Question to Admin on user ID’s and site rule
Browsing through the list of blogs here, I came a cross this one. One of the commenters, was irate about the decision of Site admin
Browsing through the list of blogs here, I came a cross this one. One of the commenters, was irate about the decision of Site admin
لیست اسامی کمک های مالی «امپریالیست» ها به تریبونال، که از سایت رسمی آن گرفته ام، اسامی بسیاری از آن ها، برای من چهره های
ما ایرانی ها همه تام کروز رو می شناسیم ولی قهرمانان ایران رو نمی شناسیم این داستان فیلم نیست واقعی است.می خوام با قهرمان واقعی
تنها چند روز پس از نخستین واکنش خود به برگزاری اجلاس غیرمتعهدها در تهران، وزارت خارجه آمریکا روز دوشنبه، ۳۰ مردادماه، بار دیگر، این بار
از آنجا که بدنه اصلی گروه های مسلح در سوریه را جریان های اسلام گرای متشدد تشکیل می دهند و با توجه به تجربیات گذشته،
Even in a Perfectly Operating Constitutional Monarchy like the UK (which de facto doesn’t even have a written constitution) The Monarch (hence today the Queen)
Washington can take several concrete steps to extend Israel’s clock and exhaust diplomacy and sanctions before resorting to force. >>>
On July 31, David Crist and Ambassador James Jeffrey addressed a Policy Forum at The Washington Institute. Dr. Crist, a senior historian for the U.S.
While due to mismanagement of the national economy with historic oil revenue and the culture of thievery by the ruling Islamists, for years some Iranians
نازنین افشین جم فعال حقوق بشر و همسر وزیر دفاع کانادا در گفتگو با بهنود مکری درباره آشنایی خود با پرونده نازنین فاتحی ، تلاش
لادن عزيز من نيز مثل شما با ايران تريبيونال همكارى ميكنم و با بسيارى از عزيزانى كه در اين سلسله مقالات نام بردى در لندن
The ‘No’ women to study English literature, nuclear physics, computer sciences, electrical and industrial engineering, business management and Oil Industry is just not about
Female students in Iran have been barred from more than 70 university degree courses in an officially-approved act of sex-discrimination which critics say is aimed
. . Such a bad, bad translation was presented here for one of Hafez’s poems that cause me to do my own translation, although I
Since last week, about three thousand mineworkers from the Marikina Platinum Mine near Rustenburg had been on strike for increased wages. The mine is run
انوشیروان محسنی بندپی، نائب رئیس کمیسیون بهداشت در مجلس شورای اسلامی، نسبت به تاثیر مخرب پارازیتهای ماهوارهای هشدار داد. او همچنین معتقد است که امواج
I don’t do exhibitions. I like to think of myself as a street artist but one who paints the pages of the internet and this
ضعف اخلاق در سیاست ایرانیان به بهانه زلزله آذربایجان شرقی سعید سلطانپور روز 5 شنبه 17 اوت، در یک مهمانی جمع اوری کمک مالی در
چرا این بیانیه را امضاء کردم. در این گفتگو به توضیح بیانیه و علت اینکه چرا من این بیانیه را امضاء کردم می پردازم تا
JERUSALEM — Seven Israeli teenagers were in custody on Monday, accused of what a police official and several witnesses described as an attempted lynching of
KABUL, Afghanistan — With American and European sanctions spurring a currency crisis in Iran, officials say a growing number of Iranians are packing trucks with
WASHINGTON — When President Obama announced last month that he was barring a Baghdad bank from any dealings with the American banking system, it was
I’d like to invite our friends to read………THIS……….THAT………..and the OTHER ONE……, before watching this video:
NEW YORK — The 1960 Plymouth XNR, a one-of-a-kind concept vehicle by famed Chrysler designer Virgil Exner, sold at a California classic car auction Saturday