Media Games

What is the source of confusion?


Media Games
by Zion

In recent days mass media have been broadcasting statements from an Israeli official, Matan Vilnai,  that if true would have been quite shocking and extremely unnerving: `The deputy defence minister said the stepped-up rocket fire would trigger what he called a `bigger holocaust` in the Hamas-controlled coastal strip.`
The truth is fortunately quite different. The Hebrew word Mr. Vilani used is `shoah`, a common word in hebrew meaning simply catastrophe. So what is the source of confusion?

The massacre of about 6 million Jews and millions of Gypsies, gays, Jehovah Witnesses, Communists and dissidents by the Nazis and their allies before and during WWII is referred to in the English speaking world as `Holocaust`. The term itself is derived from Greek first coined to denote the holy burnt offerings to God in the temple in Jerusalem. As it is not hard to imagine, the Jews never referred to this tragic part of their history by that name in Hebrew. Instead that particular event is always denoted as `Ha-Shoah`, literally meaning `THE catastrophe`. 

The simple definite article `Ha` (THE) might seem trivial but is very important in this context. The word `shoah` is a very common word used repeatedly in every day speaking and in various situations. However it is never used for the `Holocaust` without the complete form with the definite article preceding it, and completely consciously so. Mr Vilani therefore never used the term Holocaust.

The damage however is already done, and once more, just like the forged pictures during the Lebanon war, are broadcast by well known media outlets who should have known better and has given further ammunition to the enemies of the Jewish people in their propaganda war against them and their independent modern state of Israel. For instance It has already managed to inspire a hateful anti-semitic cartoon on this website.

Events like these show why freedom of speech and a venue to have free dialogue is so important in our world today. Thanks to the opportunity given to all of us in this website, and the free land in which it is able to continue to exist, we have a chance to talk about it and realize what the truth actually was. I hope one day all Iranians can have the blessing to live with such freedom in their own land.

Side Note: It was mentioned in the comment sections of another thread in this website that the case of Ahmadinejad`s by now infamous quote of `wiping Israel off the map` is a similar case. That is however unfortunately not so.  This is Ahmadinejad`s quote: `The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).`

First of all, the regime in Iran does not make a distinction between the Israeli Government and the country of Israel, they are both referred to as the Zionist regime or the Zionist entity or as here the regime occupying Jerusalem. That`s because, as I am sure you know, the regime in Iran does not recognize Israel as a country and as a state. Unless you can show evidence that the officials of IRI ever distinguished between the state of Israel and the Israeli government, your version of his speech means the same thing as the eradication of the state of Israel.

Second he is very specifically speaking of what `must be done`, not as you claimed something that will just end up happening by itself. He is quoting his Imam as what muslims should actively pursue and make happen, not a prediction of what would eventually happen by itself. I know this is the kind of spin infamous characters like Juan Cole wanted o give to his remarks but it doesn`t stand the test of detailed analysis.

Furthermore, this was not a single and isolated quotation. He has repeatedly asked for the destruction of Israel, called it a filthy bacteria, as has his Imam Khomeini. It has also got to be seen in the context of speeches by Rafsanjani and others, who directly and openly and officially mused on the costs and benefits of nuking Israel.

The two cases are simply not comparable.


more from Zion


by Zion on

You say
`First of all "een regim" refers to 'this GOVERNMENT", similar to Islamic Republic.`

As I explained very clearly in my article, Israel obviously has no problem with Iran, Iran is recognized by Israel as a nation state. In fact Israel has been very clear on addressing everything official towards the Islamic Republic, just as Shimon Perez emphasized that point a few weeks ago once more. The IRI however does not recognize Israel as a nation state and does not distinguish between the Israeli state and the Israeli government.

You also say:
`You got the wrong translation from Ahmadinejad's speech`.

No I linked to the Wikipedia page that had the Persian tarnsliteration of the quote with different word by word translations and as you can see, the word `must be` (not `will end up` or anything of that sort) is in all of them.

You say:
`If a middle eastern had used the same language and tone, they would've had Israelis responding all over the media, anger would’ve been heard by every single channels on radio and television.`

But non-Israeli middle easterners do that all the time, in the most viscious tones and nobody does or says anything. If anything the media seem to have been used to it and simply consider it to be `natural`. Juts take a look for yourself:



by Zion on

There is no stretching at all. Israel is already out of Gaza. Do you see a holocaust there? But this quotation will remain and will be used by anti-semites as another excuse to justify murder of the Jewish people, just like Rachel Corrie, Al-dura hoax, the Jenin hoax and many many more like that.


The Palestinians betrayed Iran

by jamshid on

Palestinians received much generous financial and social contributions from Iran during the first two years after the revolution, which was ordered by Khomeini himself. Khomeini helped and protected the palestinians while Saddam of Iraq did not lift a finger for them, except perhaps to fund suicide bombers.

Then Saddam attacked Iran. Without hesitation, the palestinians took Saddam's side. At first, when it seemed that Saddam will overrun Khuzestan, in order to appease Saddam and to later have a share of khuzestan's riches, the palestinians even sent "volunteers" to the front to fight against Iranians. With each news of Saddam's victories, the Palestinians rejoiced and celebrated.

This did appease Saddam, but unfortunately, Iraq could not overrun Khuzestan. Neither Saddam nor the Palestinians could get their hands on Khuzestan's riches. Today, the mollahs are still supporting the Palestinian cause, but only for political goals, as even the mollahs felt they were cheated.

I will never forgive Palestinians for betraying Iran, and in some ways, having contributed to the fall of my comrades in the war. They could have and should have just remained neutral in the Iran-Iraq war.

I long for the day that a responsible Iranian goverment would formally demand from the Palestinians to either return what Khomeini had given to them, or to keep it, but at least apologize for taking Saddam's side despite of being the receipient of Iran's generousities.


The Palestinians repeatedly

by approve (not verified) on

The Palestinians repeatedly attack Israeli civilians then get the international community all worked up when Israel retaliates. Their cowardly 'militants' hide among women and children, then get the international community all worked up when women and children are killed when the Israelis attack them.


Actually Hitler's treatment

by nader12 (not verified) on

Actually Hitler's treatment of the Jews was much more humane than what the Palestinians go through at the hands of Israelis and the Americans. Nazis were quick to exterminate the Jews while the Israelis and Americans are much more sadistic and are making the poor Palestinians suffer slowly.


Please do not ignore the actual definition of Ha-Shoa.

by metzenbaum (not verified) on

The Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστον (holókauston): holos, "completely" and kaustos, "burnt"), also known as Ha-Shoah (Hebrew: השואה), Churben (Yiddish: חורבן), is the term generally used to describe the killing of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, as part of a program of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler.


wiped off = regime change, NOT killing anybody

by Q on

I think you are late to the party, Zion. This myth has already been debunked several times. Even the corporate media, except for the fringe rabid right wing and likunik, stopped reporting it that way after the prestigious Project Censorship put the true story as one it's top censored stories of the year.

Ahmadinejad himself was asked about it and he said he meant "wiped off" like USSR. Did anyone die in USSR being wiped off the map?

I covered this story myself at the time.



Please quit the fear-mongering.


Dear Zion

by Daryush on

You got the wrong translation from Ahmadinejad's speech. That would be an Israeli official’s translation, I have no doubt. First of all "een regim" refers to 'this GOVERNMENT", similar to Islamic Republic. Would you translate an Israeli officials saying this Islamic Republic must be destroyed translating to Iran must be destroyed?

What you say is none sense. I fully understand what he was saying. He was making a point that Imam knew that this regime (Zionist) won't give up its behavior of oppression and will be gone some day. That's the correct translation.
On the other hand, the Israeli official meant exactly what he said, although you and I know that when an Israeli makes a booboo, things are very different. Media has a very soft tone talking about it.

If a middle eastern had used the same language and tone, they would've had Israelis responding all over the media, anger would’ve been heard by every single channels on radio and television. But regarding this case, they asked pro ZIONIST people what they thought he MEANT!!! They all said, “ah he is such a sweet heart that he would never MEAN a bad thing”!!!
Give me a break. Very bias and wrong. He is no sweet heart, he is a pro Zionist agent and he knew what he is saying. You do too, but you are on denial. Plus you speak as if Palestinians have not gone through the holocaust already!


Streeeeeeeetching it

by Bavafa on
