Media Games

What is the source of confusion?


Media Games
by Zion

In recent days mass media have been broadcasting statements from an Israeli official, Matan Vilnai,  that if true would have been quite shocking and extremely unnerving: `The deputy defence minister said the stepped-up rocket fire would trigger what he called a `bigger holocaust` in the Hamas-controlled coastal strip.`
The truth is fortunately quite different. The Hebrew word Mr. Vilani used is `shoah`, a common word in hebrew meaning simply catastrophe. So what is the source of confusion?

The massacre of about 6 million Jews and millions of Gypsies, gays, Jehovah Witnesses, Communists and dissidents by the Nazis and their allies before and during WWII is referred to in the English speaking world as `Holocaust`. The term itself is derived from Greek first coined to denote the holy burnt offerings to God in the temple in Jerusalem. As it is not hard to imagine, the Jews never referred to this tragic part of their history by that name in Hebrew. Instead that particular event is always denoted as `Ha-Shoah`, literally meaning `THE catastrophe`. 

The simple definite article `Ha` (THE) might seem trivial but is very important in this context. The word `shoah` is a very common word used repeatedly in every day speaking and in various situations. However it is never used for the `Holocaust` without the complete form with the definite article preceding it, and completely consciously so. Mr Vilani therefore never used the term Holocaust.

The damage however is already done, and once more, just like the forged pictures during the Lebanon war, are broadcast by well known media outlets who should have known better and has given further ammunition to the enemies of the Jewish people in their propaganda war against them and their independent modern state of Israel. For instance It has already managed to inspire a hateful anti-semitic cartoon on this website.

Events like these show why freedom of speech and a venue to have free dialogue is so important in our world today. Thanks to the opportunity given to all of us in this website, and the free land in which it is able to continue to exist, we have a chance to talk about it and realize what the truth actually was. I hope one day all Iranians can have the blessing to live with such freedom in their own land.

Side Note: It was mentioned in the comment sections of another thread in this website that the case of Ahmadinejad`s by now infamous quote of `wiping Israel off the map` is a similar case. That is however unfortunately not so.  This is Ahmadinejad`s quote: `The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).`

First of all, the regime in Iran does not make a distinction between the Israeli Government and the country of Israel, they are both referred to as the Zionist regime or the Zionist entity or as here the regime occupying Jerusalem. That`s because, as I am sure you know, the regime in Iran does not recognize Israel as a country and as a state. Unless you can show evidence that the officials of IRI ever distinguished between the state of Israel and the Israeli government, your version of his speech means the same thing as the eradication of the state of Israel.

Second he is very specifically speaking of what `must be done`, not as you claimed something that will just end up happening by itself. He is quoting his Imam as what muslims should actively pursue and make happen, not a prediction of what would eventually happen by itself. I know this is the kind of spin infamous characters like Juan Cole wanted o give to his remarks but it doesn`t stand the test of detailed analysis.

Furthermore, this was not a single and isolated quotation. He has repeatedly asked for the destruction of Israel, called it a filthy bacteria, as has his Imam Khomeini. It has also got to be seen in the context of speeches by Rafsanjani and others, who directly and openly and officially mused on the costs and benefits of nuking Israel.

The two cases are simply not comparable.


more from Zion

to Bijanam

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Bijanam, I wish you well my friend too and hope you continue the path of prejudice free life. Thanks for a few civilized exchanges (from my side) and semi civilized exchanges (from your side) we have had.
As Abarmard and I said way down below to Zion, there is no reason for Iran and Israel to be enemies. The dialog (dialogue) must go on no matter how we spell it and how much we piss each other off!


With all due respect (to Anonym7)

by Bijanam (not verified) on

I think I have given you a little more credit than I should have. You may have read a few articles here and there and may genuinely be trying to rid of your prejudices, but some of your statements and arguments points to lingering biases you have hard time letting go.
I do not appreciate your disrespect towards Mr. Mazloom and his presentation of factual information. This is not to defend him because he is a lot more informed about the subject and will make his case more eloquently. But for you to call his factual statements as racist remarks or “heavily one sided” reflects the lingering biases that I am talking about.
I wish you well, my friend and hope you continue the path of prejudice free life. Thanks for a few civilized exchanges we have had…. I wish you well.

Mr. Mazloom, please continue to post your informative and unbiased and realistic comments. They are worth the time to post them even if they enlighten only a single soul.


no you did not get it! (to Bijanam)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Bijanam says, "As for Mr. Mazloom and his article that you put down so disrespectfully, I didn’t see you refute any part of his arguments and factual statements. It is much easier to bad mouth than to come up with an intelligent response, when you don’t have one."

Bijanam, it appears that you allowed your imagination go wild in your first few paragraphs before you got to this one.
Anyhow, although I don't disagree with many of the things that AghA_Meyti says I think he looks at things in a very heavily one sided way and that is why I pasted that great paragraph from George Soros. I have seen a good documentary about history of Israel which covers many of the things that AghA_Meyti is talking about but does not include semi racists comments of AghAMeyti...
BTW, regarding my sarcasm, I think my sarcasm is not nearly as bad as using terms such as "Arab-lovers"!


Hapily ever after! (to Mazloom)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Mazloom says: "It is very unfortunate that Arabs and now many Iranian (whom pride themselves for NOT being Arabs), are joining the Palestinian charade."

Hey Mazloom, thanks for correcting my spelling of happily, but don't you think you are exaggerating how involved Iranians are with the Arab Israeli Issue?
I do think majority of Iranians don't like some of the crazy stuff that you guys do (like the occupation of Lebanon, 1982-2000 ....) however your conflict doesn't not concern us nearly to the level that you are imagining.
Speaking of crazy stuff, although we do have some "irrational Mullahs" as you stated in one of your postings below, they were not crazy enough to attack/occupy Afghanistan even though those US/Pakistan/Saudi Arabia supported Taliban/Alqaeda fascists wanted to drag Iran into a war by killing Iranian diplomats.


OK Anonym7, now I get it…..

by Bijanam (not verified) on

The reason we don’t have peace in Middle East is AIPAC. I admit that I have not read Mr. Soro’s arguments, but I doubt if any argument will change the fundamental premise of this debate which is the existence of state of Israel and her rights to defend her citizens.

If we cannot agree on this premise, we cannot conduct a constructive debate. You can ridicule me all you want and bombard me with sarcasms like “happily ever after, …etc.” or read every article Mr. Soro has ever written, or dismantle AIPAC all together. None of that will change the fact that the Jewish state of Israel is here to stay (and rightfully so). Once, and if, we agree on this fact, then there is light at the end of the tunnel to see peace between Palestinians and Israel. However, if you deny this fact and support the ideology of Hammas and IRI, you are promoting destruction and hatred. If you deny that fact, then your terrorizing of Israel citizens and killing of innocents cannot be called resistance (Entifada). You can argue and disagree with Israel’s reactions and methods to stop terrorism and to secure the safety of her citizens. But, there should be no arguing over their right to stop terrorism and killing of innocents.

As for Mr. Mazloom and his article that you put down so disrespectfully, I didn’t see you refute any part of his arguments and factual statements. It is much easier to bad mouth than to come up with an intelligent response, when you don’t have one.

There was no doubt in my mind that you are not 100% Jewish, as I am not 100% Muslim. If you haven’t seen in one of my earlier posts, many of my closest friends that I would risk my life for, are born to and raised by Muslim families. So, the issue is not Muslim versus Jews, the issue is extremism.

As I suggested earlier, let’s pray for peace and co-existence….


Hapily ever after

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

It is very unfortunate that Arabs and now many Iranian (whom pride themselves for NOT being Arabs), are joining the Palestinian charade.

Lets state few facts in regards to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

1. Jews had lived in this god forsaken region for 4000 years. Their history is literary carved on every stone in Jerusalem and elsewhere.

2. Prior to their forced expulsion in 73 ACE by the Rome, they were a very well advanced and organized state called Israel. (It is all documented in the Old testament)

3. Throughout their history in diaspora, they have never ever forgotten their roots, nor forgave their dream of some day to return to the land of their ancestors. In fact, if you go to any Synagogue outside Israel, you will hear payers always end with the phrase "Be-shannah Haba'a Beh-Yerushaleim (Next year in Jerusalem).

4. If you look at the records, one will see that, during the 1910's the land in Palestine was owned by 3 groups - none of which were those Arabs who call themselves "Paletinains. The land was owned by:
a) The Ottoman Empire. b) Wealthy Arabs (Effendis), who were leasing the land to these Arab Phallahim). The remaining 7% owned by Jews, who had bought the land from the Ottoman.

5. During the British mandate, this region was divided into states as we know them today. All Arabs & Muslims and one Jewish.

6. Back in 1947, UN had passed resolution 181, offering to divide the land where Israel today, into two states. One Arab and one Jewish.
Here is the kicker. Arabs then did not object to the size allocated to each group. Rather they objected to ANY land for Jews (Zionist) as sovereign and independent state. Even those tracks which Jews owned legally.
They made the tragic mistake of wanting it all. And ended up losing most of it.

7. Israel was founded on the same principal of religious and cultural sovereignty as Pakistan (and later Bangladesh) which were carved out of the heart of India. They also expelled more then 8 Million Hindus over their borders into India. Yet we don't see any good and honest Muslim having much problem with it. So why Israel is being judged by different standard. Moreover, we don't see Hindu refugee camps on the borders of India- Pakistan. Nor Hindus suicide bombers blowing themselves in Karachi, crying "liberate their land" in Pakistan.

Arabs and their sympathizers can not blame others for mistakes made by their own leaders.
You attack your neighbor, you lose, you pay. Period. Today's Pals are the victims of those tragic mistakes made by their political, and moreover by their despotic and hate filled cleric.
I invite anybody to search the name "Haj Al Husseini", the Mufti of Jerusalem in the 1930-40's. Then you will understand why Muslims have fallen behind.

You know, in Israel the first thing they teach every solder. THERE ARE NO BAD FOLLOWERS, THERE ARE ONLY BAD LEADERS.


happlily ever after story! (to Bijanam)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Bijanam says: "I place the blame on the extremist Palestinians. It is them who bring catasrophy to their people ....... please take a few minutes and read Mr. Mazloom's story on this thread."

Bijanam, we all know about extremist Palestinians ..... what about the extremist Israelis? what about AIPAC? Here is what George Soros says: "I am not sufficiently engaged in Jewish affairs to be involved in the reform of AIPAC; but I must speak out in favor of the critical process that is at the heart of our open society. I believe that a much-needed self-examination of American policy in the Middle East has started in this country; but it can't make much headway as long as AIPAC retains powerful influence in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Some leaders of the Democratic Party have promised to bring about a change of direction but they cannot deliver on that promise until they are able to resist the dictates of AIPAC."

.... Bijanam, I am not %100 Jewish but I can assure you I am smart enough not to go with the 'happlily ever after story' of this Mazloom guy!
Bijanam, Read George Soros instead of Mazloom!



by Zion on

?מהדי אתה באמת מישראל
?אתה יהודי

Was it a mistake? It was meant at the comment below. I was under the impression that it was a fake comment. Many of the islamist apologists engage in such things here and they are all in the habit of calling all those who disagree with them Zionist and Israeli.


your comment below

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

Sion, who were you directing to?.


That was not nice

by Zion on

funny boy. When you have nothing to say you can just remain silent, instead of posing as others and writing under their names to deride them. Now be a good boy and behave yourself, and you don`t worry either OK? Take it easy.


אל תידאג. עוד

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

אל תידאג. עוד יבוא
More to come.
I see many of us the Israelis, whom are VERY familiar with Iran, its cultural and language. Our job is not to bash the Iranian people whom, we uphold as intelligent and more advanced then their you-know-whom neighbors. Nor to butcher the Palestinians, or their right for self determination. Rather, through common denominations, act a bridge of peace between the Iranian people and Israelis. Present the Arab-Israeli conflict from the Israeli man and women in the streets.

Hopefully we will be able to present it as best as we can.



by Bijanam (not verified) on

In spite of your harsh tone, I give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not an extremist. I know your comment about me being anti-iranian is out of your frustration because I have never posted anything to reflect my sentiment towards Iran. A few posts that I have on this site are out of my frustration with extremist views towards the palestinian situation or mis-information about the status of Jews in Iran, because I have been there and lived it. If anything I am more proud of my Iranian heritage than many Arab-lovers pro-IRI extremists who post on this board.

What angers me is the lack of common sense and understanding that some extremists demonstrate when it comes to debating Palestinian situation. While I sincerely sympathize with the misery that many innocent Palestinians experience, I place the blame on the extremist Palestinians. It is them who bring catasrophy to their people.

The notion of disproportionate force is nonsense. When I warn you (or when you know) that if you slap me I'll break every bone in your body, and you still choose to slap me for no reason, then you have no right to complain about disproportionate punishment when I actually break every bone in your body.

I have never talked poletics in any of my posts and have not posted any opinion about Mr. Natanyahou. But, please take a few minutes and read Mr. Mazloom's story on this thread. If you are a reasonable and logical person, you will have a better appreciation for the position of people like Mr. Natanyahoue.

I would still shake your hand in peace and pray for a peaceful Palestinian state who recognizes and respects the existance of the democratic state of Israel.

May we all live in peace.


Thanks Mehdi

by Zion on

This comment was just great! Really appreciated.
Very well said.


Jews & Arabs. Lets assume

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

Lets assume that you and I are neighbors. We have different religions, history, heritage and languages. After living side by side for 1000's of years. It comes time when neither of us wish to live in the same state governed by the other side. Fair enough.

One day, a representative of international community (League Of Nations), suggests to divide the land among us. Where each will form its own state and govern its people as it sees fit, and continue to live in peace side by side as good neighbors.

Now, suppose you respond, Absolutely not, the WHOLE territory is mine, and I want it all. We will live in one state under MY religious laws. Where being the minority, YOU will live under my political, social and religious diktat, and under my "protection".

But we have tried it unsuccessfully for 1400 years. I say no thanks. I want to exercise my inalienable right to live on my ancestral land, in my own state, where my people can find refuge and safe from more persecution. I then, proceed and declare my independence (15 May 1948), and form my own state and government. After which, most members of that international body (UN), recognize and approve of.

You then get mad, and scold me, how dare you to free yourself from my superior domain?. You proceed and call your friends in neighboring countries, and together you invade my one day old state, with declared intention to "drive me into the sea", and take my state, my land, and subjugate me to your 7th century dogma. However, I manage to defend myself, and not only defend my original borders, but take more of your territory and push you far away from my population centers.

As result of your defeat, some of your own people are forced to leave their homes, and become refugees in the neighboring states. Others who remained, they never lost their homes, nor their land, and chose to become citizens in my new state, with the type of freedom & democratic system of which, yourself would never dream to provide them.

Now, suppose that, after losing that war, your so called brother-friends in those neighboring states, keep many of your people locked in refugee camps, under horrible conditions. Only to be used for political purposes, and to keep the flame of hatred, against whom, you had initiated the hostilities in the first place.

To intensify the hatred against me, you manage to convince other states in the region to use their oil and other means to declare economic, diplomatic, military, demographic, and moral assault against my very existence, in an effort to destroy my inalienable right in my own country. All to no avail.

Suppose that, some of your fundamentalist allies even go as far as deny the existence of the Holocaust. One of the most heinous crimes perpetrated on human race, labeling it as myth. In an effort to de-legitimize the very reason, for the establishment of my state, as a democratic and sovereign, to deny me the right for refuge, and from further religious persecutions.

Furthermore, suppose that, the world community offers you numerous times a chance to have your own state in the territories in which, the world organization have already recognized as yours. So you will form your own state. However, you still insist to flood my state with your citizens, under the pretence of “Right of Return”, with clear objective of using my democracy to destroy my democracy, my country, my cultural and religion, by demographic means. When the world community disagrees with you. You respond by sending your teenaged youth, wrapped with explosives to infiltrate into our busses, schools and shopping centers, and blow themselves with intent to kill as many young man and women of their age, as possible. All under the pretense of “resistance to occupation”.

When I return an entire territory (Gaza) to you, so you can begin the first steps of building yourself a viable society, governed by an elected party (Hamas). Instead, this group invents an occupation, and manufactured resistance by launching senseless rocket onto my population centers. Putting their own civilains as well as mine at great risk.

Suppose that, after 60 years of watching your continued mayhem, which is re-enforced by your election of fundamentalists to govern you. A group which had promised you nothing else, except continue with further bloodshed.

In response to your leaders uncompromising hatred and use of violence to get your way, the rest of the world gets sick and tired of playing your game, and start seeing through your real agenda and intention to commit genocide against a minority group. All under the bogus excuses of “resistance” and “liberating an occupied land”. A result of which, the world community, including your own neighboring friends, abandon you and your cause.


Jews, Christians, & Muslims have lived in these region for more thousands of years. Jews and Christians somehow have managed to find a silver path to live side by side in peace and harmony. Why good and honest Muslim-Arab can't do the same is beyond imagination.


Why fixation with Iran?

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

You have asked Zion "why his fixation on Iran"?. maybe he is an Israeli (perhaps born in Iran), and like many others, he is concerned when a group of irrational Mullahs have their finger on the nuclear trigger - all the while they are telling anyone else, how they will use it - On Israel

Frankly, no Israeli, is going to wait until it is too late, so the last one standing will tell you "will told you so".


Dear Bijanam!?

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Bijanam says "Let's live in peace, let me live and I will let you live. Let's put our prides to sleep and compromise.
Stop this crap about Zionism, apartheid, Jewish power, etc... It is just a matter of democratic survival."

Bijanam, not only I don't think all the Zionists or pro Israelis are bad people, I have come across some of the most descent people who are Jewish liberals or pro Israel (George Soros, Kith Olberman, Noam Chomsky ... and even many Israeli Jewish Citizens) however there are some Like Benjamin Netanyahu and those who are currently in charge of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) who are not up to any good (that is an understatement-- see Geoge Soros' article about AIPAC for example: // about AIPAC.). So not so dear Bijanam! You yourself are among one of the most aggressive anti Iranian posters in this site and don't qualify to preach us peace! You are not looking for peace!


Dear Bijanam

by Zion on

Thanks for yourkind words and for standing up for the truth. These gang have always been there. For thousands of years we have had to deal with them, this newest version won`t last longer than their older counterparts either.
Remember Tehilim:
(תהילים (ה
ה- כִּי לֹא אֵל חָפֵץ רֶשַׁע אָתָּה: לֹא יְגֻרְךָ רָע.
ו- לֹא יִתְיַצְּבוּ הוֹלְלִים, לְנֶגֶד עֵינֶיךָ; שָׂנֵאתָ, כָּל פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן.
ז- תְּאַבֵּד, דֹּבְרֵי כָזָב: אִישׁ דָּמִים וּמִרְמָה, יְתָעֵב יְהוָה
ח- וַאֲנִי בְּרֹב חַסְדְּךָ, אָבוֹא בֵיתֶךָ; אֶשְׁתַּחֲוֶה אֶל הֵיכַל קָדְשְׁךָ, בְּיִרְאָתֶךָ.
ט- יְהוָה, נְחֵנִי בְצִדְקָתֶךָ לְמַעַן שׁוֹרְרָי; הושר לְפָנַי דַּרְכֶּךָ.
יא- הַאֲשִׁימֵם, אֱלֹהִים יִפְּלוּ, מִמֹּעֲצוֹתֵיהֶם:
בְּרֹב פִּשְׁעֵיהֶם, הַדִּיחֵמוֹ כִּי מָרוּ בָךְ.
יב- וְיִשְׂמְחוּ כָל חוֹסֵי בָךְ, לְעוֹלָם יְרַנֵּנוּ וְתָסֵךְ עָלֵימוֹ;
וְיַעְלְצוּ בְךָ, אֹהֲבֵי שְׁמֶךָ.
יג- כִּי אַתָּה, תְּבָרֵךְ צַדִּיק: יְהוָה כַּצִּנָּה, רָצוֹן תַּעְטְרֶנּוּ



its actually much higher than 10X

by AJ (not verified) on

Israel has really acted shamefully. No one, especially Jews should support it anymore.

Report: Israel killed 660 Palestinians in 2006

B'Tselem says 205 of those killed did not participate in fighting, 405 Palestinians killed by IDF in Gaza alone since capture of Cpl. Gilad Shalit

Yael Branovsky
Published: 12.28.06, 20:19 / Israel News

B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories – published a report Thursday according to which 405 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip alone since the capture of Cpl. Gilad Shalit, including 88 minors. Of these, the report said, 205 did not participate in the fighting when killed.

According to B'Tselem's research, from January to December 27, 2006, Israeli security forces killed a total of 660 Palestinians in the West Bank and in Israel.

Spokesperson Sarit Michaeli told Ynet that the organization investigates each Palestinian death by IDF fire. “On November 22 a 42-year-old Palestinian woman was killed, and the investigation we conducted found that she was in no way involved in the fighting,” she said.

“She was struck just 15 minutes after a Qassam rocket was fired toward Israel. The launching apparently took place near her home; she just stood by the window and was killed by a missile.”

'Hundreds of physical obstacles'

The report said Palestinians killed 17 Israeli civilians in 2006, down from 41 in 2005. In addition,
Palestinians killed 6 members of the Israeli security forces.

The B’Tselem report said that in 2006 Israel demolished 292 houses during military operations in Palestinian territory, 279 of them in the Gaza Strip. These were home to 1,769 people, the report said, adding that some 80 of these demolitions were conducted after the home-owners received advance warning to the demolition. In addition, Israel demolished 42 homes in East Jerusalem that were built without a permit. These were home to about 80 people, B’tselem said.

According to the data published by B’Tselem, Israel currently maintains 54 permanent checkpoints ‘deep in the West Bank,’ staffed most of the time. Twelve other checkpoints are within the city of Hebron, the report said.

B’Tselem further stated that “In addition to the checkpoints, the Israeli military has erected hundreds of physical obstacles such as concrete blocks, dirt piles and trenches to restrict access to Palestinian communities.”


Zion, you really are master of propaganda

by AnonymousJ (not verified) on

who is DEFENDING? Isn't the side whose HOMES ARE DESTROYED, whose LAND IS OCCUPIED and WHO LIVES IN MISERY, the side that is "defending" ?

You ARE a master propagandist, whoever said that was right on!

You have just managed to redefine ALL Israeli crimes as "self defense" and all Palestinian crimes as "aggression". YOU LIVE IN A TWISTED UNIVERSE OF YOUR OWN.

Israel LIES all the time and people like Zion are out here propagating them. All you have to do is CLAIM all your crimes are mere ACCIDENTS (this is what Zion wants us to believe despite the 10x numbers of INNOCENT civilians) and you will be forgiven!


Zion & Mazloom, you are my heros

by Bijanam (not verified) on

The only posters that use logic, common sense, human nature and humaity in their debate. It is mind boggling to comprehend what some anonymous posters as well the likes of Q, Daryush and their cheerleaders post on this site. What is so hard to understand a nation's right for survival?. How can you intelligently argue with the case that Mazloom makes?

All you anti-semites, mullah lovers who blame Israel for defending her citizens against death loving Islamofascists, keep on having wet dreams. Cry all you want as victims, use media, propaganda and support of the IRI monkey, you cannot change reality and fact. The peaceful and democratic State of Israel is here to stay and will do anything in her power to protect her citizens.

Israel is civilized enough to warn you of the consequences of harming her citizens. If you knowingly choose to receive the consequences, you are not a victim. I will do anything in my power (including murder) if someone hurts my family, pure and simple.

Let's live in peace, let me live and I will let you live. Let's put our prides to sleep and compromise.
Stop this crap about Zionism, apartheid, Jewish power, etc... It is just a matter of democratic survival.


The Real Spin Masters

by Zion on

`are you so blind that you can't even count the bodies of the INNOCENT women and children on both sides and see which side is 10x higher?`

Do you realize how maipulated and perverse this is? Israelis are the targets of deliberate genocide, we are killed deliberately, man woman and child. Palestinians die because Israel has to defend herself and their side deliberately puts their people in harms way, hiding among the most vulnerable to increase the number of their casualties and use it as a devious tool against Israel by fools like you. You want t know where the discrepency comes, take a look at this. It says it all:
Now we are criminals because we defend ourselves effectively? How many Jews should die unprotected as targets of hatred for you to feel a balance and to be satisfied?
You feel better now? Do we now have 8 Jew/Area less criminality for you? You want to pass out sweets and celebrate as well?

`Zionists are masters of propoganda.`
I wished. Some masters of propoganda when we are being blamed for defending ourselves even by those now who should have been on our side, the side of democracy and multiculturalist society and modern western values as well as our usual enemies along the medieval religous nutcases. When the greatest massacreof our people documented point by point merely 60 years ago is now questioned or outright denied, when we are blamed for everything, from teh tsunami in Asia to 9/11. The real master propogandists my dera are those who have planted these words in your mouth without you even noticing it, who have designed the `feeling` of injuustice that prompts you to make such statements.


Zion, the Zionist prince

by Iranian- on

Look Zion, the killing of those Palestinians by IDF was a very wrong thing. There is no excuse. Please admit it and stop beating a dead horse.


Re: Anon..j....Agony is Palestinian genocide...can't you see it?

by Anonymousk (not verified) on

Or, you ignore it? True, innocent people are being killed on both sides........But extermination of Palestinians is systematic and they are being deprived of their rights as Jews were treated in Europe for few hundred years.


Spin II...

by Ajam (not verified) on

Zionists are masters of propoganda. They've masteres the art of putting a positive spin on Israel's crimes against humanity and its expansionist ploys as "self dfence" while dehumanizing Palistinians as "terrorists." That is evident in the latest wave of violence in Ghaza. Israel claims to have acted in self defence killing more than 120 people (more than hald of whome are women and childern) in Ghaza in responce to rocket attacks from Ghaza while having rejected numerous requests for ceasefire truce from Hamas.

Isarel can put a stop to Hamas rocket atttacks by accepting a truce offer from Hamas which would require both sides to pledge not to attack each other. But Isarel does not accept a ceasefire for wishes to reservr the right to attack Hamas whenever and wherever it deems fit! Even the recent salking of Mahmud Abbas, threating to break negotiations with Israel, could not persuade Isarelies to commit to a truce! Of course, Israel's great benefactor, Uncle Sam, came to Israel's rescue (as always, through some arm twisting) making Abbas back down.

All in all, everthing so far goes as planned by Israel, while the Ghzans are starved to death and ratio of casualties are fourty to one in favor of Israel (more than 120 Plistinians to three Isaelis), Israel keeps building settelment in the West Bank and implant East European and Brooklyn born Jewish immigrants in the occupied territories to tip the demographics in its favor while playing the victim! Now that's good organised propaganda!!!


Dear Mehdi Mazloom

by Zion on

Thanks for the very your well thought comment. Needless to say, I agree.


excuse me, but who is being raped? The Israelis?

by AnonymousJ (not verified) on

are you so blind that you can't even count the bodies of the INNOCENT women and children on both sides and see which side is 10x higher? You have to blame the victim in favor of the rich colonist?

You're not fooling anyone, no matter how many names you use.


Re: Anon..J

by Anonymousk (not verified) on

You wish people believe what you say:

"Just read the news. Many countries, including Arab & Muslims, have reached the conclusion that, the Palestinians are becoming more of burden on their own countries economical and security interest, and began forming peaceful relationship with Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Abu Dahbi, UAE, India, China, and others."

Palestinian agony is a typical systematic butchering of Justice as it happened to Jews in Europe.
It's like raping a woman and asking her to forgive and forget! Some people do it, some people live with it and some people can only think of JUSTICE served.


Yes, Mehdi, dead and starving children are just for publicity

by AnonymousJ (not verified) on

they are just "playing" victim while the Israelis with all weapons and nukes are the "real" victims. I'm sure the Jewish settlers are occupying land just to help out the poor Palestinians.

How stupid can you be?


Palestinains Real Worth to Arabs & Iran

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

I don't think you, and the rest of the Iranians get the real message of which the world community is trying to convey.
Look, people are not stupid, they read history, watch TV, and read newspapers. TV Cameras don't lie. July 2000 Camp David peace process was not a publicity stunt. They see, and hear with their own eyes and ears, then compare to what the Arab propaganda puts out there. It is not hard conclude that, this is NOT about piece of land – It is about religion. People are tired of hearing the Arab whining and their twisted brand of justice, while committing heinous crimes against civilians. People in the west are educated enough to realize that, the Palestinian problem is more because of the wrong policies of the late Yasser Arafat, whom alliend himself with wrong leaders (Saddam Hussein, etc) then Ariel Sharon, or Ehud Olmert who try to protect their own citizens.

Everybody sees who is the REAL force behind the Palestinian agenda these days. All the fundamentalist Islamic elements. Hizbollah, Hamas, Al Quaida, Iranian Mullahs in Tehran. These are not rational and moderate Muslims, who want to live in peace with others.

Just read the news. Many countries, including Arab & Muslims, have reached the conclusion that, the Palestinians are becoming more of burden on their own countries economical and security interest, and began forming peaceful relationship with Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Abu Dahbi, UAE, India, China, and others.

Older generation in the West ask themselves, since Palestinians became refugees, about 130 million other people from all races and religions also became refugees. Why only the Palestinians are still kept in refugee camps by other Arabs throughout the Arab countries. Why is it only the Palestinians insist on being repatriated. Arabs occupy more then 99.8%, of the land in ME & Gulf region, while Jews occupy .02%. Can't Arabs help to absorb those Palestinians living in the refugee camps – Only for sake of peace in the region?


The bottom line is, When Arabs stop acting like victims, then they won't be treated as ones.


and why do you have so much fixation on Iran, Zion?

by AnonymousJ (not verified) on

Why bother writing on this board and constantly bash Iran like you do every time you write something? Do you really care about Iran's "internal" problems?