تا به حال از خودتان پرسيدهايد که علت رخ دادن اين همه فجايع، نسلکشيها و جنگها چيست؟ مگر ممکن است که اين فجايع بدون همکاري ميليونها نفر از مردم يک جامعه به وقوع بيپوندند؟
Satire about entering the dead into universities in Iran. Not suitable for some people.
Khaastegaari: A video song by ABJEEZ
A beautiful and touching short clip about the father and son relationship, and a sparrow.
Fred Haliday's priase for the Islamic revolution
Nazanin Afshin-Jam was invited by Soleyes founder Miss Earth Switzeraland 2008 Nasanin Nuri who has a personal connection to the issue. Nazanin Nuri also expressed her support of the Stop Child Executions.
They may have once been the outsiders but once in, they rule the roost in Bollywood.
Adbusters recently had a call for designs for a flag to represent the entire world. They've narrowed the 1,000+ submissions down to 32
and now they're asking the public to vote for the best one
stimulus money payouts by state.
If Iran should experience once a democratic revolution on the street, it was already anticipated in the net
The Iranians belong to the most busy users of the Internet worldwide. Seven million people surf regularly, there are about 80,000 private Internet sites. Only in Teheran there exist 5.000 Internet cafés. "Today the Iranian Internet diaries make Farsi to the fourth-most frequent language, in which the sites are written", writes Nasrin Alavi, author of "We are Iran". Her book shows a picture which isn't similar to the official Iran. In the net there are no taboos. One writes about everything what is hidden, otherwise, in the Iranian republic with pleasure. The Blogger discuss drugs and sex, about the Mullahs and their power avarice, about war, torture and prison, about religion and the custom guards