
زرشک! اول بگو حلوا خوردم!

آره، این فرنگ نشین‌های پیرو خط امام، همون‌هایی‌ که روز و شب میان تو اینترنت شاخ و شونه میکشن، جیغ و ویغ میکشن که “رهبر

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با سه کلام خلاصه میشود زندگی تنفر , مرگ و بی حوصلگی آنرا زندگی کن بی انتظار عشقی , نه تقدیر ی نه ایثار انجام

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So far ahead

The show runs from March 1st to March 31st, 2012, at the following locations: * March 1st to 15th at ABRA Gallery in Los Angeles:

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I began my Saturday, by getting up at 11 am. Monday thru Friday, I wake up at 5 am, so on the weekends, I sleep

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Unruly Mistress

Love is such an unruly mistress One day, she loves you deeply While the very next day becomes so vile No way to control her

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Supreme Loser

The United States and Iran are once again set on a collision course — this time over the world’s narrowest choke point, the Strait of

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ایرانیان و طرد اسلام

این روزها بازار نامه­های سرگشاده نگاشتن به خدایگان امام معصوم علی آقا رهبر سکه است. یکی آه و ناله میکند که ای “رهبر فرزانه” بیا

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Consultation (2nd addendum)

In the name of God the compassionate, ever merciful Some further thoughts on consultation: During a consultation, some people out of caring and great concern

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ADORO Piano version

“Mía” (“Mine”) is a song by Mexican songwriter Armando Manzanero. It was first released as a double-side single along with the track “Felicidad” in 1969

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