An open letter to Ayatollah Khamenei
In your carefully chosen words, there is no sign of weakness. You were present in 1978, when the Shah gave that awkward speech and you know how it works. Give "them" a finger and "they" will ask for your whole arm. After all, then, you were one of "them". Now you are at his place. You are the shakhs e avval e mamlekat. And you are not going to repeat his mistake. No revolution is going on here. Just a number of loyal people having some difficulty with arithmetic and with admitting their defeat! You refused to give a fingernail! Nothing! Hichee! Rien! Nada de nada! Any sacrifice would only sharpen the appetite of the beast. There is no way for those future schoolchildren to mix you up with Mohammad Reza Shah, that wimp. You got guts
I could tell in advance this one will change things in profound ways
I was thinking it is funny how distant events have touched my life. I remember watching khomeini's take over of Iran on TV while eating my dinner at college cafeteria somewhere in Midwest. Was still a teen and too inexperienced to understand how profoundly this bearded beast will impact my life. I recall thinking that he looked strange and not like anything or anyone I could relate to. Mullah's were supposed to be for Aghd and death and stuff like that. After that I was too busy working and studying to know what was taking shape in Iran in any real sense. Tony dislocated my right shoulder with a nasty twist during the afternoon wrestling warm up before I had to go to my 6 pm class and during break a classmate asked me about hostages which is how I found out about the take over of the embassy
اعتصاب چنانچه فراگير شود مي تواند ماشين سرکوب را بسرعت فلج سازد
در شرايط کنوني طرح اين سئوال از آنرو حياتي تر شده که بنابه گزارشاتي که از داخل کشور مي رسد، بيش از پانصد تن از نخبگان فکري و روزنامه نگاران، و عدهً زيادي از جوانان و دانشجويان معترض در داخل کشور بطور بي سابقه اي دستگير شده اند و مردم عادي، گروههاي مرجع اجتماعي، و گروههاي سياسي بيش از هرزماني با اين مسئله مواجه اند که واقعاً چه بايد کرد؟ اين نوشته تلاشي است براي يافتن پاسخي درخور به اين سئوال حياتي. براي شناخت شرايط کنوني لازم است نخست به اهمّ رويدادهاي چند روز اخير نظري اجمالي بيافکنيم: اول، خامنه اي بعنوان ولي فقيه مطلقهً نظام، در دعواي بين دولت و ملت، جانب دولت را گرفت. او با اين کارش، ماهيت دروني خود را بارزساخت، پرده از رخ کشيد و برخلاف خميني که مي گفت من به کمک ملت توي دهن اين دولت ميزنم، به حمايت از دولت انتصابيش شتافت تا به خيال خام خود به دهان معترضيني، که اکثريت ملت ايران را شامل مي شوند، بکوبد.
مرگ و فنا بر حکومت و حاکم انحصارطلب و مستبد
by Masoud Dehnamaki
بنده مسعود ده نمکی در پیشگاه ملت سوگند یاد میکنم که حامی مظلومان و دلسوختگان ایران زمین باشم و از عملکرد تیره و نابخردانه خویش در گذشته و همکاری و عضویت ام در گروه انصار حزب الله و فشار اعلام برائت و پشیمانی مینمایم و رفتار دیکتاتوری حاکمان امروز ایران را که با زبان دین و ائمه اطهار اقدام به دروغپردازی مینمایند و کاخهای قارونی از جواهر برای خاندان خویش میسازند را محکوم مینمایم. نفرین ابدی خداوند بر نظام توتالیتر و ماکیاولیستی حاکمی که امروز در ایران به شکل انفرادی خویش را ولی نعمت همگان میداند و خود را بر تارک ولی امر مسلمین جهان نهاده است. سربازان گمنام واقعی امام زمان را در شرایط کنونی به اجرای عدل و همدلی با مردم دعوت مینمایم و از آنان تجدیدنظر در ایدئولوژی شخصی و همسو با مصلحت واقعی مردم ایران را خواهانم.
I am, like most of you
holding my breath, hopeful
that enough might be
just for once enough.
But I was born scared
of bullets, of blood, spilling for
an unsatisfactory state.
I always said: no, wait.
In Memory of All Those Who Bear Witness
To the gathering-places of thieves
—I stand witness—
To the guns and the chains
To the clubs and the blades
—I stand witness—
To the false, real bitterness of those tears
Clad in the matt, choking metal of a canister
Her name was Neda, she was only 16
She was a young girl who got caught in between
A bullet and her flesh and some place serene
And now Iran will never be as it’s been
Her name was Neda and she wanted to show
That fear of death wouldn’t keep her below
And now all of you will come to know
How far Iran’s people are willing to go
Thank you my Neda, my voice, thank you for your Blessings
I too saw Neda, the brave Iranian young woman who went out on street to show her face and protest and yes I too saw hor brutally and savagely slaughtered by a sniper right in her heart to be taken away from the midst of all that is happening across Iran but more importantly from the friendly warm and secure arms of her father and the rest of her family, along with all the other Fallen Angels. I look at her, see her eyes wide open, looking to the sky, not knowing or even realizing what was happening to her, I feel her eyes, I feel and hear her thoughts, her last silent scream for help and for hope to live. I hear her voice, I see her eyes, see her blood and am hurt, deeply, deeper than ever I could 've imagined, in my heart, in my trust, in my beliefs and in my dreams and in my future and in that of all of us
Remember, you, as an Iranian are in charge of your own future
Those who care to know about your objection to the 22 Khordad 1388/12 June 2009 presidential election results outside of Iran are well aware of the situation. They also know the response that you have received since it is well reported by all media outlets and video clips you post on-line. As an Iranian-born, child of the revolution, historian, teacher, and defender of freedom I ask you to look only within yourselves to help find the necessary remedies to solve your issue... Neither I nor any other person, irrespective of their genuine desire, can ask foreign powers to meddle into your affairs at this very sensitive time in history. Power to the People and Remember the Past!
Most likely, a heavy hand is just around the corner, trying on some spiked gloves
The people may have taken to the streets under the excuse of the elections, and may have been encouraged by the rhetoric of the 'reformist' camp in favor of some breathing room in the suffocating political and cultural atmosphere imposed on them, but they have forced the debate further. They are openly, and in millions across the country, questioning the legitimacy of the establishment, represented at the moment by Ahmadinejad. The people, in short, have moved beyond Mousavi and the reformists, but are still willing to go along with the tactics formulated by reformist leaders; for the moment
افشاگری هویت و اهداف اصلاح طلبان وظیفه تمامی فعالان سیاسی میهن است
گویند در آن لحظه که پیکر بیگناهی بر خاک می افتد، از قطره قطره خون سرخش فریاد حق برمیخیزد. گویند از چکه چکه اشک مادران سوگوار، آه فرشتگان شنیده میشود. گویند زمین و زمان زوزۀ عدل سر میدهند. گویند لاله ای در صحرا می دمد. گویند شیون شهروندی تخت ستم را میلرزاند. گویند زمزمه ها به هیولای ازل می انجامد. گویند ملتی بپاه میخیزد. ایران من بار دیگر صحنۀ آشوب است. مام میهن از نو شاهد قیام فرزندان وطن است و دگر بار آشفتۀ سرانجام دلیران بی نام و مضطرب گمشدگان تاریخ معاصر است. ایران زمین طالب حقوق بشر است. پیروان خط امام از کردار زشت دیروزها، از قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی، از چپاول ثروت ملی، از تاخت و تاز سی ساله اشان گریخته اند و با گفتار نیک خویش، اصلاح طلبان امروزه گشته اند. سیدان سبز گستر حامیان ستمدیدگان شده اند. ادعای رهبری نهضت نو را دارند. امید لقمه نانی، پایان بی کاری، و تشنگی عدالت اجتماعی را دامن میزنند
I hope that their blood will make every one of us more committed to freedom, democracy and human rights
by Alireza Abiz
What I saw today was the most elegant scene I had ever witnessed in my life. The huge number of people were marching hand in hand in full peace. Silence. Silence was everywhere. There was no slogan. No violence. Hands were up in victory sign with green ribbons. People carried placards which read: Silence. Old and young, man and woman of all social groups were marching cheerfully. This was a magnificent show of solidarity. Enghelab Street which is the widest avenue in Tehran was full of people. I was told that the march has begun in Ferdowsi Sq. and the end of the march was now in Imam Hossein Sq. to the further east of Tehran while on the other end people had already gathered in Azadi Sq. The length of this street is about 6 kilometers. The estimate is about 2 million people
This current upheaval is in essence more about who - the capitalist class or the workers
The warnings of Iran’s Supreme leader showed that the plans of the current social crisis, executed now by Mir Hossein Mousavi and other players such as U.S.-inspired loosely-knit networks of “Iran experts” in lock-step with the lieutenants of U.S. and British corporate media, and battalions of foot soldiers - monarchists, Mojahedin-Khalq terrorists and disenchanted pro-western Iranians - were conceived long before the recent presidential election. The election of June 12, 2009 provided these well-financed and well-equipped strata with unprecedented opportunities to carry out the first stages of their “velvet revolution”. The crisis has de-stabilized the Islamic Republic of Iran by splitting the nation along class lines
Football became an instrument of promoting the desire to be free
My brain ordered my heart to keep politics and sports separate from each other as I was witnessing events so amazing from people so courageous. Football, is a passion, is love, is a way of life and has been my source of refuge in good days and bad nights. I will not mix the two I assured myself. In front of the world view, hidden behind the clicks of our mouse keys and behind the text messages of Tweeter, pages of FaceBook and videos of YouTube and iReporter, the “story” of a nation is being told. Every day as I let my pen run loose on paper and tell the stories of world cup qualifying matches, I wonder how the team melli players feel in their training camps. Wonder no more…