سرپیچی از «عقلانیت» اروپایی

کلید دوام انقلاب ایران سرپیچی از نوعی از دانش است که همیشه سلطه‌ی اروپا و آمریکا را تضمین کرده


سرپیچی از «عقلانیت» اروپایی
by hoder

گزارش جامعه اطلاعاتی آمریکا از این به‌موقع‌تر امکان نداشت منتشر شود و من پشت آن متخصصان اطلاعاتی ضدبوش و ضد حمله به عراق را می‌بینم که خواستند ننگ توجیه حمله به عراق را با نشان دادن استقلال شجاعانه‌شان از تاجر-سیاستمداران دروغ‌گو و بی‌شرف دولت بوش نشان دهند. آنها با این گزارش آمریکا را از چنگ حرامزاده‌هایی مثل دیک چینی و جورج بوش و ولفوویتز و پرل (فعلا برای چند سال) نجات دادند.

این ماجرا به نظر من بزرگترین پیروزی سیاست خارجی کل تاریخ جمهوری اسلامی است و واقعا باید بخاطرش به لاریجانی و احمدی‌نژاد عمیقا تبریک گفت. (فقط فکرش را بکنید که به فرض محال این گزارش در زمان حسن روحانی منتشر شده بود و آن وقت چطور رفسنجانیست‌های ذلیل آن را جشن می‌گرفتند.) این اتفاق به تمام کشورهای تحت سلطه و ضعیف جهان اعتماد به نفس خواهد داد که تنها اگر جلوی آمریکا یا هر زورگوی حرام‌زاده‌ی دیگری بایستند وکوتاه نیایند و مماشات نکنند، حق خود را خواهند گرفت. بقول رفقای سابق اصلاح‌طلبمان حق گرفتنی است و نه دادنی. اگر می‌خواهی حقت را از آمریکا و اروپا بگیری نباید گول ادا و اصول‌شان را بخوری.

این جانورها قرن‌ها ملت دنیا را چاپیده‌اند و غارت کرده‌اند و هنری هم جز همین چاپیدن و اعمال قدرت ندارند. حالا یک موقعی با سرنیزه و بعدتر با «دانش» و «مدرنیته» و «عقلانیت» و شبیه به آن. اگر در برابر آنها از یک ریال بگذری چند سال بعد تمام خانه و هستی و دار و ندارت را صاحب خواهد شد.

این درس را اول مصدق و بعد خمینی به ایران داد. زمان مصدق وضع دنیا متفاوت بود و مصدق هم در واقع نیروی کوچکی بود در داخل سیستم فاسد و کاملا وابسته و نوکر پهلوی. مصدق در خانه‌ی خودش هم دشمن داشت. ولی ایران الان دیگر فرق می‌کند. با منزوی کردن و کنار رفتن نوچه‌های فاسد رفسنجانی و تاجر-سیاستمدارانی مثل ناصری و موسویان، ایران دیگر مجبور نبود هم در خانه‌اش بجنگد و هم در بیرون از خانه. مصدق بی‌چاره خیلی تنها تر از احمدی‌نژاد و لاریجانی و خامنه‌ای بود.

خرد و عقلانیت حاصل دوران روشنگری است که زمینه‌ی اعمال قدرت اروپایی‌ها را بر کره‌ی زمین فراهم کرد. قرن‌ها مردم تحت ستم دنیا فکر می‌کردند تنها یک نوع عقلانیت وجود دارد و آن هم همانی است که همیشه تسلط مرد سفیدپوست اروپایی را بر مردان و زنان غیراروپایی و غیرسفید دنیا (و حتی زنان سفید اروپایی) توجیه کرده است. عقلانیت جهانشمول پس از روشنگری مفهومی بی‌طرف و خنثی نیست و کلید تسلط چند قرنی اروپا (و بعد هم آمریکا) بر کره‌ی زمین نتیجه‌ی همان جمله‌ی ساده‌ای است که هزاران بار شنیده‌ایم: دانش قدرت است یا Knowledge is power. کدام دانش برای چه کسی قدرت است. سوال کلیدی این است که اگر خواستید جوابش را پیدا کنید به نظر من نوشته‌های موسی غنی‌نژاد را به عنوان یکی از این نوع «دانشمند»ان یا در واقع حاملان و عاملان وتوجیه‌گران سنتی قدرت و سلطه‌ی اروپایی بخوانید.

بر اساس عقلانیت کانتی (جای اکبر گنجی خالی که از ناموسش اسم بردم) کاری که خمینی در انقلاب ایران کرد یک حماقت محض بود. بخصوص آنجایی که آمریکایی‌ها و اروپایی‌ها شاه را قانع کردند تا شاپور بختیار را به بازی بفرستد تا خمینی را از برداشتن قدم بعدی منصرف کند. شک نداشته‌باشید که اگر یک درس‌خوانده‌ی آمریکا و اروپا جای خمینی بود گول خورده بود و به رفتن شاه و آمدن شاپور بختیار رضایت داده بود. بر اساس همان عقلانیت و خردی که در «دانشگاه‌»های اروپایی و آمریکایی به خورد او داده‌بودند. خردی که نتیجه‌اش همیشه به نفع قدرت است تا قربانی.

ولی دنیای ذهنی خمینی آلوده نبود به قدرتی که در پی دانش اروپایی می‌آید. خمینی، به عنوان بهترین مصداق برای مفهوم روشنفکر اورگانیک آنتونیو گرامشی، فریب نخورد و تا زمانی که دیگر هیچ نشانه‌ای از سلطنت در ایران نمانده بود «نه» گفت و «نه» گفت و قدمی عقب نرفت. همین کلید پروزی در نبرد با قدرت است. همین «نه»ای که خمینی سالها پیشش درواقع به بزرگترین اهرم اعمال قدرت سلطه‌گران به «عقلانیت اروپایی» گفت.

اروپا و آمریکا تا وقتی بر ما قدرت دارند که با قواعد آنها در بازی‌شان شرکت کنیم. با تعریف آنها از عقلانیت، با تعریف آنها از عدالت و آزادی و با تعریف آنها از حقوق بشر و امنیت و پیشرفت و توسعه و هزار کوفت و زهرمار جهانشمول دیگر.

تمام این قدرت به محض سرپیچی ما از پذیرفتن این قواعد و این تعاریف فرو می‌ریزد. کلید دوام سی‌ساله‌ی انقلاب ایران همین سرپیچی از نوعی از دانش است که همیشه سلطه‌ی اروپا و آمریکا را تضمین کرده است.

اگر انقلاب فرهنگی‌ای قرار است در سیستم دانشگاهی و بخصوص علوم‌انسانی ایران رخ دهد، باید بر این اساس باشد. نه کاری که با همکاری اسلامیست‌ها و لیبرال‌های عقب‌افتاده در اول انقلاب برای بیرون انداختن هرجور آموزه‌ی ضد سرمایه‌داری و ضد استعمار انجام شد.


more from hoder

آقا شما از فضا اومدی

aj (not verified)

مردک اگه یه دیوونه هم با سنگ بیاد اون کله تو را بشکنه
و بعد هم هر کسی بهش بگه نکن بگه نه حتما ترا خوشحال می کنه چون تمام عقلانیت اروپایی رو مثل خمینی زیر پا گذاشته


ديروز با ما و امروز بر ما

بهروز (not verified)

ديرگاهي بود كه نوشته‌هاي آقاي حسين درخشان را نخوانده بودم و مي‌پنداشتم كه ايشان پشت سنگر آزادي‌بيان و مردمسالاري همچنان استوار ايستاده‌اند. اما امروز پس از خواندن چند سطري از جستار بيراهشان دريافتم كه زهي خيال باطل!!!
با نيم‌نگاهي به آنچه وي نگاشته، اميد چنداني ندارم كه از مغاك ذهني كه بدان درغلتيده‌، روزي رها شود. آنچه وي بدان گرفتار آمده يا خودفريبي است يا دگرفريبي كه بسياري از ايرانيان درهميشه‌ي تاريخ در جستجوي سود شخصي خويشتن و آنهم به بهاي نابودي زندگي مادي و معنوي هزاران‌هزار مردم درمانده‌ي ازهمه‌جا بيخبر بدان دست‌ ‌يازيده‌اند. گمان نميكنم هواداران خميني از اينكه رهبر فقيد فرهمندشان با مصدق يك‌كاسه شود، چندان دل‌خوشي داشته‌باشند و باز گمان ندارم كه هيچ سر بيدردي نه خميني را با اعدامهاي فله‌اي و خونريزيهاي بي حساب و كتابش و نه مصدق را با انحلال مجلس و چاپ مخفيانه 312 ميليون تومان اسكناس بي‌پشتوانه، از روندگان راه مردمسالاري بداند. آن يكي درپي نابودي نام ايران و ايراني بود تا جاييكه از در ستيز با نوروز و چهارشنبه‌سوري درآمد و آنقدر بر دُهُل جنگ كوبيد كه ناچار جام زهر را نوشيد و اين يكي با نگرشي درست به تاريخ تنها رونده‌ي راهي بود كه ديگران پي‌ريزي كرده بودند و در انجام آن چنان تندروي و شتاب كرد كه بجاي خريدن امتياز براي ايران از انگلستان، دست‌آخر خود قرباني مصلحت‌خواهي و توده‌گرايي خود شد. اين دوشخصيت نه اهريمن بودند و نه فرشته، انسانهايي بودند كه به قد و قواره‌ي روزگار زندگاني خود و جامعه‌ي توده‌واري كه از برآمده بودند، دوخته شده‌بودند و چه‌بسيار اوقاتي كه تنها چيزي كه بدان مي‌انديشيدند، وجهه و سود خودشان بودشان بوده است و بس. آنچه كه در اين ميان بي‌اندازه فكاهي است، آنستكه خوش‌اقبالي يا درخشش ناخواسته‌ي اين دو شخصيت و همتاي لوده‌شان -احمدي‌نژاد- در برخي مقاطع، بعنوان شعور سياسي، ميهن‌دوستي، مردمسالاري، بي‌اقبالي به مسلك كشورهاي غربي و از همه طفره‌تر پيروزي بزرگشان، قلمداد شود. حقا كه طرز تفسير و تحليل جناب ”هودر“ بگونه‌اي شگفت، بسوي ايدئولوژيهاي فريبنده‌ي خطاناپذير گرويده‌است تا مطمع نظرشان از اين گذر چه باشد.

من از امروز آقاي حسين درخشان را از دست رفته مي‌انگارم تا راي دوستان چه باشد.


Khamenei was Derakhshan's Aghed

by ali 12 (not verified) on

Nooshin F.

He was married twice. Khamenei was Derakhshan's Aghed for his 1st one. Marjan was Derakhshan's 2nd wife.


Anybody who praises Khomeini

by PArviz (not verified) on

Anybody who praises Khomeini and the rest of the mullahs for being unrelenting to the west must be out of his mind. Since when belonging to the stone age is a good thing? Well it's probably a good thing if you yourself belong to the stone age. The price the people of Iran have had to pay for this has been huge. Who in their right minds could accuse Khomeini and his henchmen as being patriots and having the national interests of Iran and Iranians at heart?

You have proved once again that you indeed belong to be in a religious school some where in Qom UNDER the teaching of one of your admired mullahs.

So as somebody else also suggested, pack your bags and go back to your ideological roots and spare us the BS you keep producing. Maybe you expected to be treated as a champion of democracy for starting this BLOG thing but time has shown that you are indeed made of the same cloth as all others before you.

I sincerely suggest to you to stop writing more nonsense and embarrassing yourself further. Your writings, I am sure, will go down well in Qom, so why don't you do yourself a favour and disappear. I am sure no one will even notice that you are gone!



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I think one can not take the report as too serious. Of course if you beginn with nuclear science nobody can say how you will continue the work. at the beginnig is what you can have in mind can be bomb as well as pure electrical energie. so it was first 2003 as the purpose was clear and unique. ow only the bushy bushy and co can cklaim IRI wanted first weappons. And now some supper intelligent comes over and claims : IT WAS THE PRESURE AMERICAS...........& so on & so on. No i`m sorry but it qwas not the pressure of bushy bushy. For the only reason that: AMERICA CAN DO _ OR EVEN NOT DO _ A DAMN THING. Now please be so kind and acknowlledge the following:
NIE report disturbs US dreams. My comment: HE who believe this is wrong! The global imperialism will never give up its aggressivity.

Ahmadinejad addressing people in Ilam, western Iran
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran is a nuclear country irrespective of some powers' opposition to its nuclear activities.

The president made the remark in his meeting with the people of Ilam province in the second round of his provincial travels.

Referring to the US intelligence report on Iran's nuclear activities, Ahmadinejad noted that the NIE report proves the innocence and virtuousness of the Iranian nation.

"The report released by 16 US spy agencies which signifies the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities has put an end to the dreams of the Iranian nation's enemies," he said.

The political nuclear case has been closed and the Iranian nation will continue its honorable path with great pride, President Ahmadinejad noted.

Ahmadinejad termed any withdrawal or fear from the enemies as a complete setback, saying today Iran's victory is absolute, but arrogant powers are not ready to admit their mistakes or announce Iran's victory.

The Iranian chief executive asserted that the NIE report has declared Iran's nuclear victory against all ill-intended powers and proved the untrue nature of the enemies' prattle.

Ahmadinejad exclaimed that the biggest victory of the decade has been allotted to Iran, adding the Iranian nation should be vigilant enough to protect this victory.

Ahmadinejad advised Iran's enemies to learn from the past and adopt a positive and friendly stance towards the Iranian nation.

"The Iranian nation reserves the right of using nuclear energy and will never withdraw," he concluded.



Hoder, Hey bacheh akhoond, Khar Khodeti!!

by Old Timer (not verified) on

America has every right to start bombing the Islamic Republic of terrorists despite the recent revelations that mullahs were indeed seeking acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The only reason the terrorist mullahs decided to stop it in 2003 was as a direct result of the American determination to go after the bastards mullahs. Once again, America caught the mullahs red handed! The problem the Americans have from the very beginning , 1979, is not Iran's desire to obtain nuclear technologies but rather it is the mullahs!!!!!!! Mullahs and their malijack boy, Hoder, must go!


Dear Hoder

by Anon (not verified) on

Why dont you please pack your bags and return to Iran? Your head is already up the ruling government's a$$. Why praise Iran's ruling government and not live under its rule if it is so good? Go back my dear and dont be a hypocrite. Why are you wasting your time in the West? It does not make any sense for you not to want to live in Iran with your logic.

Do us all a favor and go back to Iran where you will be happier because there certainly are no "dorooghgoo" and "beesharaf" running the government in Iran. Thank you.


to ;Nooshin: Do you know his other wives?

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Hossain is a well known clown with multi color personality who changes his writing, ideology and style based on his own personal gain, depending the direction of the wind, as we say it in Fersi. We are trying to introduce him to the now comers who may be deceived by his propaganda. Nooshin: You know his first wife, do YOU know his other wives? have you seen his blogs, since last 4-5 years ago? Have you noticed his 360 degree changes, specially after his last trip to Iran? These issues are documented and are available in Youtube and many other blogs. Check them out, these are public domain. As previously mentioned, he writes in Farsi to impress his bosses who do not understand English and he hopes his blogs are copied in IRI main news stream including Kayhan.


Wow! I happen to know

by Nooshin F. (not verified) on

Wow! I happen to know Hossein's ex-wife from Azad University's art school. You guys have no shame in spreading such wild lies. You must be reading too much Noorizadeh, I guess.

But maybe to make your lies more plausible, you can reveal that his ex-wife was Khamanei's own daughter.:)


look at his photo

by analyist (not verified) on

If you look carefully you see "ann" coming out the corner of his mouth.



by Mohammad (not verified) on

You're right when you say it was a "pirouzi" for the "nezaam." It was a personal victory for Ahmadinejad who never bowed in front of the empire. Something that really surprises me is that Iranian journalist in the West totally deny this basic fact. They seemed to be disappointed that there won’t be an attack against Iran after all. They don't see it as a big sigh of relief for Iranians, because the “regime” is still there. They preferred to see the bombs falling on Iranian cities since it seems to be the only way left to get rid of the “Akhounds.”


Iran saying yes to russian's

by pers we (not verified) on

Iran saying yes to russian's knowledeg which is kinda european knowledge, culture,....
At the present Iran whould say "Yes" to any (Eastern, Western, Northern,...)knowledge (power) to let it survive. It's not matter of a revolutionary global idealogy as Fucault's. Its only matter of survival. I bet Iran would say yes to USA hegamony, but I hope it never happen


آقاى جاويد ممنون

sarekar (not verified)

اين نشان ميدهد كه شما واقعا از گذشته پشيمان، و با چاپ ِ همه چيز از همه نوع به دنبالِ دمكراسى هستيد.اين جور بحث ها بايد بشه تا مردم خود قضاوت و انتخاب كنند


Hoder, what a professional

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Hoder, what a professional piece of work, by calling everyone “Bi sharaf and haramzadeh”!!!!! But I guess that’s how you leftists are, just the bad and ugly and regressive and cold hearted and mean spirited face of our society. But I’m glad that you clearly confessed that you leftist and Hezbullahs stand against REASON (Aghlaniat). I strongly urge you to write more articles like this so that the doubt that those very few still have regarding the credibility of arguments such as yours and the facsist regime you support , fades away. I don’t know if you copied something out of Khamenei speeches or not, but I can swear they sound identical. I will only answer one aspect of your astonishing piece of art; the reason that your beloved IRI has withstand for the last 30 years is that they use a maniacal mixture of brutal oppression acts and policies conducted by Stalin, Mao, Omar, Castro and Hitler (Genocide of Bahais in Iran as opposed to Jews in Germany is only one common factor between the Nazis and IRI, remember, Iran did not have 6 million Bahais like Germany had 6 million Jews, but what happened to Bahais in Iran is identical to what happened to Jews in Germany, OK, sure, no gas chambers, but plenty of other methods of execution).


Re: Rehashed Foucault

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Hoder is mimicking intellectual but he is far from it. To know him better, check his credentials as well as read few of responses in this site on his previous postings, written by people who know him very well, including his disgusting interview conducted with a few girls in a coffee shop.
Hoder once was pro western and pro democracy and against IRI, so what changed him?
His last visit in Iran and his latest marriage with a daughter of a famous ayatollah, made him to become "aabed o mosalmana". His English is very good but recently he writes more in Farsi, the reason is that he wants his blog reflected in Iranian papers, as one published in Kayhan of Tehran recently.
He also like to show his father-in-law that he is active and defending Islam in land of "kofr".


Tof beh root.

by Irooni (not verified) on

Tof beh root.


please get a doctore for this guy

by MRX (not verified) on

what bunch of chert o pert! makes you want to puke. does this guy write for Kayhan Shariatmadari in Iran?


اقای جاوید اگر

Anonymous b (not verified)

اقای جاوید
اگر واقعا از خدمت ده ساله تان به رژیم اسلامی پشیمان هستید چرا مطالب
طرفداران رژیم را چاپ میکنید؟ ایا این غیر از ادامه خدمت


Project of modernity

by Khodadad (not verified) on

Ok, ok, I have no problems with rejecting the "meta-narrative" of modernity. Yes, I do realise it, it is a European construct and I have no problems with that. I suppose in my own field, people from Eric Wolf to Foucault have written about it. But the issue is that the whole meta-narrative itself is only one way of framing the issue. So, yes, within this certain framing that has been imposed so far, one can think and should think outside the box/meta-nraative. However, this does not dimiss the componants of the narrative itself. The picking and chosing of the sort and direction of knowledge which was done by the Europeans to create the narrative of "Modernity" can be deconstructed itself down to its building blocks and rebuilt in a new fashion. But the fact is that the building blocks themselves need not be smashed away just because they happen to be parts of an oppressive meta-narrative/frame.


مگر امام زمان خوش ظهور کنه

ابوالقاسم محمد (not verified)

مگر حضرت خوش بیاد تا بلکه به راه راست هدایت بشی.
برو روایت آمدنش را در اینجا بخون.


rehashed Foucault

by Anonymous-everyday (not verified) on

This is rehashed Foucault served cold by Mr. Derakhshan. Foucault’s anti rationalism was not without merit but like many critics of Capitalism and Enlightenment he was incapable of suggesting an alternative so he romanticized pre-industrial societies, especially the Mediterranean cultures which he classified as non-European. His well known articles on the Iranian revolution and emergence of Khomeini and Islamic fundamentalism as an alternative to Western hegemony, which were prescient in anticipating its impact, have been widely critiqued from various quarters; Maxim Rohdinson for one, who knew a thing or two about Islam, and more recently Janet Aafary’s book from a feminist point of view. One of the criticism leveled against Foucault that equally applies to Derakhshan is that he lived in the West, took advantage of the freedoms and comfort that the Enlightenment and Capitalism afforded him and yet he promoted a revolution and a regime that suppressed intellectuals and freedom of expression, discriminated against women and religious minorities and promoted political and civil violence against all its opponents. I remember reading Foucault’s critique of bourgeois justice system and its inherent bias towards ones who possess power. Very astute critique indeed but his promotion of the so-called people’s court left me cold. Anybody who’s ever been subject to a people’s court knows that it’s just another name for a kangaroo court. That’s the weakness of Foucault and people like him: excessive intellectualism and academic life and lack of connection to real people and real life. If Derakhshan is really honest about his revolution then he should work and live in Iran like so many writers and artists still do, just as Brecht did after the end of WWII. He went back to East Germany, worked there and died there. Lat word: even Fanon who went further than many people in critiquing White Colonialism didn’t advocate whole sale rejection of European rationalism. He was after all trained as psychologist and was deeply influenced by Sartre. What he did advocate was appropriating that rationalism by the weak and transforming it because when we come down our silly post-graduate horses, rejecting Western science and knowledge is just plain silly. This very internet that we’re conversing on is based on Western rationalism. The gun that Ahamadinejad’s thugs use to shoot their opponents is based on Western rationalism. Get a grip, Hoder.



by Antibullshit (not verified) on

What an awsome analysis! So the "Inteligence Report" was release without Bush administrtion's approval! I am miffed son...


این حرفها به


این حرفها به چیزی جز مالیخولیا نمیتواند تعبیرشود. آنچه امروز در جمهوری اسلامی میگذرد در واقع نشانه بارز همین موضوع است که سردمداران این رژیم جز مشتی مردم مالیخولیائی نیستند. سرپیچی از عقلانیت سلیم کاریست که جمهوری اسلامی از ابتدا انجام داده یا شاید بهتر باشد بگوییم که جمهوری اسلامی توهینی است به عقلانیت بشر. آنچه سردمداران جمهوری اسلامی امروز در ایران مرتکب میشوند با هیچ معیار شایسته بشر سازشی ندارد و نمیشود از هواداران آنها انتظار داشت که بهتر از خود آنها باشند. این اطلاعیه از طرف سازمانهای اطلاعاتی آمریکا حداقل دو موضوء را به خوبی روشن میکند. یکی اینکه در یک کشور دموکرات نهادهای گوناگون و همچنین مردم به آزادی میتوانند حرف خودشان را بزنند حتی اگر با حرف رییس جمهورشان مطابقت نکند و دوم اینکه سران جمهوری اسلامی جز مشتی دروغگو و احمق نیستند که فکر میکنند میشود به همان شیوه که مردم ایران را فریب داده اند با مردم دنیا هم همانجور رفتار کنند. صحبت از عقل و عقلانیت از هر نوعی که میخواهد باشد در فرهنگ جمهوری اسلامی جایی ندارد.



Free Fall

by Anonymous v (not verified) on

In order that we may only believe what is true, it is first necessary to understand that which we put our belief in. Faith, especially in its archaic and obsure appearence like Islam, is not subject to reason. Its political state, the IRI, is nothing more than blind belief, a tyranny of absurdity and superstition which needs jihadist zealots to spread around. Before accepting something as truth from it we should first analyse it thoroughly. The great error of most Muslims or pro-IRI is to readily believe everything that is said to them, without first making a careful examination of the facts. This article and its very likes on this site show a shakeable belief system which hire across the board any cheap opportunists with no modicum of logic or honesty. In the meanwhile this mediocre author, Hoder, and his constant nonsense articles on this site is a proof that the IRI'credibility and its propaganda network are in free fall.


You've become a good joke

by Kaveh Abrahamian (not verified) on

I really feel pity for you. what a sociopaths you have become!


هودر، خودفروشی تا کی؟

هودر سگ پاچه گیر (not verified)

هودر جان، خفش کن بینیم!


Do not take him serious!

by Hamid (not verified) on

دوستان اين ديوانست. مريض رواني شده.به اين جملات نگاه كنيد: "......سیاستمداران دروغ‌گو و بی‌شرف دولت بوش ..............".اين سياست رو با فحش دادن اشتباه گرفته. درضمن اين جمل يكي از خواندگان هم جالبه:

حالا كه ميخواهى جشن بگيرى و تبريك بگى،صبر كن موفقيت تقديم درياى مازندران به روس ها و تقديم ۳ جزيره جنوبى به امارات رو هم به آقاى احمدى نژاد با هم بگو كه كارت زياد نشه


saabr kon

by sarekar (not verified) on

حالا كه ميخواهى جشن بگيرى و تبريك بگى،صبر كن موفقيت تقديم درياى مازندران به روس ها و تقديم ۳ جزيره جنوبى به امارات رو هم به آقاى احمدى نژاد با هم بگو كه كارت زياد نشه.


there is a doctor for this kind of thing

by Anonymous user (not verified) on

Hossein, there is a doctor for this kind of thing. Consult one!


what a sociopaths you have

by Anonymous½ (not verified) on

what a sociopaths you have become, you're destined to self-destruct. Did you mother ever give you love or were you abused as a child?