Who Killed the Sport of Wrestling?

Too many ridiculous rules for scoring, draws, and judgment calls

22-Aug-2008 (8 comments)
You might've seen or heard of Ara Abrahamian, the Armenian born Swedish wrestler who dropped his bronze medal on the mat to protest judging at Olympics wrestling. Most people in the media blamed him for poor sportsmanship. IOC officials took away his medal. What you may not know is that, without a doubt, Abrahamian lost his chance at gold only because of bad calls. Noone disputes that. He had also previously lost the world championship because of bad calls. Can you see why an athlete may feel it is worthless to train and try in this sport? If you watched ANY of the wrestling matches at the Olympics this year, you saw a strange sport that nobody understands>>>


Pulled out of fire

As I walked through the empty building today, that smell brought everything back

One of my architecture professors a the University of Houston is leaving the school and I went by today to pick up a notebook of mine that she had kept. I hadn’t been back in the building for a couple of years - the smell was still there. It’s not a bad smell, it’s not a pleasant smell, it’s just its own smell. Maybe it’s the years of chipboard shavings, or the sawdust of bass wood or the mold spewing from the AC grilles that we affectionately called “vent vomit” - whatever it is, you can’t miss it. It was there the day I went for orientation in the Fall of 2002 - making a u-turn of sorts and going back to school, I found myself in an unfamiliar yet familiar place>>>


46 Signs

Why the U.S. economy is in recession

22-Aug-2008 (15 comments)
If you think that the US economy is not in recession, you are correct. The official definition of recession is at least two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. However, after nearly eight years of resilient downturn, U. S. economy has not experienced any single quarter of negative growth yet. Consequently, the U. S. economy is not officially in recession. But who cares about government definition. Most of us have been feeling the pinch of economic slump in recent years. The late president Aegean once said “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job; a depression is when you lose yours.”>>>


ناصر زرافشان و انتخابات کانون نویسندگان

گونه‌ای از سیاست، گونه‌ای از اخلاق

22-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
مقاله‌ی‌ من در باره انتخابات اخیر کانون نویسندگان، تحت عنوان «سانسور زنان در انتخابات کانون نویسندگان» که در تاریخ ۲۲ تیر ماه ۸۷ منتشر شد ، اظهار نظری بود از سر احساس مسئولیت و ادای دینی نسبت به زنان میهنمان که روزهای سختی را در مبارزه برای کسب حقوق انسانی خود پشت سر می‌گذارند . آن مقاله با واکنش‌هایی، بویژه از سوی تنی چند از منتخبین انتخابات اخیر کانون نویسندگان روبرو شد. پاسخ سه‌گانه‌ «زهرا قلهکی»، آقای ناصر زرافشان و خانم فرخنده حاجی زاده با شکل و محتوای تقریباً یکسان به مقاله من به روشنی اهمیت موضوعی را که روی آن دست گذاشتم می‌رساند. متأسفانه بنا به دلایلی قابل فهم ، نامبردگان کوشیده اند با طرح اتهاماتی واهی، تحریف مقاله و بل گرفتن از اشتباهی که در ذکر نام دو نفر کرده‌ بودم، توجه افکار عمومی را از مسیر اصلی مقاله منحرف کرده و بر اساس داده های جدید ، نتایج دلخواه خویش و صد البته عجیب و غریبی بگیرند. در نوشته حاضر به این موضوع می‌پردازم. >>>


Republic of Money

Republic of Money

Photo essay: Tehran bazaar

by Morteza Zeighami
21-Aug-2008 (19 comments)



Bidding for Biden

Dealing with Iran and the next democratic Vice Presidential candidate

20-Aug-2008 (46 comments)
By the time you read this article, you might have already heard who the actual VP is on the Senator Obama’s ticket. And I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut tonight that there is a good chance that my phone will ring early morning on Wednesday, like two million other phones to say that Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America. As an American with Iranian ethnicity, who like many others has followed the US’s foreign policy toward Iran in the past decades I can say Joe is the best choice. This judgment is not only based on the fact that Senator Biden has foreign policy experience as the chair of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, but also because of his unmatched actions and interest in opening up with Iran>>>


Vahid’s Story

But Happened Difficulties...*

20-Aug-2008 (14 comments)
I pour two cups of tea, and bring out the cookies my sister brought me from Iran. My friend is not himself today. He moves too fast and talks even faster. It’s as though his mind is on fire. He rattles off thoughts and sentiments and questions, barely waiting for me to get a word in edgewise. He says: "You know, everything in this world is upside down and out of order! I love someone and she doesn't care for me. Why can't it be that I love someone who loves me, too? I'm so sick of feeling rejected all the time. I know she doesn't want to be with me, that she doesn't care for me, but I keep pushing forward, trying harder and harder, and feeling more and more unwanted every time>>>


Sharing the pain

Yasmina Khadra's "The Attack"

No matter the questions of the puzzled observer and the clever expert, there are never any proper answers. Forget the possibility of even half-baked ones. The mind of the suicide bomber already blessed for her spiritual martyrdom, is unworkable for a psychological penetration, mute to ramblings and secretive to disclosures. The intimidating icy personality disguised behind its feminine veil, shuns any attempt at recalling the basic laws of compassion and the resurrection bearing any normal perspective of humanity that would have long faded away, by the time the hour of the ghastly act dawns>>>


خودمان را گول نزنیم

باید بین رسانه های تبلیغاتی و رسانه های خبری حرفه ای مرزبندی قائل شد

20-Aug-2008 (7 comments)
شواهد موید این نکته است که صدای آمریکا اصولا برای حرفه ای کار کردن خلق نشده است. منظور دولت آمریکا از راه اندازی این رادیو بیش از آنکه خدمت به فرهنگ رسانه ای و خلق یک کار با کیفیت باشد، استفاده از آن به عنوان یک ابزار پروپگاند بوده و هست. بنابراین اینکه صدای آمریکا نه تنها در فضای رسانه ای فارسی بلکه اصولا در دنیا نتوانسته است اعتبار رسانه ای کسب کند بیش از آنکه از ضعف این رسانه باشد از ماهیت متفاوت این رسانه ناشی می شود. از این نظر می توان صدای آمریکا را با رادیو بی بی سی زمان جنگ جهانی دوم مقایسه کرد...رادیو اروپای آزاد نیز یک رادیو حرفه ای نبوده و نیست. از همین رو نیز باید بین رسانه هایی که صرفا کاربرد تبلیغاتی دارند با رسانه های خبری حرفه ای مرزبندی قائل شد>>>


Diaries & Jallad

A novel: Chapters 6 and 7

"Paris-Geneva." K. was whispering this when his mother woke him up, at first thought that he had slept only an hour or two; the outside was dark and the faint somber noise of a muezzin* from a nearby mosque made him think that she was waking him for the dawn meal, sahari. "Get up son," his mother scolded him, "you have slept all day again. Look at this jungle. Why don't you clean up after yourself once in a while?" K. ignored her, closed his eyes again and defiantly asked her to turn the light off and give him just a few more minutes, absorbed himself in the dreadful noise, wished it sounded differently, like a radio announcer, instead of a reminder that His Majesty is watching>>>


Where were you on Aug 19, 1953?

Recollections of writers, translators, men and women of the pen

19-Aug-2008 (74 comments)
On the occasion of 28 Mordad (Aug 19, 1953), I thought that by translating and summarizing parts of these recollections, some of which are quite fascinating and moving, we might see the past from different perspectives. In many ways, while Iran is being targeted on all fronts, whether right or wrong, the events of Aug 1953 are still with us in the most haunting way. Writers, scholars and people in general, Iranians and Americans alike, continue to be mesmerized with what really took place on those days when a nation’s destiny was changed overnight, trying to analyze these events and to find answers to the many questions they raise. Above all, more than that of any other Iranian political figure of modern times, Mossadegh’s legacy lives on>>>


The Iranian jigsaw puzzle

The US should adopt a strategy that deepens and expands the reform movement

19-Aug-2008 (9 comments)
Although all serious analysts agree that there are a variety of possible options to deal with Iran, they usually accord the primacy of some type of alternative over the others, treating the rest as background. Logically, we need a policy that brings together options that by themselves are insufficient conditions. That is, “X,” “Y,” and “Z” may be necessary conditions but will not be sufficient condition unless they occur simultaneously or in a particular sequence. In dealing with Iran, three options appear to be necessary and sufficient: (1) economic cooperation; (2) diplomacy; and (3) security. The United States must be prepared to take the lead and synthesizes these three options into a smart diplomacy>>>


Big difference

Fundamental differences between Russian and American invaders

19-Aug-2008 (36 comments)
Recent developments in Georgia have confirmed many fears, including that of mine, that Russia's imperialistic intentions are very serious and the democratic world needs no complacency toward such brutal acts against democratic movements of other nations, the one of Georgia in this particular case. When I wrote an article a few days ago about the events in progress I was thinking about a few issues that I was absolutely sure would come up in the comments I would receive. The questioning is absolutely legitimate and worth serious consideration and debate. We know that America did invade Iraq. We know what happened in Iraq after the invasion>>>


Buna Nameh

Buna Nameh

Impressions from spending three months in Iran after an absence of 25 years

by buna
19-Aug-2008 (54 comments)



Pink and blue

Pink and blue


by Bahram Dabiri
19-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
