Chance for peace

UN should accept Iran’s offer to implement Additional Protocol


Chance for peace

In the wake of the latest report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), clearing Iran of all the outstanding issues from its own work plan of August 2007, Iran has also agreed to accept and observe the Additional Protocol if its nuclear file is returned back to the IAEA jurisdiction from the UN Security Council. The Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) appeals to the 5+1 group to positively consider Iran’s offer of implementing the Additional Protocol and enter into unconditional negotiations with Iran.

Given the declaration of IAEA on February 22, which stated that the agency no longer considers as outstanding the six issues in its work plan on verifying Iran’s nuclear programme and given the lack of any evidence of an active nuclear weapons program - confirmed even by America's own intelligence community and published in the National Intelligence Estimate in December 2007- there is no justification for keeping Iran’s file at the UN Security Council.

Iran’s decision to implement the Additional Protocol creates an unprecedented opportunity for the UN Security Council (UNSC) to de-escalate this sensitive standoff. Such a move would allow the agency to take full advantage of the Additional Protocol to finish investigating Iran's nuclear activities, and keep an intrusive watch on Iran's on-going nuclear energy program.

Nuclear inspections by the IAEA have proven to be the best and only non-violent safeguard against nuclear weapons proliferation. No country in the world has been able to develop nuclear weapons while its programme has been under the inspections of the IAEA. In the case of Iraq, nearly the entire weapons program was exposed and neutralized in the 1990's through a rigorous inspections process. Had the program not been needlessly politicized by the US administration in its single-minded drive toward war, it would have validated that no nuclear weapons threat existed in Iraq. Instead, thirteen years of UN sanctions on Iraq which killed over half a million Iraqi children, finally led to an illegal invasion which has brought a catastrophe for the people of this country.

If the aim is to make sure that Iran's program does not divert nuclear materials for weaponization, the Additional Protocol is the best tool available. Designed in 1993, it allows for tougher, more intrusive inspections. It ensures full accounting of nuclear materials and snap visits to any suspect location with 2 hours notice. Rights to inspect all aspects of Iranian nuclear energy program, from production of Uranium to Research and Development are exclusively granted. More stringent information sharing requirements are also included. The IAEA Additional Protocol is hardly a free ride for Iran. Following US action in Iraq, Iranian leaders are justifiably nervous about granting such intrusive rights to foreign inspectors.

Such a scenario allows for a peaceful resolution of the current standoff and severely undermines any justification for armed conflict over this issue. It is time for all sides to step back from the brink of a historic disaster and pursue peace through cooperation, not threats and hostility.

For more information or to contact CASMII please visit


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Thank you Professor Ala

by Zionist (not verified) on


- promoting the ideals of the Islamic Regime of Iran under the guise of Human Rights activities and without caring for the victims of that regime,

- being such a vocal apologist of the Islamic Regime of Iran,

- aiding the fear-mongers among us to stir-up the fear of war so that the Islamic Regime of Iran can maintain its victim image,

- having retired from your univesity post in the USA so you can travel more freely to Iran and back,

I can think of many more things for which we Zionists should be grateful to you but the scope if this post is rather limited.

Finally thank you for not replying to this post.


Yes, Sure!

by Zion on

`One reason that I buy it is because I have many friends among Israeli scientists, and this is what they tell me.`

I can definitely see that.



by Mammad (not verified) on


Yes, I absolutely buy the argument that Israel needs water resources. One reason that I buy it is because I have many friends among Israeli scientists, and this is what they tell me.

That is why Israel annexed the Golan. That is why it occupied southern Lebanon up to Litani river but not beyond, and that is why it will, to the extent that it can, prevent establishment of a viable Paslestinian state. Israel has the most powerful armed forces in the Middle East. It is not in any military danger, even by Iran's mad mullahs. Therefore, the only reason for its actions is that it needs the natural resources of these regions.

But, this is a business for Israel and Palestinians. I support Palestinians to have their own states, but I also believe that they should be realistic and like everything else accept facts on the ground, namely, the state of Israel. I do not support giving Palestnians guns to fight. I support giving them humanitarian and moral support. One cannot be more Palestinian than the Palestinians.

And, no, Israel is not treated with double standards. It is the Israelis that have double standards, which are what I listed in my last comment.

Yeah: Let's do what you say. Let's interpret the international laws dynamically, namely, if one interpretation suits our interest today, use it, but if tomorrow the same interpretation does not protect our interests, let's change it. If this is the way you think, then why have international laws and treaties to begin with? Let's just make them as we go!

You are confusing thinking individually (a thinking person) with thinking collectively. The two are not the same. Thinking collectively has led to international treaties and laws. Without them the world will be even a more horrible place than it is today. But, they also work only if they applied exactly equally to every nation, and if in the application the spirit and letter of the laws and treaties are respected. I hate the mullahs' regime in Iran, but when it comes to Iran's nuclear program, I believe that they are, to a very large extent, right, for the reasons that I listed in my last two comments.

Whatever dimension my world may have, it is very clear, in my opinion, how your world is:

1. One dimensional: Thinking only in a certain direction, namely, justifying whatever Israel does.

2. Binary: You are either with us or against us.

3. Black and white: Everybody is either absolutely good (supports Israel), or absolutely bad (opposes Israel's policies).

Enough. You made your point, I made mine.


Cultural Planiverse

by Zion on

Do you really buy this outdated commie nonsense about water needs?! (It is a good thing there is not a drop of oil in the land of Israel.) Do you really think Israel won`t just invent tools to use and convert the sea water of the mediterranean if the need arises? I mean seriously man...
Israel, is indeed treated with double standard as the Jew among nations by a hypocritical gentile world. Attitudes are expected of her that is not expected of any other nation, and even when her conduct is by far the most moral among all nations in history faced with her conditions, she is being constantly branded as he monster by a world that stomachs real atrocities against humanity on a daily basis in every other part of this planet. We have learnt as a people that if we do not take care of ourselves, we will be massacred and the world will ever give a shit. Just raw reality, but what ever or shortcomings, we are not willfully blind.

It is also worth reminding you lot that the presence and veto power of the US, the greatest and oldest democracy in the world, is the only thing that has prevented a corrupt system like the Un to turn into something much worse than the inquisition. Be thankful of the blessings we do have people. Do not be blind to reality.

it is obvious you can`t comprehend the point I am making. It is like arguing from someone stuck in a two dimensional plane that they should get out of the plane and look at the situation from the third dimension to get a correct understanding of their situation. Fine. For me this particular thread has been very informative. I am beginning to see some of the cultural shortcomings of your type that lies at the root of your types of actions in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and the Middle East. A lot of food for thought. Off hand i`d say this kind of blind following of the letters of regulations as the propaganda excuse that would suite muslim masses is based on Islamic teaching that demands submission to a text in one hand, and the continuation of being totally irrelevant as masses in their own destiny in the other. Free men judge any law as only means to a higher purpose, both pragmatic and moral. Free men struggle in the real world to make their interests met, unlike slave-minded masses who are used to demand things of higher authorities and whine about their miserable conditions. Much to think about here.


Re: Mammad

by jamshid on

I do not require a response from you. The reason I sometimes respond to your comments is not for engaging in a discussion with you. It is rather to expose you and your beliefs to other readers.



by Mammad (not verified) on


Thank you for your insults. As I told you several weeks ago, I won't respond to your "comments". I won't lower myself to get involved in insulting.


Re: Mammad

by jamshid on

You forget one thing. Israel is not the enemy of the "people" of Iran. Palestine however IS the enemy of the "people" of Iran.

Why? Read why in my post in another thread:


So stop running to the defense of the Palestinians who were willing to kill Iranians in order to appease Saddam.

I read in the news that IRI is "demanding" the residents of Bam to pay back on their earthquake loans. The poor people of Bam have not yet recovered from the earthquake, and here the regime that you support is asking them to "pay back" the emergency loans made to them, while the IRI is spending hundreds of millions in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.

You people have no shame. You and the regime you support are not fit to be the rulers of Iran. You are willing to, correction: you ARE hurting and selling out your own countrymen and women for your bankrupt "Palestine cause" ideological gains.

You, Mammad, and the regime you support, the IRI, do not represent Iranians. You both represent "ideologies" and "causes" that have no benefit for the people of Iran.


what do Iranians think of the nuclear issue?

by IRN (not verified) on


Still a fabricator

by Mammad (not verified) on


You read my comments selectively. You, as usual, take things out of context. I conceded nothing, because you lie, you fabricate, and you are a fanatic.

You only read the first paragraph of what I said, otherwise you should have seen that in the next pararagh, and also in the previous comment in great detail, I explained that Iran has violated nothing, except for minor breaches of the Safeguards Agreement, all of which have now been clarified.

You are talking about intention, but there is not a single word in the NPT, the Safeguards Agreement, the IAEA Statute, and the UN Charter about INTENTIONS. They deal with facts on the ground, and facts on the ground have proven absolutely positively nothing. We cannot change international laws arbitrarily just because they contradict our interests. Read these, because I am certain you have not. You only repeat what the Zionist proaganda machine says. If you want to convince people, only refer to these documents, and the IAEA reports, not propaganda.

You very much behave like all the Zionists. You have one set of standards for the Zionists and their supporters, and another set for the rest of the world. Israel is not a member of the NPT, but wants the IAEA to punish Iran! Israel violates every Resolution by the UNSC against it, but wants UNSC to punish Iran. Israel Kills Palestinians, but cries foul when a single citizen of Israel is killed. Israel has set up an apartheid system for the Palestinians, but you constantly lament lack of democracy in Iran........

But, since you insist on intentions, Israel

(1) has no intention of ever allowing a viable Palestinian State to emerge, because it needs the water resources of the West Bank;

(2) intends to wipe out the entire infrastructure of the Palestinians in Gaza. Unlike what you said in a previous comment, Israel is NOT out of Gaza; it continues to murder innocent childrend, old men, and women and mothers, and destroy the little that they have;

(3) has no intention of ever leaving the Golan Heights, because it needs the water resources of Golan, and

(4) has every intention of occupying southern Lebanon, if it can, because it needs the water from Litani River. That is why it occupied it for 18 years, and left only when it was forced to, not by choice.

And, these intentions are actually backed up by facts on the ground.

You are nothing but a fanatical fabricator.


This thread is about Iran

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

This thread is about Iran not Israel. Please blog about Israel's noncompliance with UNSC if you wish on a different thread. Thanks.


Dear Zion: it's a hard life having a double-standard

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

everyone constantly calling you on it... I really feel for you. It's not easy being a partisan hypocrite.


Great explanation on Security Council resolutions

by Jalili (not verified) on

Zion, you have outdone yourself!

UNSC against Israel = worthless paper
UNSC against Iran = important truth

I don't know anybody this dense in real life.


If you repeat something it doesn't make it true!

by Jalili (not verified) on

Zion, you have been saying the same thing over and over again. Are you actually reading anything or just cutting and pasting Zionist information?


Thanks birdflu. Look in the mirror Mammad.

by Zion on

I regard it as an exercise for my nerves and skills. ;)

You said:
`No, the purpose of the IAEA is NOT to prevent Iran and countries like Iran acquire the know how for nuclear weaponization. In fact, the purpose IS to help any Member state to acquire nuclear technology in ALL ITS ASPECTS (read the IAEA Statute and the NPT), but use it peacefully. There is not a single word in the IAEA Statute that says what fabricator-in-chief Zion says.`

You contradict yourself in the same paragraph. Don`t you understand what `use it peacefully` in the sentence you yourself wrote means? A regime like Iran`s can`t be trusted to use it peacefully, and can`t be treated the same way as Canada or teh Czech republic. It is really simple. How come you can`t comprehend this?

You also said:
`yes, the UNSC Resolutions against Israel have been filed under Chapter VII (as I mentioned below in another comment), but that is only because the United States protects Israel blindly.`.

The United States protects Israel`s rights with clear vision, but even if that was the case, that is simply the way it is. These are the conditions under which member states have agreed to operate. You are free to get out of such bodies like the UN and such binding agreements like NPT, no one can keep you there by force. You can get out and face the consequences if you think you can handle it. Otherwise stop whining.

You have basically conceded to all my main points and still call me master fabriocator. maybe you should be looking in the mirror instead.


Yes, Thank You CASMII

by Jalili (not verified) on

as you can see, education is what we are missing most. Thanks for all your peace efforts.


TO; Mohammad Ala: with all due respect:.....

by AAJ SR (not verified) on

You are thanking CAMII "....for what you have done for our community." please explain what have they done for your community? and which community you are talking about? and who are you representing in your community?

If CASMII comes forward and denouce all atrocities, inhuman, inequality, injustice treatment IRI committed toward Iran and Iranian they will have support of majority of all Iranian, otherwise CASMII is a branch of IRI and a parasite among Iranian in exile.


Here is the link to the

by bird flu (not verified) on

Here is the link to the article, "Russia tells Iran to suspend enrichment":


CASMII=Doostiyeh Khaleh Kharseh

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing (or saying)the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Think about this quote for a second and ask yourself, does this quote apply to the way mullahs run their foreign policy?

In the final analysis, CASMII's echoing of Islamic Republics ad nauseam has not helped Iran or Iranians and will not ameliorate Iran's dilemma one bit. As long as Iranian mullahs and their allies in the US refuse to be objective, all of this peace shenanigans will translate into an ever increasing chance toward war.

As Henry Kissinger appropriately put it, paraphrasing: "Iran needs to decide whether she wants to be a "cause" or a nation among others.

Mohammad Ala


by Mohammad Ala on

Thanks CASMII for your report and what you have done for our community.

Please ignore the chickens.  You have many supporters.


Dear Zion: I appreciate your

by bird flu (not verified) on

Dear Zion: I appreciate your well-reasoned and unbiased scathing rebuttles. I don't know how you manage to stay so level headed. Hat tips to you, zion.

P.S. IAEA has a purpose...the IAEA was estqablished in the spirit of monitoring nuclear arms race among nations by providing and facilitating transparency. The letter (legalise of the provisions) of IAEA needs a complete overhaul to reflect that spirit in the 21st century.

Russia Tells Iran to Suspend Enrichment


Zion's fabrications

by Mammad (not verified) on

In a previous comment below, I explained the situation, not according to what the IRI says, but according to the IAEA.

But, Zion, whose name says it all, fabricates as he goes.

No, the purpose of the IAEA is NOT to prevent Iran and countries like Iran acquire the know how for nuclear weaponization. In fact, the purpose IS to help any Member state to acquire nuclear technology in ALL ITS ASPECTS (read the IAEA Statute and the NPT), but use it peacefully. There is not a single word in the IAEA Statute that says what fabricator-in-chief Zion says.

Uranium enrichment is a technology that can be used both for generating fuel for reactor and making nuclear bomb. If Zion is correct, then aside from a few countries no one should be able to enrich uranium. But that is not what the IAEA Statute and the NPT say.

Article IV of NPT recognizes a Member State's fundamental rights to all aspects of nuclear technology, including enrichment, so long as they are peaceful. There is, so far, not a shred of evidence that Iran's program is anything but peaceful. As Mohamad ElBaradei has said repeatedly, "the IAEA cannot measure the INTENTIONs of a Member State, but facts on the ground." And, facts on the ground have proven nothing.

There is also not a single word in NPT, the Safeguards Agreement, the IAEA Statute, or the UN Charter, that says that if a nation committed MINOR breaches of its Safeguard Agreement (as Iran has done, all of which have now been resolved), and if the breaches are not "to further a military purpose," as the IAEA has certified that Iran's breaches are not and have not been, then, that nation should give up its rights, or freeze its program.

The IAEA and its Board of Governors do not have the authority to demand a Member State to freeze its nuclear program. Because they did, they violated an international law. thus, referral of Iran to UNSC was illegal. Then, because the UNSC refused to identify the threat that Iran's nuclear program poses to the world, and only referred to the BOG of the IAEA, it too violated the UN Charter by issuing its Resolutions under Chapter VIII. Because it committed such a gross violation, its Resolution are illegal.

READ THE SAFEGUARDS AGREEMENT, the NPT, the IAEA Statute, and the UN Charter before fabricating and spreading lies. May be reading those help you open your fanatical eyes.

yes, the UNSC Resolutions against Israel have been filed under Chapter VII (as I mentioned below in another comment), but that is only because the United States protects Israel blindly. How can the 1956, 1967 and 1973 wars not be against "peace and international security," the language for filing under Chapter VIII, and for which Resolution 242 and 338, and others were issued? How can invasion of Lebanon in 1978, and 1982, in 2006, and occupation of southern Lebanon for 18 years not be against "peace and International Security," for which several Resolutions against Israel were passed?
These wars and their results, including Israel's 41 years of occupation of Palestinians lands are the, or at least one of the most important, root cause of the instability and wars in the Middle East, yet they are not against "peace and international security," the language for filing under Chapter VIII?

In his fabrications Zion is so brazen and blind that it defies not only logic and rationality, but also any decent human quality. The man is blind to everything, and by acting as if he knows it all and the rest of us do not, he shows his fanatical nature, while screaming against the same when it comes to the mullahs.

Zion reserves the rights for himself to not only fabricate imaginary interpretations of international laws, about which he absolutely knows nothing as his comments here demonstrate, but also interpreting what everyone says just to advance his fanatical defense of Israel.


Well done...

by sadegh on

Another inspired retort Q...


Missing The Point

by Zion on

One more time Q, Pay close attention. The purpose of watch dogs like IAEA and the purpose of Security Council is to prevent rouge states like Islamic republic of Iran to attain the technical know-how and the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. Got it? This is not an issue of theological or academic philosophical or abstract legal debate. This is a matter of life and death of human beings, of civilizations and of global economy. A state like that in Iran that takes another countries embassy by force, that performs terrorist attacks in other countries, that publicly calls for the annihilation of another state, that praises known terrorists and criminals, that questions the validity of the greatest mass murder of the century can`t be allowed to possess this kind of powers. PERIOD. That is the whole purpose of the existence of these institutions. Otherwise, if a state like Islamic Republic of Iran can get through, then any weaponization program might as well be made open and free to anyone. Canada or the Czech republic have nothing to do with the case of IRI. That is why the same IAEA you keep quoting from states that Iran has yet to clear the questions that exist regarding its nuclear program.

I have already explained elsewhere the issue of Israel related UN resolutions. Only chapter seven security council resolutions are of a binding nature that allows third parties to ACT. Chapetr 6 and UN general assembly resolutions are nothing but words onpaper for various usually meaningless agendas. There is not a single chapter seven resolution against Israel and that is the only thing that counts. So the two issue have no relevance to each other, except perhaps in the agendas of the likes of you.


Zion, changing the subject again, ey? So typical...

by Q on

So you started saying this about the 6 points that the IAEA did clear Iran on:

That is simply not a correct understanding of what the IAEA and the NIE have stated.

This was proven to be a lie when I pulled the actual quote from the IAEA and showed you that the original 6 points were addressed and cleared by the IAEA. Then you changed the subject saying that the one remaining issue (which was newly introduced) was "the only one that ever matters." This was also proven to be a lie, when I highlighted for you (because I know you miss these things) the fact that IAEA itself considers another issue -now resolved- to be the most important.

Unable to face reality or stick to any of your own points, (or heaven forbid acutally acknowledge your mistakes), you now change subjects again to something else you think you actually understand. It's OK, I have some more time for schooling you.

As to your actual self-serving point "Please explain why the security council voted all for sanctions against Iran":

I will answer you. No, I will do better than that. I will make YOU answer YOURSELF and hopefully teach you something in the process. Can you please explain to me why the security council voted for these resolutions against Israel?

These are UN Security Council Resolutions specifiacally rejected and currently being violated by the state of Israel, as of 2002.

Resolution 252 (1968) Israel
Urgently calls upon Israel to rescind measures that change the legal status of Jerusalem, including the expropriation of land and properties thereon.

262 (1968) Israel
Calls upon Israel to pay compensation to Lebanon for destruction of airliners at Beirut International Airport.

267 (1969) Israel
Urgently calls upon Israel to rescind measures seeking to change the legal status of occupied East Jerusalem.

271 (1969) Israel
Reiterates calls to rescind measures seeking to change the legal status of occupied East Jerusalem and calls on Israel to scrupulously abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding the responsibilities of occupying powers.

298 (1971) Israel
Reiterates demand that Israel rescind measures seeking to change the legal status of occupied East Jerusalem.

446 (1979) Israel
Calls upon Israel to scrupulously abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding the responsibilities of occupying powers, to rescind previous measures that violate these relevant provisions, and "in particular, not to transport parts of its civilian population into the occupied Arab territories."

452 (1979) Israel
Calls on the government of Israel to cease, on an urgent basis, the establishment, construction, and planning of settlements in the Arab territories, occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem.

465 (1980) Israel
Reiterates previous resolutions on Israel's settlements policy.

471 (1980) Israel
Demands prosecution of those involved in assassination attempts of West Bank leaders and compensation for damages; reiterates demands to abide by Fourth Geneva Convention.

484 (1980) Israel
Reiterates request that Israel abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

487 (1981) Israel
Calls upon Israel to place its nuclear facilities under the safeguard of the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency.

497 (1981) Israel
Demands that Israel rescind its decision to impose its domestic laws in the occupied Syrian Golan region.

573 (1985) Israel
Calls on Israel to pay compensation for human and material losses from its attack against Tunisia and to refrain from all such attacks or threats of attacks against other nations.

592 (1986) Israel
Insists Israel abide by the Fourth Geneva Conventions in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories.

605 (1987) Israel
"Calls once more upon Israel, the occupying Power, to abide immediately and scrupulously by the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War, and to desist forthwith from its policies and practices that are in violations of the provisions of the Convention."

607 (1986) Israel
Reiterates calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention and to cease its practice of deportations from occupied Arab territories.

608 (1988) Israel
Reiterates call for Israel to cease its deportations.

636 (1989) Israel
Reiterates call for Israel to cease its deportations.

641 (1989) Israel
Reiterates previous resolutions calling on Israel to desist in its deportations.

672 (1990) Israel
Reiterates calls for Israel to abide by provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Arab territories.

673 (1990) Israel
Insists that Israel come into compliance with resolution 672.

681 (1990) Israel
Reiterates call on Israel to abide by Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Arab territories.

694 (1991) Israel
Reiterates that Israel "must refrain from deporting any Palestinian civilian from the occupied territories and ensure the safe and immediate return of all those deported."

726 (1992) Israel
Reiterates calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention and to cease its practice of deportations from occupied Arab territories.

799 (1992) Israel
"Reaffirms applicability of Fourth Geneva Convention…to all Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, and affirms that deportation of civilians constitutes a contravention of its obligations under the Convention."

904 (1994) Israel
Calls upon Israel, as the occupying power, "to take and implement measures, inter alia, confiscation of arms, with the aim of preventing illegal acts of violence by settlers."

1073 (1996) Israel
"Calls on the safety and security of Palestinian civilians to be ensured."

1322 (2000) Israel
Calls upon Israel to scrupulously abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding the responsibilities of occupying power.

1402 (2002) Israel
Calls for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian cities.

1403 (2002) Israel
Demands that Israel go through with "the implementation of its resolution 1402, without delay."

1405 (2002) Israel
Calls for UN inspectors to investigate civilian deaths during an Israeli assault on the Jenin refugee camp.

1435 (2002) Israel
Calls on Israel to withdraw to positions of September 2000 and end its military activities in and around Ramallah, including the destruction of security and civilian infrastructure.


I do this to demonstrate a point. Whatever your explanation is for why Israel was singled out and voted against in the above resolutions, is very close to my answer to you. The UN Security Council is a plaything of the permenant 5 and the powerful countries. US routinely bribes countries on the council and other international organizations with favorable trade deals and quid-pro-quo even with this specific issue. It is entirely political how meaningful each resolution is. All the ones against Israel, for example, never get enforced by US policy. But all the ones against Iraq, well, that's worth going to war over... You can't possibly be that stupid not to understand this.

Iraq was in violation of 13 UNSC resolutions over weapons it did not have! There was never any proof produced yet there were all these resolutions, how do you explain this? Logically this shows that resolutions do not equal actual guilt.

Lastly, as you well know ,but pretend not to, IAEA and El Baradey have never produced any evidence of an Iranian weapons program. They have only not given Iran a "clean bill of health" which is to say they can't "guarantee Iran is NOT weaponizing." This is called proving a negative, the standards are very high and it takes years to do. People like you who pretend not to undrestand, point to this "lack" of proof as if it's something unusual. In fact it is not. Read this:

According to the IAEA's own Annual Safeguards Implementation Report of 2004,[37] of the 61 states where both the NPT safeguards and the Additional protocol are implemented, the IAEA has certified the absence of undeclared nuclear activity for only 21 countries, leaving Iran in the same category as 40 other countries including Canada, the Czech Republic, and South Africa. Source

Do not confuse these theatrics overplayed in the western media for actual evidence. There hasn't been any evidence yet.

Another one of your lies:

The NPT is not a divine decree. It is devised to serve a purpose. The purpose is to prevent rouge states like Iran to attain nuclear know how that enables them to produce nuclear weapons.

Wrong. Have you read the NPT? (Of course not) It is in fact designed to provide the nuclear know-how. It is a bargain that provides the nuclear know-how for energy in exchange for promise not to develop weapons. In fact, it allows enrichment. It also is supposed to work to reduce nuclear weapons from the states that have them. While Iran has kept its promise not to develop weapons, the other part of the bargain are not being kept in violation of the NPT.

You further observe:

If the legalities are too old to completely serve the goal in 2008, they will have to be updated to be able to function properly.

Yes genius! The update is called the additional protocol. Iran is ready to sign it. See the CASMII statement above.

X doesn't trust Y is not a legal standard. (Can you comprehend this fact?) You have to show evidence of a nuclear weapons program. Which the NIE said does not exist.

Where is that evidence? If it doesn't exist, what is Iran being punished for?

Will you have enough decency to admit any of these false claims that you routinely make? I'm not holding my breath.

programmer craig

How much longer for the chickens?

by programmer craig on

How long until people can make reasonable comments on posts such as this, without being gangbanged by a bunch of anonymous trolls?


Credit when it`s due

by Zion on

I am prefectly willing to give credit when it`s due. Unfortunately nothing that you and others like you have stated here qualifies. It is really not my fault your logic is so defective, Q. You make a resaonable argument once and I will gladly acknowledge it. I`m still waiting. That`s all.

To repeat, the issue with Iranian nuclear addventurism is one thing. Islamic Iran can`t be trusted, Please explain why the security council voted all for sanctions against Iran, why IAEA is still demanding Iran to cooperate and clear the issues, why Al-Baradei openly admits that he can`t give Iran a clean bill. Why do countries like Russia, China, South Africa, ... all agree to waging sanctions against Iran? Why doesn`t even Indonesia, with such good relations to your regime, vote against the sanctions. The reason is, they can`t trust your regime and for very good reasons. The NPT is not a divine decree. It is devised to serve a purpose. The purpose is to prevent rouge states like Iran to attain nuclear know how that enables them to produce nuclear weapons. The purpose is important. The resolutions are the means to this end, to prevent an uncontrolled arms race and an ensuing nuclear apocalyps. If the legalities are too old to completely serve the goal in 2008, they will have to be updated to be able to function properly. Every responsible, and even not so responsible, government in the world realizes this. This is the basis of all the binding decsions that world bodies like the IAEA and The Security Council should make, and although they sometimes fail to do it as vigorously as they should, they still manage to retain the minimum standards of what they are supposed to do.
You want to be allowed to have the know how, you want the world to be able to trust you again, do something about your regime. Make it sane and trustworthy. Otherwise there is no chance you will ever be allowed to get to that point, and if diplomacy fails, other means will ensure it. Furthermore it is very good that it is like this.
Can you comprehend this simple fact?


Indisputable facts

by Mammad (not verified) on

Iran's nuclear program is, at this stage, a political problem. Therefore, to obtain a correct and objective perspective, all we need to do is reading Iran's international agreements and obligations, and pay no attention to what a war criminal like Bush or Condi Rice says, or what Israel and Zion say, or what Ahmadinejad and cohorts claim.

The followings are facts about Iran's nuclear program, as certified by the IAEA - not the IRI:

1. From October 2003 until August 2005 Iran suspended its entire nuclear program, and voluntarily implemented the Additional Protocol (AP).

2. Iran signed the Sa'dabad agreement in October 2003 and the Paris agreenment in November 2004 in which it reaffirmed its intentions for keeping the program suspended and carrying out the AP voluntarily, so long as the negortiations were making progress.

3. The EU had promised Iran to offer a package of incentives. But, what they offered in August 2005 was ridiculous. In return for freezing INDEFINITELY the physical facts on the ground, namely, Iran's facilities for the complete nuclear fuel cycle, EU made vague promises, like promising to FACILITATE Iran's access to nuclear fuel.

Note that URENCO, a European consortium, is the most important producer of enriched uranium. But, the EU did not guarantee that Iran could buy enriched uranium from URENCO! Note also that the Shah paid $1 billion to the French maker of enriched uranium, EURODIFF, in return for 10% stake in it and access to 10% of the uranium, but France has neither returned the money (with interest after 33 years), nor has it ever given Iran one gram of enriched uranium. Note also that Germany never finished the two reactors in Bushehr, nor did it return the money.

In its package of "incentives" the EU promised that it would not attack Iran with nuclear weapons, but then immediately mentioned too many situations which could trigger such attacks! It also mentioned nothing about not attacking Iran with conventional arms. Note that Iraq was attacked not by nuclear weapons, but by conventional ones.

4. After the EU's ridiculous package was rejected, Iran resumed the work, but only gradually. It also did it according to the "book," namely, according to its Safeguards Agreement of 1974 with the IAEA, informing the Agency way in advance about what it intended to do. It also stopped its volunteer implementation of the AP, since it gained nothing from carrying it out.

5. Iran has not violated the NPT. According to Articles I-III of the NPT, a Member State violates the NPT if,

(a) It secretly makes nuclear weapons;

(b) It helps another Member State to do so, or

(c) It gives its nuclear technology and materials to a non-Member state. Note that, the US has violated the NPT, because it has agreed to give its nuclear technology to India, a non-Member State, and has given it to Israel, another non-Member State.

the IAEA has certified time and again that Iran has not violated these.

6. Iran has BREACHED its SafeGuards Agreement, namely, carrying out experiments without informing the IAEA. But,

(a) The experiments were not "to further a military purpose," in the language of the Safeguards Agreement, and

(b) they were all resolved according to last week's report by the IAEA.

7. The IAEA has certified in every report about Iran that it is able to certify that all of Iran's declared facilities are safeguarded, and no material has been diverted to a secret program, or for a military purpose.

8. Hiding the construction of the Natanz facility for uranium enrichment was NOT illegal. The Subsidiary Arrangements part of Iran's Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA stipulated that Iran had to inform the IAEA the existence of any nuclear facility ONLY 180 DAYS PRIOR TO INTRODUCING ANY ACTUAL NUCLEAR MATERIALS INTO THEM, which Iran dully did.

These are all certified by the IAEA.

Now, here are what many experts as well as LEGAL SCHOLARS agree on:

1. The IAEA has no legal authority to demand that Iran freeze its enrichment program. There is not a single word in the NPT, the IAEA Statute, or the Safegaurds Agreement which gives the IAEA such authority.

2. Since Iran, according to the IAEA itself, has not violated the NPT; since Iran's breaches of the Safeguards Agreement were not for "to further a military purpose" (in the precise language of the IAEA Statute), and because the IAEA has certified that Iran has not made any nuclear diversion, its referral to the UNSC was illegal.

3. Once Iran's dossier was in the UNSC, the Council violated the UN Charter because:

(a) The UNSC filed its Resolutions under Chapter VIII of the UN Charter. However, the UNSC can do this ONLY if it first identifies "a threat to the peace and international security." But, the UNSC refused to identify the threat (read Resolution 1696, 1737, 1747, and 1803). Because it refused to do so, it has no legal authority to file its Resolutions under Chapter VIII. Note that, Resolutions filed under Chapter VIII must be carried out by the nation(s) against which the Resolutions have been issued.

Note an important facts: All the Resolutions against Israel, including 242, 338, 487, 498, and 501 that were issued either after a war between Israel and the Arabs (242, 338, 498, 501), or ordered Israel tp pay an Arab nation compensation (487), were filed NOT under Chapter VIII, but under Chapter VII, which means that their causes were not a threat to "peace and international security!"

(b) In its Resolutions against Iran, the UNSC only refers to the Board of Governors of the IAEA that ordered Iran to suspend its enrichment program. But, because the BOG has no such authority, any UNSC Resolution against Iran based on that is also illegal.

Regarding the remaining issue between the IAEA and Iran:

The information is from a laptop that was supposedly stolen from Iran. Suppose that the documents in the laptop were not fabrication, but authentic. Given that Iran was informed about the laptop two years ago, and given that Iran should know what was stolen, do you not think that they would have prepared reasonable answers to the new questions that were raised this week? The fact that, they were surprised only goes to show that they did not know, which means that the documents in the laptop were forgeries.

I suggest that the interested readers read an article by Gareth Porter on of this past Saturday. Regarding the legal issues raised above, I suggest reading a long article by M. Sahimi, a well-known professor, on, Iran's Nuclear Energy Program. Part VIII.

Any objective reader would reach the conclusion that, from purely legal point of view, Iran is in a very strong position. It is only due to radicals like Ahmadinejad that Iran's position has become weakened.

So, instead of making absurd or meaningless comments, read the documents.


"First they ignore you, then

by piamrasan (not verified) on

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
--Mahatma Gandhi


Whatever Zion, you have MANY issues

by Q on

It's actually making me feel a lot better knowing that you are not a normal human who has logic and can think about things in an open minded manner. You are a foot soldier as I said before.

It's not about a scoring game. But a decent human being can acknowledge when they are wrong or give credit when it's due. I have yet to read anything like that from you about Israel.

It's funny how people like me get called "Islamist agents" all the time even though I have never defended the IRI, or argued in favor of any religion. But people like you who openly and proudly do damage control for Israel are never accused of being on anyone's payroll. Don't you think that's funny?

As to the (little) substance of your comment. This is so typical of you that I almost predicted it when I wrote my last post. When facts suit you, you cite some. When they don't you simply insert your own opinion and ignore them. Kind of how you ignore scholars you don't like, calling them terrorists and self-hating Jews, even if they are on top of their field.

In this case too, you ignore real facts from the very quote you use against me! You are so blinded that you think people should just take your word instead of facts.

If you look at the quote, The IAEA itself says what's most important: It's not this new issue. It's the "size and scope of the program" that's what the authority says is most important. Just read it!!! Yet you just want to unilaterally redefine the one remaining issue as "the most important" enough to offset 4 years of inspections. How very 1984 of you. How shamelessly self-serving.

Forget the fact that you have been proven false in this argument in our last few exchanges (for originally saying "it's not true"), you never acknowledge such pesky things which goes to show you are not an open minded individual. But you now want to redefine reality to suit your own ideology? isn't this really the essence of fanaticism? Where does it stop?

Furthermore, you ignore the fact that this issue was presented only a few weeks ago, so the IAEA could not possibly have had enough time to check it out, so of course it remains "outstanding." In fact, the evidence itself (so-called "evidence") is over 2 years old meaning it was withheld on purpose and only brought forth when US looked like it was going to lose all six issues. Doesn't matter. Iran will answer this as well and it will be proven innocent just in time for the next "obstacle" to be produced.

The game of course has nothing to do with proliferation as I explained to you once before. It is about finding a pretext to do to Iran what was done to Iraq for over 8 years. Since you don't care about innocent non-Jews suffering, you can't be expected to think any different. But that is the real game.


One Issue

by Zion on

`... with the exception of a single issue, and that is the alleged weaponization studies that supposedly Iran has conducted in the past.`

It just so happens that that one issue happens to be the only one that ever matters. A little bit problematic, don`t you think?


Why bother?

by ManofIdeas (not verified) on

My question to CASMII is why do you guys bother. You repeat word for word IRI's position. I also like the legalistic touch: "lack of any evidence of an active nuclear weapons program". Well lack of evidence as far as we know. THere is clearly evidence of a program that may or may not be active. That's why the IAEA has also expressed concern about aspects of Iran's program.

But then I go back to my original point. We can all read, hear and watch IRI spokespersons say the exact same things. WHy do you bother?