Letter to Stephen Kinzer on Ali Reza Pahlavi's suicide
Dear Mr. Kinzer, I was sorry to read your article -- “Prince Ali Reza Pahlavi Suicide: Tragic End to Iran's Dynasty” -- regarding the suicide of Prince Ali Reza Pahlavi. Despite what the political discourse on every side would have us believe about the nefarious influence of the media in our everyday life, there are responsible journalists who take their work of informing the public seriously, who review facts carefully, and finally express opinions reasonably. Then, there are the others
خیال محال توسعه اقتصادی در سایه استبداد سیاسی
چندی پیش آلبوم "عشق سرعت" گروه کیوسک -- به یمن اینترنت – آوازه جهانی یافت. ترجیع بند یکی از آهنگ های این آلبوم که که بخشی از آنرا برای تیتر این مقاله وام گرفته ام اینست: "غیرت سیب زمینی، توسعه سبک چینی، دموکراسی دینی، پیتزای قورمه سبزی!" تصور می کنم وجه مشترک این توصیفات متضاد و ناجور تجربه زندگی در ایران باشد. یکی از این شعارها "توسه سبک چینی" است که مدتی است زبانزد قشر حاکمه ایران بوده و چند سال پیش هم آقای اسدالله بادامچیان آنرا به میدان نقد و بحث عمومی کشیده در امکان گذار به توسعه اقتصادی بدون دموکراسی از مدل چین نام بردند
Jasmin Darznik's "The Good Daughter"
Darznik's book is an elegant and memorable way that the author has chosen to show her love and devotion to her mother, and also for her country of birth. It is clear that Jasmin Darznik has conducted an impressive amount of research to create a believable image of Iran during the past century, and she is very successful in the depiction of an Iran that many don’t know. This book, I am sure, will be a great success, especially among the non-Iranians, as it creates a believable universe, and as an Iranian reader I feel this urge to clean up my own acts
یک شب به زادگاهم بازخواهم گشت
برای چیدن ستاره ها
از روی بام خانه ام.
پدر می گوید: "نگاه کن، آنجا
هفت برادران را نمی بینی؟"
Can't crippling sanctions coupled with small-scale warfare do the job?
In 2002 Iran was added to the neoconservative-designed ‘Axis of Evil’ and thus declared ripe for US military intervention. The threat of war in the ‘greatest crisis of modern times’ (John Pilger in the
New Statesman, July 12, 2007) was at its height in 2006-2007. With President Obama assuming office in 2009, a great hope for peaceful change emerged. But still, Washington’s mantra of ‘all options are on the table’ looms over the ongoing US-Iran conflict
Alireza Pahlavi and "The King’s Speech"
The tragic death of Alireza Pahlavi happened barely two weeks after the release of The King’s Speech, a popular film about the psychologically tormented younger brother of Britain’s heir to the throne. Watching the film so soon after Alireza’s suicide, I suspect he missed this inspiring work of art that had appeared in time to speak to him. The vivid portrayal of Prince Albert--who later became King George VI through an improbable twist of fate—would have lifted his spirit and occupied his mind with positive thoughts of his burden
I had heard much about the success of Iranian-American men, but knew only few stories regarding women
When I signed up to attend the recent women’s meeting in Irvine, titled Pathways to Success, I thought it best to keep my expectations low. I knew the conference was coordinated by Coastline Community College and Coastline Foundation, whose executive director happens to be an Iranian-American, Ms. Maryam Khosravani. As a member of PAAIA, I also knew that this organization had cosponsored the event. But it was the impressive list of speakers that lured me
یک دفعە متوجە شدم کە دیگر نمیتونم هم نفس هم نفس هم نفس این آدمها باشم
این یعنی بە بە بهشت بهشت بهشتە. در شمرون کار کنی و چند دقیقەایش زندگی کنی. تازە از کارم بگم. کارم معرکە. پر درآمد. بدون درد سر. آنقد داشتم کە با چند تا شریک خوب، خیلی مواقع کیسهای دادگاهیمون رو اصلاً دنبال نمیکردیم، میبخشیدیم. پول خوب، محل زندگی خوب، شریکهای خوب، همە چیز خوب خوب خوب. اصلاً خیال خروج از ایران رو نداشتم
نمایش چند پرده ای بی مقصد - غیر مغرضانه و کاملا بی طرفانه!
فکر کنید جنگ هسته ای شده یا میکربی یا اصلا موجودات فضایی حمله کردن. هیچی از یک کشور نمونده به جز اداره سانسور که به همه چیز کار داره وچند تا از شما ها و من . با همه ابنا با توجه به انقراض نسل انسان ها، بنده فرصتی دیدم که شاید به آرزوم برسم و بتونم نمایشی رو در تماشاخانه قدیمی شهر بر پا کنم. البته باز هم با همه این تفاسیر، به لطف اداره سانسور آبی از گلوی ما به خوشی پایین نمی ره اما
A few painful lessons from the Iranian movement
Is the drama unraveling in Egypt today a sequel to the one that began in Iran in 1979? This is the question of the hour. In article after article, interview after interview, the experts list their reasons why Egypt is following a script of its own. They reassure the audiences by pointing to everything that distinguishes the unfolding uprising from its regional predecessor. But what goes unmentioned is that Iran’s 1979 revolution appears decidedly theocratic only from the vantage point of thirty years
Differing fates of the protest movements in each country
It would be overly optimistic to think that the Egyptian uprising will inspire another mass movement in Iran. As reports have demonstrated, the Iranian government has and will likely continue to portray the events as another example of Islamic ideals clashing with U.S. imperialism. Far from being fearful of renewed protests, the regime in Iran may in fact be delighted with the downfall of Mubarak, a regional rival with which it has had no diplomatic relations for nearly 30 years
An interview with author Jasmin Darznik
As you know, we Iranians are awfully masterful in keeping family secrets. There are just so many taboos, so much worry about saving face or maintaining our
aberoo. We’re not supposed to speak ill or intimately about relatives, even the ones long-since deceased! It’s not a part of our culture that I especially love, but The Good Daughter is a particular kind of memoir, a family memoir, and I could never have written it without my mother. I don’t mean that just in terms of having her blessing, but in terms of the richness of her memories and the generosity with which she shared her life story with me
از اوایل سال 1350 من و همکارانم در سراسر ایران شدیم کارمند رسمی ساواک
الان که خوب به گذشته ها نگاه میکنم، می بینم که بزرگترین شاهکار دوران سلطنت محمد رضا شاه تربیت متفکران و نظریه پردازان مسلمانی است که نظیرشان در جمهوری اسلامی پیدا نخواهند شد. دکتر علی شریعتی (که با بورس دولتی برای تحصیل به پاریس رفت)، دکتر عبدالکریم سروش (دارای تحصیلاتی کاملاً انگلیسی که مهمترین کتابش را تحت عنوان تضاد دیالکتیکی قبل از انقلاب به چاپ رسانید!)، مرتضی مطهری (استاد دانشکده الهیات دانشگاه تهران واز پدران فکری انقلاب اسلامی) سروش و دهها نفر دیگر
به عبث می کوبم
در این خانه که در آن کس نیست
در پس پنجره
تصویر گناه آلود آدمکی میسوزد
که به من مینگرد و صدا میزندم
که برو خانه تهی ست