A Bomb for Everybody

Acquiring the nuclear bomb would actually be good for the whole world

26-Feb-2009 (11 comments)
They’re in the news often enough, but Iran’s relationship with the world hasn’t actually changed for nearly a decade. The sticking point is the nuclear bomb and no progression or regression is possible in Iran’s relations with the world until a genuine conclusion is reached. It’s hard to read the scorecard, but if the Iranian government’s desire was to win time they have won admirably. A conclusion will arrive in one of three options: Iran will get the bomb, Iran will be bombed for trying to get the bomb or Iran will renounce the bomb. The best result for everyone, perhaps surprisingly, is for Iran to hurry up and get the bomb. The sooner they do, the sooner Iran can begin to believe what much of the world already knows: Iran has become a major power>>>


Think big

On Iran, begin with the end in mind

26-Feb-2009 (17 comments)
Only 15 minutes into his term as president, Barack Obama did what his predecessor had refused to do for eight years. He reached out to Iran. By calling for a new approach to the Muslim world based on "mutual respect," Obama signaled Tehran that a new dawn in U.S.-Iran relations may be in reach. His outreach was stronger and swifter than many had expected. It was a wise move, but there should be little surprise that Tehran has yet to fully respond. It won't. While small steps like these are necessary to set the stage for diplomacy with Iran, they will not break the gridlock between the two countries. To get the Iranians to respond, Obama must start with the end in mind>>>

Saali Keh Nekoost...


What Gulf?

Huffington Post / Hooman Majd
recommended by IRANdokht
26-Feb-2009 (8 comments)
Darius Kadivar
26-Feb-2009 (2 comments)
Muzaffar al-din Shah in His Younger Days dressed in European Hussar Uniform. >>>


بزرگترین توهین

استفاده مزورانه از كشتگان جنگ

26-Feb-2009 (9 comments)
بهره‌برداری رژیم جمهوری اسلامی از كشتگان‌ جنگ خانمانسوز ایران و عراق پس از گذشت دو دهه دراز از پایان این جنگ هم‌چنان ادامه دارد. در آخرین نمایش از این نوع، اجساد چند نفر از این كشتگان به دانشگاه امیركبیر تهران كشانده شدند تا در برابر اعتراض شدید و گسترده دانشجویان این دانشگاه در آن جا به خاك سپرده شود. عوامل رژیم كه در عزم خود بر تبدیل دانشگاه به گورستان مصمم بودند با وسایل ضربتی مختلف به جان دانشجویان معترض افتادند و عده زیادی از آنان را مضروب و مجروح كردند. ده‌ها نفر از دانشجویان نی‍ز دستگیر شدند و به زندان افتادند. شاید برای شكستن حرمت قربانیان جنگ اقدامی بهتر از این نمی‌شد انجام داد. >>>
Darius Kadivar
26-Feb-2009 (8 comments)

Princess Irandokht Kadjar (Qajar), daughter of Soltan Ahmad Shah Qajar and Princess Badr-ol-Molouk Vala (daughter of Mahmoud Mirza Vala). (circa 1930's/40's)



به سوی راک فارسی

نقدی بر آلبوم های «اِلاه» و «این برف» از گروه راک «حک»

گروه راک «حک» یکی از گروه های فعال در شکل گیری موج موسیقی راک ایران در یک دهه اَخیر بوده است. این گروه مانند بیشتر گروه های راک در ایران یک پروژۀ موسیقی یک نفره می باشد که با همیاری و همکاری موسیقی پردازان متعددی از جمله؛ نوازندگان گروه راک «سرخس» و شهرام شعرباف رهبر گروه راک «اوهام» و نوازندگان و موسیقیدانان حرفه ای مانند؛ رضا اَبائی، کسرا ابراهیمی، اِحسان خواجه مولائی، مونا نامور، علی جبرئیلی به رهبری «مانی صفیخانی» تاکنون به پیش رفته است. پروژۀ حک در سال 2001 میلادی آغاز به فعالیت کرده و تا به امروز 4 آلبوم در سبک های آلترناتیو، فیوژن-راک و پروگرسیو-راک انتشار داده است.>>>

The young and the restless


Technology raises questions on young Arab relationships

[Persian] Gulfnews / Habib Toumi
recommended by Ostaad
26-Feb-2009 (one comment)


26-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
was still years before
Kennedy's demise.
It was the year of Cuba,
of space and of Russia.
The Caspian Tiger
became extinct in Iran.
For the first time, in Congo,
AIDS killed a man. >>>

So much for that vaunted defense system

Mehdi Mazloom

New Israel killer drone can take out Iran's S-300 anti-air missile

recommended by Mehdi Mazloom
26-Feb-2009 (27 comments)
26-Feb-2009 (61 comments)
At a decisive time in US forgein policy, the confisation and auction of some of the most symbolic articacts of Persian civilation could prove to be a major factor in Iran-US relations.>>>
26-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
The Secret Document and its agenda.>>>
I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
26-Feb-2009 (6 comments)
prince and the pauper>>>

Help Promote Iran studies

Maryam Hojjat

Support Professor Talattof to promote Iranian Studies

Kaveh Farrokh.Com / Kaveh Farrokh
recommended by Maryam Hojjat
26-Feb-2009 (2 comments)
Darius Kadivar
26-Feb-2009 (one comment)
Marlon Brando and Vivien Leigh in the Classic Elia Kazan film dubbed in Farsi. Based on a Play by Tennessee Williams. >>>