می گویند مردها در ایران فقط برای سکس زن صیغه می کنند. نمی دانند بعضی زن ها هم همینطور.
برای کاری طولانی در ایران بودم و یک سال در منزل پدرم زندگی می کردم.. از سکس، آن هم در اطاق بغلی پدرم خبری نبود. چند ماهی دچار خشکسالی وحشتناکی بودم که فقط با خود ارضایی های وقت و بیوقت و بی صدا آرام میشد.
وقتی شبی با مردی آشنا شدم که به شدت برایم جذاب بود، تا صبح کلافه بودم و خوابم نمی برد. وقتی بار دوم در منزل همان دوست دوباره دیدمش و ازش بیشتر خوشم آمد، لابلای حرفها معلوم شد که در حال طلاق از همسرش است. شب خوبی بود، سرهامان گرم شده بود و کمی علف هم کشیدیم. در گوشه ای از اتاق صاحبخانه پیش هم نشسته بودیم. سرش را آورد دم گوشم و گفت: امشب چه خوشگل شدی. برای من تعریف یک مرد غریبه از زیباییم که ممکن است راست باشد و ممکن است دروغ، هرگز راضی کننده نیست. اگر کسی که دوستش بدارم به من بگوید امشب چه خوشگل شدی، چرا، اما نه یک غریبه که بار دومش بود مرا می دید. اما پیغام او جای دیگری در ذهن و در وسط بدنم ثبت شد. او مرا می خواهد. او به من کشش جنسی دارد. همانطور که پیش هم نشسته بودیم، در حالی که رانهایمان به هم مماس بود، با آرنجش پستانم را لمس کرد. مثل این بود که جای کلمه هایش روی گوشم می سوخت و از ران و پستانم موج های تمنا بلند میشد. وقتی آهسته دست چپش را به پایم که از دامن کوتاهم بیرون بود کشید، دلم می خواست تمام آن آدم ها غیب می شدند و من می بوسیدمش و دستم را توی شلوارش می کردم و با او از نزدیک آشنا می شدم! اما نمی شد.
باری تمام شب با هم لاس زدیم و وقتی از جایم بلند شدم، می دانستم که شورتم خیس خیس است. از صاحبخانه خواستم برای من یک تاکسی صدا بزند که غریبه پیشنهاد کرد مرا برساند. قبول کردم. وقتی سوار اتوموبیلش شدیم دولا شد و مرا بوسید. من هم پاسخ دادم. وقتی دستش را از لای روپوش اسلامی ام برد تو و دستش را دور پستانم گرد کرد، نفسم بند آمده بود و طاقتم طاق شده بود، من هم دستم را به زیپ شلوارش بردم و آلتش را در دستم گرفتم. در تاریکی کوچه’ بن بست شمال تهران و در سرمای دیماه، پنجره های ماشین از نفس های ما سراسر با بخار پوشیده شد. پرسید کجا زندگی می کنی؟ گفتم در آپارتمان پدرم در امانیه. گفت پدرت خونه است؟ گفتم بله. تو کجا زندگی می کنی؟ گفت تو خونه’ پسر عموم. نمیتونم تو رو اونجا ببرم. گفتم میتونیم بریم هتل؟ خندید و گفت خل شدی؟ تو جمهوری اسلامی غیر محرم ها نمیتونن برن هتل. در تمام این گفتگو دستها و لبهای ما از هم جدا نمیشد. سرشو دولا کرد، دکمه های روپوشمو باز کرد، یکی از پستونامو از توی کرست و لباسم بیرون آورد و شروع کرد به بوسیدن و مکیدنش. ای بابا، این که جنون محض بود! اگه یکی از اون مهمونها میامد بیرون...یا اگه یکهو پلیسی پاسداری می رسید چه؟ بهش گفتم باورم نمیشه مثل بچه ها توی یک ماشین گیر افتادیم! جایی رو بلدی که بتونیم بریم و بدون مزاحم توی ماشین کارمونو بکنیم؟ ماشینو روشن کرد و راه افتادیم. توی یکی از کوچه پس کوچه های فرشته ایستاد. خلوت بود اما بعد از چند دقیقه یک انوموبیل از بغل ما گذشت. بهش گفتم ببین من می ترسم گیر بیفتیم. پدرم پیره و نمیتونه بیاد منو در بیاره. بیا قرار بذاریم فردا همدیگه رو ببینیم. تا اون موقع یک فکری راجع به جا می کنیم. وقتی منو پیاده کرد هنوز داشتیم همدیگه رو می بوسیدیم. شب به سختی گذشت.
فردایش، ساعت دوازده ظهر دیدمش. شناسنامه و طلاق نامه ام رو آورده بودم.. او هم شناسنامه اش را آورده بود. رفتیم پیش حاج آقا منصوری در دفتر ازدواج و طلاقی در قلهک. حاج آقا گفت باید مدت و مبلغ در ازا’ صیغه را به او بگوییم تا بتواند خطبه را بخواند و به ما "کاغذ" بدهد. من گفتم در ازا’ نمیخواهم. حاج آقا گفت نمیشود. من صیغه اش شدم. به مدت یک هفته و در ازا’ هزار تومان. حاجی آقا اصرار می کرد که صیغه برای حداقل یک ماه در ازا’ حد اقل یک سکه’ طلا باشد، اما من گفتم یک هفته و هزار تومان زیاد هم هست! نمیدانم فکر و خیال کردم یا اینکه آخونده صورتش کمی سرخ شد. از دفتر حاج آقا منصوری که در آمدیم، یکراست رفتیم هتل گچسر در جاده’ چالوس. یک اتاق گرفتیم و از ساعت چهار، پنج بعداز ظهر آن روز تا ساعت دوازده ظهر دو روز بعد، توی اون اتاق با هم هماغوشی کردیم. خسته نمی شدیم. تمام نمیشدیم. می خوابیدیم و بیدار می شدیم و مثل اینکه تازه به هم رسیده ایم، دوباره مشغول می شدیم. گفت شیش ماه بود سکس نداشتم. خنده ام گرفته بود. "شیش ماه بود سکس نداشتم" هم چیزی همان حول و حوش "امشب چه خوشگل شدی" از آن حرفهاست که صحت و سقمش نه مهم است و نه برای من جالب. اینها حرفهای کسانی است که دنبال ادامه’ رابطه هستند. اینها دروغ و راست هایی هستند که مردها برای این که با زنها بخوابند به آنها می گویند و بعضی زنها هم تشنه’ شنیدنشان هستند. زنها هم به مردها خیلی دروغ می گویند. این حرفها به درد خودشان می خورد و بس. از هم که جدا شدیم می خواست باز هم مرا ببیند. گفتم باهات تماس می گیرم. هیچ خیالی نداشتم که دیگر او را ببینم.
Recently by Parinaz Samii | Comments | Date |
تلفن زدم | 21 | Oct 26, 2009 |
معاشرت کردم | 42 | May 01, 2009 |
مذاکرات سکس | 26 | Mar 22, 2009 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
zane khoobe farmanbare
by sandbad (not verified) on Mon Feb 02, 2009 06:36 AM PSTzane khoobe farmanbare parsa-
konad marde darvish ra padshah
and now :
-zane por rooye zaban desrazo bihaya-
konad marde sevatmand ra binava
صیغه شدم از دفتر حاج آقا منصوری که در آمدیم، یکراست رفتیم هتل گ
Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified)Mon Feb 02, 2009 05:49 AM PST
I have just a question: did you tow had to present any health-certificate to Agha? AIDS and Syphilis? Please answer. Greeting
پریناز خانم
دکتر حمید مهدوی، دکتر زنان (not verified)Mon Feb 02, 2009 03:07 AM PST
من هفته پیش، مقاله تانرا در مورد 'رویا خیس' خواندم، و اگر خاطرتان باشد، خیلی تشویقتان کردم که این باز بودن خودتان را در این موارد ادامه بدهید. امروز هم، از مقالتان لذ ت بردم. ولی اگر اجازه می دید، یکی دو مورد در این مسایل را باهاتون در میون بگذارم. همانطور که قبلا خدمتون عرض کردم، همه جور تجربه سکسی، در چارچوب درست، سالم و مفید می باشد. ولی همین تجربه های سکسی، در چارچوبه بی اساس، عوض نتایج مثبت، درست اثر منفی خواهد داشت. راستش را بخواهید، هیچ منظور قضاوت در مود درست یا غلط بودن کارشما را ندارم. از نوشته های شما، کاملا واضح هست، که شما ادمی باهوش، وقادر به بیان و ابراز نیاز ها و احساسات خود هستید. ولی اجازه بدهیدکه بگویم، که سکس فقط به خاطر سکس، ان هم در این طور شرایط ، خیلی راحت میتواند که ارزش شما را از شخصی بسیار قابل و بااحترام، کاملا پایین بیاورد. من بیش از این چیزی ندارم که بگویم. امیدوارم که هنر و استعدادی را که دارید در جوانبی صرف کنید که اثر مثبت روتون داشته، بدون هیچ اثر منفی. موفق باشید - مهدوی
by Adam_hessabi (not verified) on Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:26 AM PSTWhy do you think that nowadays Iranian men just refuse to marry them? Who wants to marry a girl who sleeps with random guys she meets at parties? Or someone who writes this sort of garbage in public forums?
by PersianGirl (not verified) on Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:22 AM PSTThank God, Anonymousppp!!!Phew! :-)
if persian girls are like
by Anonymousppp (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:01 PM PSTif persian girls are like this, then i will never marry one.
Baba jane man, people go through sigheh so
by Anonymousmoi (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:04 PM PSTthey don't have to deal with pasdar. You do whatever you have to do; like this, George Carlin explains it well:
Tond naro
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Feb 01, 2009 09:44 PM PSTAzad99, did you read what I said? I said "possibly feeling like a prostitute". The author already mentions that she insisted on 1000 tomans for a week (instead of the gold coin). Obviously she didn't do it for money and didn't want to feel like a prostitute. I just wanted her to elaborate.
To "Mrs"
by Azad99 (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 09:33 PM PSTIt is amazing that someone like you, who openly writes about enjoying porn, who engages in sex discussions in public forums and even criticizes the author for not using the "K" word, suddenly becomes so judgmental when it comes to "sigheh".
What's the problem with two adults having sex through sigheh? So according to you, there is no problem with adults having one-night-stands with strangers or having orgies in front of the camera, but they shouldn't have sex through "sigheh" even if it's part of their religious beliefs or gives them protection by the law?!
Same question holds for you Jahanshah.
Why would you think that a woman might feel "humiliated" or feel like a "prostitute" because of "sigheh"? Again, why so many prejudgment when it comes to sigheh, while you are so tolerant of any other kind of sexual activity between consenting adults?
by deev on Sun Feb 01, 2009 08:22 PM PSTرو راستی و جرات شما قابل تحسین است
Writing in a hurry
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Feb 01, 2009 08:18 PM PSTMrs, you say this story makes no sense. Are you saying it's fiction? What if it is? There are holes in every story, real or unreal. In the heat of passion, people do lots of crazy things, even sex in the car by a police station in Tehran. So Fereshteh keh sahleh... no one thinks straight when they're at it.
And who cares if the author is a liberated woman or not? The important thing is that she chose to do it and write about it. If that makes her somehow less than liberated, whatever that means, so be it. She's human and that's all that matters.
As for using the word "aalat" instead of "keer", again, not relevant. Using the latter would not improve on this story. Why you think that it's now "G" rated I don't understand. Are you saying you would read it to your children? Come on...
If I have to be critical of this piece I'd have to say that it seems like it was written in 15 minutes or less. It's hurried. It's really more fitting as a blog.
If the author is going to go public with such an intimate and controversial episode in her life -- something that we would never read anywhere in Persian -- then at least take your time and give us more detail.
I'm not talking about sexual details, but tell us more about the man: why want him so much for one day and one day only? There's nothing wrong with a one-day or night stand, but tell us what you felt after the fact. We need an explanation beyond "I had no intention to see him again." So the ending is unsatisfying.
Also, I wanted to know more about the legal process of sigheh. Giving more detail would have made us understand the emotions going through the mind, including humiliation -- possibly feeling like a prostitute when money gets involved. The author didn't even mention that sigheh was discussed before they went to the marriage office. Who brought it up? What was the conversation?
And lastly, would she do sigheh again with another person? Was it too dehumanizing or does she feel it's just a safe, legal way to have sex in Iran?
در دیگ بازه حیای گربه کجا رفته؟
شهوت الملوک وزیری (not verified)Sun Feb 01, 2009 07:47 PM PST
آخه ننه جون حالا این آقای جاوید اجازه دادن شما یکی دوبار الفاظ رکیک بکار ببری این دلیل نمیشه که شما بری کله پاچه فروشی واز کنی و از سیر تا پیاز اندام بدنت رو بندازی توی سفره، وا؟
شما ماشالله سنی ازت گذشته و موقع دعا و روزگیریته و اندوخته آخرت. دیگه آدم تو 58 سالگی که از خاطرات تر و نیمه مرطوبش که نمنویسه. شما ماشالله دیگه نوه دار شدی و اونا روشما حساب میکنن.
کثیفترین قسمتش اونجاش بود که مردک موقع رفتن میگه شیش ماه بود سکس نداشتم! آخه آدم با چنین مردی بیرون میره؟
To Anonymous
by Anonymous747 (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 07:39 PM PST"with women's particular anatomy, they can contract more diseases easier than men"??? Are you for real?
Your baseless statement is another feeble attempt at limiting women's sexuality! Try something else :-)
This story makes no sense.
by TheMrs on Sun Feb 01, 2009 07:29 PM PSTHey, I'm all for liberated people having adult conversations but this story has so many holes in it, I just can't buy it. And let's face it, this stuff is only provocative if there's a hint of truth to it.
First of all, no disrespect to anyone but there's no freaking way anyone can make out any where around Fereshteh without being caught. I don't care what time it is or what the weather looks like outside. Those people are all staring out windows with 4 eyes. 24, 7.
Second of all, "liberated" women, would never sigheh. No emancipated woman would fulfill sexual desire through sigheh. Even if a legal requirement makes it safer to fool around, I just cannot see this happening in real life. And frankly, trying to turn sigheh into some erotic fantasy is lame.
Now, this same author had no problem naming her private parts using the k word and now she says "alaat" ? This story is written in the same style as the prvious story. Why are we going from K** to alaat, hamaghooshi and sineh? keshehsheh jensi darad chieh dige? Why so bookish? You said k** last time, why are you talking like you're in the doctor's office this time? all of a sudden the language is g rated? It's a bit inconsistent.
So, as a story, I think it would be more enjoyable if all the peices fit and it doesn't sound so fabricated. Just tell the story without wanting to shock and without lying so much that you don't know where you started. Just keep it simple.
But I would like to see more of these peices that have the female perspective. Although it doesn't sound like a woman wrote this.
liberating for women , but risky & unhealthy
by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 07:00 PM PSTI know there are lots of women like that, from all walks of life, from northern Tehran to villages of Varamin. I have seen this behavior in Chadori women, and fashion concious women alike. Poor or rich, educated or not, religious or not, it can happen and does happen. Men can be just an object for some women for sexual gratification, to be discarded at whim. I personally don't like this behvaior for various reasons. Most importanly, and in this day and age, one needs to fear STDs, even with the condom use, anything can happen, and with women's particular anatomy, they can contract more diseases easier than men.
Arash 78, rah baz jadeh deraz
by Anonymousmoi (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 06:01 PM PSTYou don't like it too bad, I for one love to see more stories like this on Iranian.com. Please move to Saudi Arabia; your heaven of morality and virtue is waiting for you, go.
This is not just an
by Arash78 (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 05:43 PM PSTThis is not just an "individual" expression of sexuality but an attempt, by the author (and publisher) of this piece, to promote this kind of approach towards sexuality in the Iranian society. So, it is perfectly legitimate to criticize it.
The message in this piece is; "It is my body, my desires, my pleasure and as a woman I can have sex with whoever I want and wherever I want. And I don't need to be in a relationship or have any emotions for my partner(s), in order to have sex."
It is perfectly legitimate to criticize this message from a moral, social and cultural point of view.
If THIS is the end product of our collective struggle for "freedom", then screw it. As a young Iranian man, I give up on this freedom. Nor do I want to be part of a society that makes such use of it.
erotic and brave
by Anonymous on Sun Feb 01, 2009 03:36 PM PSTLove your story. Like the fact that your protagonist don't cater to anyone but her own desire.
My mother recently visited me in the US and brought for me so much of the Iranian sexual culture that I had successfully managed to forget.
The sad games or power/manipulation and the pretense around dominant/ subordinate roles seem to be still alive and well within the sexual construct of Iran. I love the self-serving character of your protagonist. She is bold, brave, lustful and honest.
Please keep writing. Your voice is much needed to be heard.
P.S. Like the minimalism of your story too. For people objecting to your story, they need to learn about freedom and that a character within a story should not, and would not represent an entire country. While their objections are laughable, their voice present a desire for censorship.
One the most honest voices
by willow (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 02:28 PM PSTOne the most honest voices in our community. We need more raw honesty like hers with ourseleves and with each other to grow as human being and as a society
Thank you and please respond to JJ's inquiries. Inquiring minds want to know.:>)
Sigheh and Tell
by Nazy Kaviani on Sun Feb 01, 2009 02:15 PM PSTIf you read the hundreds of blogs and articles on this site which talk about personal stories, you will see that though there might be similarities, each story and each voice is unique to the person who is telling the story.
There is no need for generalization of "all Iranian women." I think the author has shared a personal experience, representative of not all Iranian women, but some. She even acknowledges that herself in her opening words. She is talking about things which many people do and never say. Her encounter is no different than two strangers meeting each other anywhere else in the world and going on to have sex. What about it is outraging people? That she is a woman? That she is an Iranian woman? That Sigheh, the same Islamic allowance which is supposed to liberate men and limit women is used by a woman to liberating results of a sexual kind? That she talks about it? Well, O.K. Suppose she wouldn't write about it and Jahanshah wouldn't publish it. Does what bothers you go away? It's still there, you know, but you just won't read about it.
I read courage and dark humor in this writing. I am glad she is telling her stories. Let her.
Ok, I got it; all Iranian
by Arash78 (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 01:12 PM PSTOk, I got it; all Iranian women want is sex (because they are so "liberated" right?). So we shouldn't worry about complimenting them or trying to know them better or treating them as ladies. All we need to do is to sit beside one of them at a party, start rubbing her breasts with the elbow and groping her thighs, and we will have her in the car a few minutes later.
It is so good to see how fast we are moving towards "liberal democracy". Thank you Jahanshah and Parinaz, you are true pioneers. A few more years of this liberation
and we can just hump each other on the street.
This is why
by Nonbiased (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:18 AM PSTThis is called freedom of speech.Try to get familiar with the term. Its one of the basic freedoms that will protect us from dictators. If you don't like something it does not mean nobody can like it. You are not the speaker for Iranians or "Farsi speaking people" and please define "True Iranian".
This way of thinking is exactly what let dictatorship grow.One person thinks he/she knows it all and others have to just follow.
Private affairs
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:16 AM PSTWritings about intimate moments are rare and precisely for that reason they have tremendous value. I wish you had written more about why he attracted you and why you did not want to see him again.
Thank you for sharing.
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:10 AM PSTWhy should all "IRANIAN"s and all farsi speaking poeple who may have clicked on "IRANIAN" be informed about all these post orgasm contractions? WHAT true Iranians do not like is just to propagate one`s private affaires in the public. writting sex stories and porn are against the human rights. this kind of punlications are good for commerce but they intervene in the most private feelings of other poeple and damage their right to plan their sexlife on their own. The essence of the article is: The citizens in the Islamic Republic of Iran can plan and carry out their lives PRIVATELY and it is not allowed to bother others in the public with private matters. Some may think thanks God nothing is sakered in "IRANIAN". But the thought is not a sign of sexual Potencial but just the sign of opposit. Greeting