conflict are more complicated
Obama and Clinton are wrong
I know that it was the US who invaded Iraq in the first place and I know that it was the US whose huge mistakes in Iraq caused the deaths of many innocent Iraqis (far fewer than those killed because of Muslim extremists), but this is also another reason why the US has the moral obligation to stay in Iraq and create a stable democracy and a prosperous society. It can be done, but it may take time. It can be done because also Iraq has oil. It is as simple as that. But without the US keeping the thugs, terrorists, and foreign troublemakers at bay, it is very possible for all the losses that have occurred so far to be in vain
I celebrate freedom of speech, but...
Hey want to become famous and get attention? Well, it seems that one of the easiest way to fame in 2008 is Islam bashing. Recent attempts at fear mongering, hate, and uneducated characterizations of Islam include the newly released Dutch films, "Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran" and the cartoon, "The life of Mohammad," by Iranian-Dutch politician Ehsan Jami. Both of these directors are public figures in the Netherlands. It seems that anyone who once dreamed of gaining fame can simply generalize Islam as a hateful religion and make negative and offensive comments
واگذاری مجموعه ی فرهنگي و تاريخی پاسارگاد به بخش خصوصی عملی کاملا غير قانونی است
به دنبال تخريب های هر دم افزاينده ی ميراث های فرهنگی، تاريخی و طبيعی ايران، و به خصوص آثار غير مذهبی آن، اکنون خبر فرود آمدن بلايی تازه بر سر اين آثار به گوش می رسد. خبر در مورد فروش و واگذاری محوطه های فرهنگي، تاريخی، و طبيعی برای استفاده هتل دارها، کارخانه دارها، و ديگر مراکز تجاری خصوصی است. در واقع روند خصوصی سازی خودسرانه ی ميراث های فرهنگي، تاريخی، و طبيعی مردمان اين سرزمين، که دير زمانی است صحبت آن اينجا و آنجا پيش می آمده اکنون شکلی واقعی به خود می گيرد.
A test of US-Iraqi relations
When the regime of Saddam Hussein came to an end, 3,800 members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation were bombarded, captured and disarmed by US Special Forces in Iraq and confined to Camp Ashraf. Five years on the American military must be given full credit for the excellent job it has performed in containing the MKO in Iraq and keeping the people secure. Dealing with a dangerous, destructive cult is not an easy task. It is widely acknowledged that the American forces are perhaps the only ones who could do this, particularly in the violent and chaotic conditions of Iraq. But the situation has now developed to the point at which urgent action must be taken to deal with the group
Rising suicides among U.S. soldiers
This phenomenon of suicide among the soldiers has its deep roots in the fact that the U.S. war on the people of Iraq is an unjust and brutal war of subjugation of the nation, regardless of the maniacal claims of George W. Bush and some Iraqi mercenaries chained inside the Green Zone. It is this savage character of the war which is responsible for the heightened rate of suicide among returning American soldiers. This rate has had a 500 percent increase since the start of the open war on Iraq, hitting levels not seen in more than a quarter century. Every day five U.S. soldiers attempt to take their own precious lives in the U.S. army, while before the war on Iraq, the number was less than one suicide attempt per day
Olaf Palme Award acceptance speech
by Parvin Ardalan
For nearly three decades now, we have been struggling to achieve the right to divorce and equal rights in marriage for women. We have repeatedly claimed that polygamy rights for men create an unbearable and disgraceful reality for women. But these patriarchal laws have sustained. For years, we have objected to unequal diyeh, or compensation for bodily injury, and have wondered why it is that being a man or a woman determines the amount of compensation to be paid to accident victims? We ask why our laws recognize men as full human beings, setting them as the standard, and value women at half the male standard, and sometimes even less
I believe that Iran is involved in a peaceful production of energy
It is very belittling to me to see how some of the western countries are trying to force their power to stop Iran from having nuclear power. Iran not only should be able to utilize nuclear technology to produce electrical energy, she should also be able to produce its own nuclear fuel to run these plants. We should not be at the mercy of some superpower deciding whether or not we can have our quota of fuel to run these plants and produce electricity. Iran is a sovereign country and needs to be able to decide independently much nuclear energy she wishes to produce, in as many power plants as she wishes to build