Inviting intervention

Against military attack but for Western intervention


Inviting intervention
by hoder

Last week, Akbar Ganji received the annual award from Rights and Democracy (or International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), a Canadian government-funded organisation which is known to be the Canadian version of the American National Endowment for Democracy.

In his speech, he openly called for Western government's support to spread democracy and human rights in Iran, according to the Persian version of his speech, published by Dutch-funded 'pro-democracy' projects, Rooz Online and Radio Zamaneh.

The award was given to him by Saad Eddin Ebrahim one of the most avid supporters of the now-defunct Neo-conservative plans to spread democracy in the Middle East, who has also been the director of Rights and Democracy and now sits on its board of directors. (Ibrahim was previously the director of the American Islamic Congress and is still on its board, is on the advisory committee of the Journal of Democracy, published by the National Endowment for Democracy, and is exclusively represented by Benador Association. See where else he is or has been serving.)

The award was supposed to be given to Ibrahim. But according to Janice Stein, the chair of the Rights and Democracy board that also include Mr. Ibrahim, decided to award Ganji instead of Ibrahim. (Source: Rooz Online)

Before handing the award to Ganji, Ibrahim praised Ganji and talked about the many similarities between himself and Ganji. Ironically, among other things, both men have been previously praised and supported by George W. Bush. When Ibrahim was arrested and eventually found guilty and sentenced to seven years of hard labour by the Egyptian state, Bush suspended a $150m aid package to Egypt, as a result of the verdict. He later met Bush in a 'democracy' conference in Prague in 2006 and recalled Bush telling him: "So don’t lose hope. We are supporting you, and we are with you."

Akbar Ganji, too, while spending the last months of his sentence in 2005, enjoyed Bush's unprecedented and firm support. "Mr. Ganji, please know that as you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you," he said in a statement published by the White House. How do you think one should interpret all this? Ganji has increasingly become outspoken against military attack and sanctions against Iran and I personally admire him for his courage to do so.

But one has to be quite naive not to see the obvious contradictions between his anti-war and anti-sanction stance and his justification and calls for foreign intervention in Iran with the usual pretext of 'human rights' and 'democracy'. (Interestingly enough, Ibrahim calls for Western help toward democratization in the Arab world in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece.)

To me, Akbar Ganji's opposition to Bush and his administration's hardline stance against Iran doesn't mean he is in principle against foreign intervention. In fact, in his own words 'Western governments' should 'support human rights and democracy in Iran,' and that is exactly what the American Democrats think too.

Just wait and see how, with a change of administration in the forthcoming U.S. elections, Ganji and similar figures (such as Shirin Ebadi, Abbas Milani, Ali Afshari, etc.) would become proponents of the new policy toward Iran which, according to a friend, would try to buy the Iranian revolution, rather than bombing it.


more from hoder

optimistic/pessimistic view of IRI (re: Jesus)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

my Lord, you are wrapped up in your extremism to such a level that even in this forum you keep fluctuating between a vicious and a reasonable person.
You keep calling us names without noticing that some of us have even more fundamental criticism of IRI than you.
I am definitely against your extreme views but as you can see, a number of times I have pointed to a fundamental problem in Iran, the big gap between the rich and the poor and a shrinking middle class.
Without a strong middle class there won't be a stable Iran, a stable democracy... etc.
However unlike you I don't believe a sudden change of government in Iran or more pressures will fix that (in fact 1979 revolution increased that gap...).


To: Jamshid

by Arezu (not verified) on

Dear Jamshid you said:

"You ask Jesus to stop using b.s. But I think his points are all valid. I also noticed that you failed to answer to even one of his questions in a logical way.

For example, Jesus is correct in saying that Iran is purchasing 60s nuclear technology from Russia. Russians ADMIT that they THEMSELVES are still using 60's technology in their own country. Now to make up for all the wrong they had done to Iran in the past, they are suddenly selling us modern tech? I find it hard to believe.

Then you say "You have absolutely no clue about Iran's nuclear program, their technology, what they have and don't have. So stop speaking just fot the sake of speaking""

Response: In every argument that I make and Jamshid you have seen it for yourself in other articles, I have tried to post comments which are supported by facts and sources. I ask reciprocally the same from Jesus - provide us with your sources and facts. Else personally this does not mean anything to me.

Then you say:
"Well do you? If you do why don't you enlighten us?"

Response: If you want me to do Jesus' work for him, I will be more than happy to do so. However, the initial responsibility falls upon the person who is making such comments. I would like to see what sources he is using. Is there a problem with this, or is there no source to substantiate his claims? This should be easy to find since he made such a comment, or if you tend to believe it why don't you enlighten us? Otherwise please let me know, and I would be more than happy to give you tons of material and sources which contradict his claim.

Best regards


To: Jamshid

by Abbas Ghandi (not verified) on

You are best suited to lick your zionist masters' bottoms. You are not an Iranian. Go away from this forum!



Re: Arezu, Jesus is right

by jamshid on

You ask Jesus to stop using b.s. But I think his points are all valid. I also noticed that you failed to answer to even one of his questions in a logical way.


For example, Jesus is correct in saying that Iran is purchasing 60s nuclear technology from Russia. Russians ADMIT that they THEMSELVES are still using 60's technology in their own country. Now to make up for all the wrong they had done to Iran in the past, they are suddenly selling us modern tech? I find it hard to believe.


Then you say "You have absolutely no clue about Iran's nuclear program, their technology, what they have and don't have. So stop speaking just fot the sake of speaking"

Well do you? If you do why don't you enlighten us?


You ask him who does he think he is to make decisions. And who do YOU think you are to make decisions for Iran? Let me tell you who you are, and who I am and who everyone else is. We are all citizens of Iran and we therefore have the right to make decisions about the fate of our country, and participate in trying to enforce those decisions. This is how things are done in a democracy. 


You should argue but instead you instantly label any opposing force as a zionist israel/US soldout. This is due to the weakness of your ideology and accumulated frustration when you are being constantly intellectually cornered.



To Arezu

by Alame Dahr (not verified) on

Arezu, if you have nothing substantial to say why don't you just shut up? You keep repeating (more like manufacturing) stats even the regime in Iran does not believe in and keep calling anybody who is against the barbaric mullah's regime a lackey of this or that while in fact you yourself are a lackey of the worst kind. Who would in their right mind support what this regime has and keeps doing to Iran and Iranians unless they have some kind of personal interest/gain, usually financial, in it?

Which one of the facts/issues/stats mentioned by Jesus (may god bless him :))were not true? Instead of bad mouthing people like a true Hezbollahi why don't you stick to the issue at hand?


To: Jesus - so you are a lackey of the Americans hmmmm...

by Arezu (not verified) on

So you admit you are a lackey? Good for you keep up the good work and I am sure you will be compensated for the amount of service you provide. Do it the American way - be the patriot that our President wants you to be, help out the poor American soldiers in Iraq relieve them from their agony and let them come back home. Talk is cheap, action is what counts, this is what our U.S. Constitution has taught us. So please pay your dues to this country and get one of our soldiers back from Iraq!!

Our government will never forget what you have accomplishment for your nation. May God Bless you, and may Jesus Christ forgive you for your sins. And if you happen to be Jewish may Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and all the great prophets protect you.



Arezu the mofkhor, Mullah ass kisser

by Jesus (not verified) on

Did you give yourself to the mullahs at the age of 9, and now youc can not break the chain? You are a slave of the west, kissing their ass, living here as a hypocrite, while kissing the mullahs' ass to get cash. What a prostitute! At least have one set of customers...
What does my argument have to do with Israel? I can careless about israel.
I rather be a lackey to the americans than to the mullahs, any day.


May the real Jesus Christ Protect us from your likes

by Arezu (not verified) on

Jesus, stop using the b.s. information that I have read verbatim by others on this anti-Iranian web-site. You have no facts, no information and are just throwing out garbage. You have absolutely no clue about Iran's nuclear program, their technology, what they have and don't have. So stop speaking just fot the sake of speaking. You are telling us nothing but simply proving your stupidity, ignorance, and lack of knowledge.

Who the hell do you think you are to make any decision for the Iranian people? They don’t need your help. Leave the Iranian people alone; they don’t want the sanctions you are proposing, they are not asking for foreign intervention, they just want to be left alone.

YOU want to help a country; Israel is desperately seeking help. They want to know how to bring about regime change, how to obtain false information on Iran so that they can convince the U.S. that the NIE report is false, they need sufficient proof to get the U.S. back into the picture. More importantly they are seeking Iranian dissidents just like you. I suggest you take your preaching over to Mossad, IDF, CIA, and Iran Desk at the Pentagon and start speaking to them. You are wasting your time in trying to recruit us on this site in order to create an Iranian opposition group willing to be the lackey for the U.S. and Israel. However everything that you are a proponent of (sanctions, foreign intervention, regime change etc...) is exactly in line with what Iran’s enemies want. You have everything in common with them, and nothing in common with us.

Good night and good luck!


To: Arezu

by Anonymous777 (not verified) on

Arezu, please keep posting. I am good at making fun of their flaws but I am not as good a writer as you are.


To Arezu

by Jesus (not verified) on

You seem to be another Mokhfor, pro-IR agent, because like the rest of the pro IR folks, you are twisting the words to your advantage. No one is exagerating info., or stats. No one is talking about war. We are talking about what is happening in Iran. You are not disputing what I am saying, you keep going back to this war issue; thus here is my list:

1-No War
2-Yes Sanctions, IR needs to be held responsible for what it is doing
3-Yes Intervention (we don't live in an island, all countries are interconnected, as humanity is interconnected) therefore, intervention definitely on behalf of the Iranian people, focusing on human rights.
4-Criticize IR constantly for its human rights abuses. Take data from independent sources like Amnesty(as I have)
5-Stop nuclearization of Iran, it is not a soverignty issue. They are building nuclear power plant with 1960's russian technology, very similar to Chernobyl on a major Euro-asian fault line. You are obviously too dumb for me to explain this to you, because you have ignored what I wrote, and keep calling people like me a neocon, but let's just say IR is exactly not a government handling Nuclear disaster emergency. Iran has one of the worst disaster recovery programs per capita/per GDP. These are all facts. NO NUCLEARIZATION of Iranian plateau. We need green energy, and good efficient usage of our natural gas. I don't want the same incompetent people handling our quack recovery efforts being responsible for a core melt down in Bushehr.


who needs to be saved? (to: Jesus)

by Anonymous7 (not verified) on

my Lord, you are right, Iran needs saviors. However it needs wise saviors! You definitely don't fit in that category. You are in dire need of salvation yourself. Unfortunately you have shot yourself in the back by the name you have chosen, now who is going to save you? What a mendacity!


Re: Yek Irani

by jamshid on

(1) Iranians like their nearly free health care system with a physician very near by.

Of course the emphasis is on the word "nearly". My cousin had a surgery in Iran and nearly went bankrupt! Also all the good physicians have left Iran.


(2) They enjoy their $50 per semester tuition at the some of the best public universities.

Of course, you have to be a bacheh akhoond or basiji for such tuition rates! The goverment helps you if you are... And if you are not? You can go to hell.


(3) They see major highways built in their neighborhood regularly to make their lives easies.

Hurrah! What a great accomplishment! Even Africans are making highways nowadays. 


(4) ... they can even take their brand new cars (that everyone has one right now) to take their families on vacations if they choose.

So what? What's your point? Are you showing off that the IRI is so "advanced" that it allows people to drive "new" cars? And how many are driving "brand new" cars?


(5) They like all of these universities IRI has built. There are at least two universities within walking distance of every village in Iran.


No comment! 


(6) They like their pension system that pays them retirement money...


Yes and how much do they pay?, it's like here in the US they would pay you $50 a month and then boast about their "great pension system"! Can you live on that kind of money?


(7) Most importantly, business is booming in Iran.

Here the writer means booming for Russia, China, Germany, etc. And as far as Iranians, business is booming in the sale of stolen sim cards and stolen cars and so on. Oh! Did I forget to say that it is also booming for some well know mullahs?


Business is also booming for "bacheh akhoonds" who live in the west on the stolen riches of Iran. One of them is this Hoder charlatan.


To:Anonymous 5000; Anonym7

by Arezu (not verified) on

If it takes so much convincing why foreign intervention is bad for Iran, don't you think you are speaking with the wrong folks here? Do you really think no matter how much proof you provide, you are going to have a logical dialogue?

All you have to say is:

1. No War
2. No Sanctions
3. No Foreign Intervention
4. Don't exaggerate info. and stats
5. Iran's sovereign rights must be protected

Then we will be labeled as pro IRI, IRI lovers, friends and family members of God knows some Mullah, IRI agents...

But just change your tune and start bashing Iran and show your contempt for everything that is taking place in Iran, and you will see how many become your friends and buddies, and will agree to every comment you make even if you are making it up as you go along!


To:Anonymous 5000; Anonym7

by Arezu (not verified) on

If it takes so much convincing why foreign intervention is bad for Iran, don't you think you are speaking with the wrong folks here? Do you really think no matter how much proof you provide, you are going to have a logical dialogue?

All you have to say is:

1. No War
2. No Sanctions
3. No Foreign Intervention
4. Don't exaggerate info. and stats
5. Iran's sovereign rights must be protected

Then we will be labeled as pro IRI, IRI lovers, friends and family members of God knows some Mullah, IRI agents...

But just change your tune and start bashing Iran and show your contempt for everything that is taking place in Iran, and you will see how many become your friends and buddies, and will agree to every comment you make even if you are making it up as you go along!


To:Anonymous 5000; Anonym7

by Arezu (not verified) on

If it takes so much convincing why foreign intervention is bad for Iran, don't you think you are speaking with the wrong folks here? Do you really think no matter how much proof you provide, you are going to have a logical dialogue?

All you have to say is:

1. No War
2. No Sanctions
3. No Foreign Intervention
4. Don't exaggerate info. and stats
5. Iran's sovereign rights must be protected

Then we will be labeled as pro IRI, IRI lovers, friends and family members of God knows some Mullah, IRI agents...

But just change your tune and start bashing Iran and show your contempt for everything that is taking place in Iran, and you will see how many become your friends and buddies, and will agree to every comment you make even if you are making it up as you go along!


Re: aaj

by Anonymous7 (not verified) on

a few of your "Look at .." such as stoning etc are IRI specific issues but many of your "look ats" are applicable to many other more or less industrialized countries including the US without changing your statements.
Ironically in one of your "look ats" you portray IRI better than what I have heard (wheen you say: "while 30% of our own people are under poverty line").
It seems you are very fascinated with Europeans and Americans, I share that belief with you but my list includes only those who treat us fairly.


Anonymous 7....Mullah's ass kisser

by Jesus (not verified) on

That is the only thing you could be. Calling human rights violation "bad" in Iran. No idiot, we know you are making cash from the mullahs at the expense of Iranian people to be saying these nonsense. Human rights is bad in India, bad in Mexico, Human rights is a disaster, absolutely pathetic, and nonexistance in Iran. It is not "bad", it is beyond bad.
Here is another thing we can be proud of this year folks:
Iran is and has been number 1 in execution per capita.
This year, it is our honor to mention that our beloved country is number 1 not just in execution, but in execution of minors per capita.
Iran is absolute worst in human rights, and no amount of cover up can cover the stink of shit that is Islamic republic.
Shah was terrible, but the mullahs have given a new meaning to the word terrible.
By the way, are you living in Iran? I bet not! why not?


To Yek Irani: You must be kidding !!! or you are on drug!!

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Look at few facts:
-Check "OFFICIAL" Central banks' reports/statistics,
-Read "OFFICIAL" statistics from different ministries indicating how bad the situation is,
-Check "official" and unofficial high inflation rates,
-Look at number of HIV infected, increasing every quarter,
-Look at number of prostitutions, official(sighe) and unofficial.
-Look at 3 million children under-aged quitting school for helping family income,
-Look at execution of minors, which is against their own signature on UN resolutions,
-Look at barbaric act of stoning, (the latest stoning was two month ago), while all official clime "we do not stone people" same as LAUGHING claim as "we do not have homosexual in Iran"
-Look at "OFFICIAL" very high number of drug users,
-Look at number of political prisoners, including imprisonment of students,
-Look at number of execution this year; so far 300 people executed, (number one in the whole World based on percentage of population)
-Look at Billions of dollar given to many countries, and organizations, while 30% of our own people are under poverty line,
-Look at unemployment figures published by government
-Look at building refineries in other countries but we have to import 40% of our distilled from other countries. We are not building nor have any plan to build additional refineries in our own soil,
-Look at videos, photos of beating women because they want their equality rights, because they say they do not want another woman as "havoo", or they want to have custody of their children, or they do not want to be called "zaeefe", and they DO NOT WANT TO BE HALF A MAN,
-Look at thousands of women who were arrested for not having enough Hejab, according to Mullah's standard.
-Look at hundreds of "street kids" who sleep
under the bridges every night,
-Look at 5 million immigrants, mostly the "Brains" who left Iran to other countries;
-Look at 5000 to 7000 refugees every year running away from homeland, sitting in various UN camps all over Europe and elsewhere.
-Look at how we help some Arab nations while they want to screw us by changing the Persian Gulf's name and claiming our lands/islands as their own, or in north, limiting us to 8%-15% INSTEAD OF 50% of OUR historical rights/share in Caspian Sea and we do nothing, I MEAN NOTHING.
-Look at how many factories are closed and closing almost every day.
-Look at incredible high pollution in our air, land and sea,
-Look at number of human organs, mainly kidney are sold on a daily basis due to poverty,
-Look at prosperity of Sepah, Basij, tugs and compare it with grave situation of teachers, government employees who have to undertake other jobs to make it happen at the end of the month,

Most of achievements you credited the regime were planned in previous regime, like highways, airport, water, electricity, metro, nuclear plants etc.

To let you know how wrong you are; look at Turkey,
a country without any oil and gas hence they are economically ahead of us by about 50 years, they are number 12 strongest economy in the world, their army is considered as number 7 strongest in world.
At least we can learn from them how to separate Mosque from State!!

-We have for 200 years gas reserve and with cost of building one nuclear plant, we can build 8 gas energy plants throughout of Iran, hence we keep insisting buying old equipment from black market,or
paying two/three folds for old Russian technology.

Europe is offerings us light water nuclear technology, offering membership to the World Trade, lifting sanction, offering us all kind of help and technology which brings employment, prosperity and I am sure after a while, showing our sincerity (if our claim is sincere), we are able to continue building other source of nuclear technology.
The whole world is laughing on our stupidity meanwhile our people are suffering and here, you are boasting/crediting the regime for building a few roads and bridges? Or suggesting how low is the tuition fee or how cheap is bus tickets? where were you 30 years? Were these fees/prices higher before and new regime brought them down?
What happened to all promises Khomaini and others given us since last 30 years?
It seems you are lecturing some kindergarten pupils by writing these stupid statements.



by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on


'Intervention' and 'support' are two different words. Last time you used your philosophy professor's take on things to attack Ganji. And now you are kissing his behind as well as condeming him. I think you are just jeolous of Akbar Ganji becasue he holds a coherent train of thought, his views are well respected amongst the majority of Iranians who have lived in Iran since the revolution, he has publications that address the future shape of the republic, and has stuck to the same principles since the day he picked up a pen. Now, you just bounce back and forth clinging to any rock or legdge that can support you for a while and your views would probably be most welcomed in taxi conversations in Tehran. A quick and short gloss over on everything with little substance just enough for the cramped taxi ride from Vanak to Vali Asr Square.


Re: .....Not true

by Anonymous7 (not verified) on

Jesus said, "But more importantly again, you are not addressing the human rights abuses happening at the hands of mullahs, namely killling teenagers, and children for fun by the government."

Although IRI has bad human rights record I don't agree with your exaggerated statement that they kill people for fun. You can tell me they are doing that out of ignorance etc... Additionally the solution to those issues is not foreign intervention, and inviting criminals such as Blackwater USA into Iran so they can kill people for fun in a massive scale.
Inviting their political influence is also bad, Iranians will sort out these issues themselves.


Anonymous 7....Not true

by Jesus (not verified) on

You are twisting the fact. Between 150000 to 200,000 people leave Iran "PERMANENTLY" on an annual basis according to the UN report. These are not the people that go back to WORK in Iran. They may go back to have fun at the Caspian shore, but they are not contributing to the Iran as a nation, other than their tourist dollars.
But more importantly again, you are not addressing the human rights abuses happening at the hands of mullahs, namely killling teenagers, and children for fun by the government.


Iran's Brain Drain (to Jesus)

by Anonymous7 (not verified) on

my Lord, you said "Iran is also the number 1 country(according to UN) in exporting brain.."
If brains such as you are drained from the country then that is a blessing for Iran.
On a serious note however, many of these brains are going back and forth and your bad IRI has facilitated that. Also go visit Iran and you will realize that there are much more than "a few construction projects".
By the way be more polite next time you post, you nutty Lord.


Yek Irani(more like yek khaen)

by Jesus (not verified) on

It is extremely superificial to suggest that the regime is doing well by a few construction projects, and near by highways. All of that is bullshit, and nonsense as long as the government engages in executing its own citizens. You people who have your heads in the sand, or other dark places(like the behinds of mullahs) obviously don't care about objective view of the numbers and data, all pointing to the fact that Iranian economy has been declining in the past 30 years, and the society is on the verge of collapse with rampant prostitution, and drug addiction.
Iran is also the number 1 country(according to UN) in exporting brain. So all these nonsense about great businesses, and enterpreneurs is bull crap, since money is in the hands of "agha zadeha", the same people you guys support, get financed, and probably kiss ass to. So it does not surprise me that you support them. If it was so great, why would so many top students leave the country after finishing school from these top public universities?
The fact speaks for itself, but you two are too dumb to recognize it. But again, even if Iran was made out of gold by the mullahs, it still does not diminish the fact that these barbarians kill and execute the Iranian people, and they will have to answer for their crimes one day. It might not be soon, but it will be one day...


you don't even need to be believer (re: yek irani)

by Anony7 (not verified) on

many of the things you said are correct, one doesn't even need to be a believer to see those. There is however something in Iran that I really did not like, and that is the big gap between the rich and the poor, IRI also knows very well about that. That divide is very bad....


To Weak Souls and Non-Believers

by Yek Irani (not verified) on

Those who think IRI does not have support are living in a fantasy world. They need to go to Iran and see for themselves. Deep inside, the majority of Iranians are happy with IRI. They have seen what IRI has done for them. These are just a few: (1) Iranians like their nearly free health care system with a physician very near by. (2) They enjoy their $50 per semester tuition at the some of the best public universities. (3) They see major highways built in their neighborhood regularly to make their lives easies. (4) They like the $3-bus-ticket to go from two major cities, Tehran to Isfahan for example. Or, they can even take their brand new cars (that everyone has one right now) to take their families on vacations if they choose. (5) They like all of these universities IRI has built. There are at least two universities within walking distance of every village in Iran. (6) They like their pension system that pays them retirement money, goods, free access to healthcare, etc. (7) Most importantly, business is booming in Iran. Talented individuals are cashing in huge. Young Iranian use the free education IRI has given them to establish major corporations. Now, is Iran a free country in and idea sense? No it is not. But IRI actions are justified. Iran is surrounded by loaded guns of the enemy from six different sides. Lies and misinformation are filling Iranian air 24 hours a day. With carelessness, the country may experience yet another turmoil. Worst yet, part of the nation may be lost; and please do not tell me that can’t happen. Iran has lost two-third of its territory in the past 200 years. Whether you like it or not, brave Iranians are changing Iran. If you are not part of that process, then you are the problem. You simple have to wake up and smell your own rotten odor.


mullas must have .... (To Parviz)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Parviz said: "This regime is using the income from oil not to benefit the people.."
I don't agree with everything IRI does, but I am amazed how detached from reality have you gotten. In my last year's visit to Iran I saw many new highways, roads to many small villages, LAN lines almost everywhere, cell coverage wasn't bad either, many new cars on the road (almost all built or assembled in Iran), ... I can go on and on with that.
Parvizjan, From your statement it appears that all of that is not done with the oil income but miraculous mullahs' flatulence.


To: PArviz (re: I put you (H. Derakhshan))

by Rajavi Parast Nabashid (not verified) on

Obvious to me that you are one of those MKO lackys who does not agree with ANY facts or ANY evidence unless it came from their zionist and neocon bretheren. Logic, evidence, inference, and deliberation, don't mean anything to you. You see the world the way you WANT to see it , not the way it IS. I have been following some of your writings and comments on "" and sadly concluded that whoever you disagree with is called a "mozdoor" (a term used by Rajavis to call people who diagree with them), and lack brain power to tell the difference between fact and fiction. This is a hallmark of MKO membership. I hope one day you wake up (not that it matters whether you are left living in your little fictional world formed by buch of blood sucking zionists and their lackys!!!)


I put you (H. Derakhshan)

by PArviz (not verified) on

I put you (H. Derakhshan) and Ganji in the same category, namely in the category of people not to be trusted.

We have two points of view here:
1- You are either of the opinion that the present regime in Iran is a democratic regime and the majority of Iranians are happy with it


2-This is a brutal regime which stops at nothing in order to ensure it's existence even if it meant killing thousands (as it has done up to now and will continue to do so)

I belong to the people who believe in the second point of view. This regime has deprived Iranians of their most basic rights and plundered their national resources during the past 30 years. I do not think I need to come up with a list of all the crimes they have committed against the Iranian nation.

This regime is using the income from oil not to benefit the people (such as providing the most basic forms of education, health care, infrastructure...) but to waste it on ridiculous and costly adventures such as developing nuclear weapons (which according to the NEI report it did until 2003), meddling in other countries affairs and suppressing its own people by torture, executions, assassinations and imprisonment.

Since we are dealing with a regime who does not hesitate to use severest of means to deal with any kind of opposition (you surely do not agree with this and hold your Imam and regime as revolutionary and liberating), I think it is only logical to ask the world, in particular the western world, to apply pressure on this regime on issues such as human rights and democracy. What is wrong with trying to protect your people? Western governments have their own interests at heart. This is mainly economical and they could not basically care less what happens to the people of Iran in the process of making money in their dealings with the regime in Iran. So, I ask you, what is wrong with putting pressure on these governments to in turn put pressure on the regime on these issues? Whatever Ganji's motives are (probably not as sinister as yours) I wholeheartedly agree with asking the westerners to apply political pressure on the regime.

The Iranian people might not an alternative for this regime at the moment but it does not mean that this regime can do whatever it wants with them.

Now comes the insult section (I just could not resist this): you and people like you make me sick. You hold yourself as the all knowing super intellectual who in fact is nothing but an insignificant mozdoor. I certainly hope one day you and people like you have to answer to your people whom you so much like keep under the yoke of a backward, savage and brutal regime.


Hode: A Wonderful Fresh View on Iranian Politics

by Anonymous 5000 (not verified) on

You are one of sharpest analysts I have seen. Your views are accurate and to the point. Your opponents belong to either to Mojahedin cult, Pahlavi clan, or just a bunch of Mozdoors. Of course, they have nothing to offer. I am sure their comments do not bother you. Please keep your analysis coming.

However, I think we cannot put Ebadi, Ganji, and Afshari in the same category. Ebadi has a very low intellectual ability. She is simply a lost case. She really speaks none-sense. Although there is no hope for Ebadi, but she is better that Azar Nafisi who is a real traitor.

Mr. Ganji is one step more evolved than Ms. Ebadi. His manifesto was actually a good piece of work. However, his recent articles and analysis puts doubt to whether he actually wrote the manifesto. I would classify Mr. Ganji as someone with a superficial views of how the world works. He does not seem to understand that foreign intervention means only one thing: slavery. Apparently he does not know history very well. I would ask Mr. Ganji to check one history book to see what happened to Iran every time a foreign country intervened. It is possible that in time Mr. Ganji will realize the depth of his mistaken views.

Mr. Afshari is not in the same category at Ebadi and Ganji. This guy is a true mozdoor. He sold himself, his country, his religion, his friends, his family, and everything else for a few dollars.


Re: Asghar Javan

by jamshid on

Zionists, neocons and others don't care about Iranians. But The IRI is the one and true enemy of the Iranian nation. The worst enemy. They have occupied the country and taken Iranians hostage. 


Iran's situation is very similar to if Saddam had won the war and occupied Iran. We are in a similar situation. Those mullahs are not Iranians, just like Saddam wasn't. 


Saddam is gone. So will be the IRI soon.