Since Iran was thrust into internal turmoil by last year's election, the world has been moved by events that unfolded during the protests of the Green Movement. As we watched the violence of the agents of the Iranian government against peaceful demonstrators, most of us thought that it would be impossible to defend the regime's position amidst the bloodshed we witnessed on our TV screens.
Not so. The Iranian Government, despite all the detentions, abuses, and unlawful killings since June 2009, still has support overseas in the guise of purportedly unbiased political analysts, none more vocal than that of the authors of Race for Iran, one a former CIA and National Security Council official, the other a former diplomat in the State Department.
Their solution to the human rights abuse issue? Pretend it is not relevant. Arrests, torture, rape, and the murder of protesters are set aside.
The testament to how far they can go in defending an indefensible position? Consider the lengthy response of RFI's authors to "Misreading Tehran", a series of seven articles published on the Foreign Policy website.
In this article, the duo close their eyes to all other internal matter to declare that the 2009 Presidential election is legitimate, simply because the opposition has allegedly not provided any evidence to back up claims of fraud. Thus, the vote for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must be free and fair.
If we were to accept this argument, then every election under Suharto in Indonesia was free and fair. Every election held in Islam Karimov's Uzbekistan is free, as is every vote held in Cuba under Fidel Castro. Robert Mugabe is the rightful ruler of Zimbabwe. If stolen or "created" ballots cannot be exhibited, the result is not only legal but legitimate.
Under this "legitimate" Iranian Government, freedom of speech is severely curtailed. Newspapers are regularly banned, journalists regularly imprisoned. Candidates for elections are screened by the establishment, and only those passing the Guardian Council's ideological tests are allowed to run. There are hundreds -- perhaps thousands -- of political prisoners suffering in Iran's jails. Under such harsh conditions, it is a distortion -- a dishonorable distortion -- to say that elections in Iran can be free, fair and honest.
If that were not enough, high-ranking clerics -- from within Iran's own establishment -- came forward and decried the elections as fraudulent. Grand Ayatollah Bayat-Zanjani was quoted, "Every healthy mind casts doubt on the way the election was held." Ayatollah Jalaleddin Taheri called the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "illegitimate" and "tyrannical." Perhaps the most revered cleric after Khamenei, Grand Ayatollah Lotfullah Safi Golpayegani called the results "a grand lie." Their voices were silenced by the media blackout, with Western journalists unaware of their clout within Iran's government and society.
But to RFI's authors, it is beyond consideration that Iran's leadership is a brutal regime hell-bent on keeping itself in power. They dismiss that people from within Iran's establishment question the legitimacy of the election. To them, an inquiry can only be considered if the Green Movement takes up arms, fights the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, confiscates all the ballot boxes from the election through force of arms and then counts them somewhere in Europe in front of international media. Only then, will 'healthy" minds accept fraud.
Yet there is a somewhat tortured twist in RFI's line, illustrated in the article in Foreign Policy. Having declared -- following the sudden execution of five Iranians on 9 May -- that the consideration of human rights was beyond their agenda, the authors resurrect two months-old "studies" of the 2009 election to establish that the political and civil rights of Iranians were respected and defended.
Doing so, they hold up a cracked mirror with RFI's reflection of post-election Iran: one of the purported reports on the election is by little-known "analysts" who have also suggested that Neda Agha Soltan, killed during the protests of 20 June 2009, was slain by agents of "the West":
It is inconceivable that an Islamic regime which understands the power of martyrdom in its own culture would sanction the cold-blooded murder of an innocent and ordinary young woman on the streets of Tehran. However it is every bit conceivable that those who thought the opposition movement needed a symbol and icon of resistance -- recipients and supporters no doubt of a $400m CIA-backed destabilization program for Iran -- would have arranged this horrible murder and try and pin it on the Iranian authorities.)
If RFI's authors claim that rights have no place in their forum, why resurrect a long-surpassed and rather creaky case for a proper vote on 12 June 2009?
In part, it is a necessary tactic to support the authors' main objective, which is to promote US-Iran discussions on important regional and global issues. Putting forth that case requires the notion that President Ahmadinejad can be engaged because he has a legitimate position.
More importantly, though, the tactic is a deflection. The Green Movement and civil rights organizations inside Iran long ago moved beyond contesting the elections to the campaign for a political, social, economic, and religious system that upholds rather than abuses its citizens' rights. Mir Hossein Mousavi has released several statements in recent months emphasizing that the Green Movement needs to firm up its ties with the Iranian populace to spread the message of change and to ensure that the Islamic Republic fulfills the rights set out in its Constitution.
Iran's Government is unable to address these issues, but they are also unable to prevent their consideration. It has persisted in arresting people who protest brutality and human rights abuses, but the challenge continues. It has tried to penetrate the ranks of the Green Movement, but it cannot prevent activists from interacting with disgruntled Iranians who have been affected. It has pursued the alternative of proclaiming Iran's exalted international position, but that distraction cannot be sustained when headlines are re-claimed by the heckling of Ayatollah Khomeini's grandson and the attacks on Iran's most esteemed clerics.
So the solution is sought by Tehran's defenders: while announcing that rights do not matter, revive the notion of the "legitimate" rule -- with the implication that legitimacy confers the authority to pursue any and all acts in the name of the Iranian state -- established by the 2009 election.
The problem for this defense is that rights will not go away. Those who bravely persist in the face of repression are emphasizing human rights and democracy more than ever. Ten days ago, Iranians who marched in Tehran were not heard chanting, "Where is My Vote?"; amidst the calls of God is Great, they were demanding that their rights -- as Iranians and as human beings -- be affirmed by their Government and by their Supreme Leader.
An objective analysis worthy of the label would question why the Iranian government fills the countries streets with security forces if it is stable and loved by its people. It would investigate why foreign media is effectively banned and why dozens of Iran's journalists are in jail, barred from working, or under threat of punishment if they dare to write. It would at least raise a quizzical eyebrow at the scores who are on death row and the hundreds more behind bars or on heavy bail simply because they voiced their opposition to the regime.
But that analysis would be tantamount to a questioning of legitimacy. And there the authors of RFI meet their self-imposed limit. They have shackled themselves even more effectively than the Government which they defend has shackled its people.
If there is a Race for Iran, those who defend the regime -- in the name of the irrelevancy of human rights -- can only stand still, stamping their feet loudly that there is no alternative. And in that race, it is the alternative which -- while hobbled by intimidation, restricted by suppression, hindered by punishment -- continues to move forward towards its goals.
First published in
Josh Shahryar is a Journalist and Human Rights Activist. Follow him on Twitter:
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Rosie: wake up to the real racism
by Yousef Bozorgmehr on Tue Jun 29, 2010 06:25 AM PDTOnce again, "untermensch" is a term used by Nietzsche to describe the morally inferior person - it is not racially pejorative. The Nazis mistranslated it as "subhuman" (in a physical sense).
The Nazis also misused the term "Aryan" and applied the Iranian word for their own race. Unfortunately, people like Amir are the real Nazis as they think Iranians are "Aryan ubermenschen" compared to Arabs and Turks. There is no doubt these people want to replace Islam with their brand of Pan-Aryanism.
Therefore, you will find the real racists among the anti-IR crowd: they hate Arabs, Turks and Indians with a real passion.
ps Yousef,
by Rosie. on Tue Jun 29, 2010 06:17 AM PDT(and others, not meaning to hog the blog), For clarification I do not find the use of Nazi terminology particularly more offensive than anything else you or anyone espouses when, consciously or inside, they know they are wrong (morally and/or logically). Any. They are of the same mindset and in essence the same. imho, because they fuel each other. The truth shall set us free.
Yousef, with all due respect,
by Rosie. on Tue Jun 29, 2010 05:33 AM PDTI think that with the crowd you direct yourself toward, as long as you use Nazi terminology to describe any minority group, including gays (whether they even approve of homosexuality or not), you are not going to get much mileage from your other arguments. As you know, the primary concern of (the Green and) the staunchly anti-IRI 'camps' has always been civil and human rights. They will probably tell you something like what most of them said in this blog:
And why shouldn't they? You purposely used that terminology to polarize them . And you know it. As a highly educated man, it cannot be otherwise. So you shouldn't be talking about belittling and hate.
Finally, Yousef, the high incidence of sex change operations and your championing it only corroborates and legitimizes the Regime's absolute loathing of homosexuals (hence Bahai, trade unionists, etc. etc). They will not let them be (literally and figuratively). But surgically alter their genitals, that they will encourage. What the Quran would say about the latter, god knows.
ps Yousef, your response below that it's Nietzsche, not Nazi--gimme a break. And anyway, don't forget: The seminal idea behind all of Nietzshe's philosphy was:
--Quran, 0:0
31 years of hate
by Yousef Bozorgmehr on Tue Jun 29, 2010 05:06 AM PDTAs you can see, the shahparast people have never accepted the revolution that removed their shahanshah from power just as their American neoconservative friends lost their lackey in the region.
The Iranian nation continues to defy the hegemonic imperialists, zionists and crusaders who have plundered, murdered, raped and humiliated the Iraqi, Palestinian, Afghan and Lebanese people and make progress in all fields.
The progressive theocracy
by Cost-of-Progress on Tue Jun 29, 2010 04:46 AM PDTThe words is that Iran will soon, under the "leadership" of a bunch of assbackward mullahs, colonize Mars. The plan is to install a colony there with nothing but women and young boys for the hard-working mullahs and akhunds stricktly as an R&R retreat. Islamic dress code, however, shall be fully enforced.
With all the freedom, prosperity and divine attention to iran and her people under the leadership of scholars such as Ahmadinejad and forward thinking (LOL) supporters such as Mesbah Yazdi, Iran has been in the internatuional spotlight as the most likely nation to takeover the western powers' domination in science and technology.............
You cockroaches are delusional......You are murderers, rapists and thieves. You shall be hanged by your testicles as retribution for your crimes against the iranian people.
To hell with you, your religion and your ideology.
Amir the self-hater and denier
by Yousef Bozorgmehr on Tue Jun 29, 2010 03:00 AM PDTFirst Amir denies the brutality of SAVAK and the Shahanshah (to please his royalist sponsors and friends) then he wants to belittle the achievements of the Iranian people over the last 30 years despite sanctions, war, brain drain and terrorism waged against it.
Maybe all you bache sosool and gharbzadeh folks would like to consider the following:
1) Agriculture: Now Iran is self-sufficient in grain production (except rice) when there is no drought. The country used to be a massive importer of wheat but now exports it. Well done the farmers.
2) Nuclear: Iran is one of the few countries that can master uranimum enrichment and has developed advanced centrigues: well done the scientists.
3) Defense and Space: Iran has developed a sophisticated arms industry producing tanks, missiles, jets, warships etc...well done the engineers.Soon Iran will send its astronauts into space - it has already put satellites into orbit.
4) Industry: Iran is emerging as one of the largest producers of steel, cement and designers of automobiles and transport equipment.Well done the industrialists.
5) Infrastructure : A massive improvement in basic utilities and serviceslike electricity, water, roads, dams etc. As a result, Iran keeps rising in the Human development index. Well done the planners.
6) Cinema: Iranian cinema is now world-renown and considered the most artistic of its kind. Well done the actors and artists.
7) Education: 60% of women make up the over a million university students in all fields including the media and medicine. Well done the girls!
8) Science: Making the most rapid progress of any country. Leading research into stem cells and cloning. Well done the scientists.
9) Culture and Sex: Instead of homosexuality, Iran has one of the largest number of transsexuals in the world. Iran also has one fo the most successful family planning programs ever set up to control population growth. Well done the doctors.
10) Politics: Iran has witnessed mass popular participation represented in 25 national elections over the last 30 years with turnouts reaching as high as 85% - greater than in most countries.
Well done the people.
The awesome Leveretts
by Fred on Tue Jun 29, 2010 02:56 AM PDTSorry to say you are just wrong about the lovely Leverett couple, that is if you trust what the president and chief lobbyist of the NIAC lobby says about them.
In an email the chief lobbyist in part says: “ Hillary and Flynt - I remain in awe of your courage and integrity. Particularly as I see on a daily basis how many of the analysts in DC consistently put their careers ahead of their analysis.”
Some of their other email exchanges with chief NIAC lobbyist are on the net and the interested can read and they too can be “in awe” as well.
by Dr. X on Tue Jun 29, 2010 01:52 AM PDTWell said Amir....I dont understand how some people can still manage to find excuses for these criminals. How does one give any credibility to a regime who endorses ideas such as earthquakes caused by bad hejab, throwing money in a ditch where the 12th imam has been hiding, seeing khomeinis face in the moon, and a President who had a "halo" appear around his head? I imagine people really believe these things, or they need to have their heads examined. They have imprisoned and murdered many, not only Neda but people like Zahra Kazemi who was beaten so much she bled to death, and at least the regime finally accepts the fact that there was foul play inside the prison walls. They have used the claim of external threats like a broken record to silence any internal critisism, while squandering the country's resources to their liking. I am not the least bit an Israeli supporter, but Israel has many external threats, yet Israelis are not subject to the kind of human rights abuses, imprisonment, torture, and political executions that Iranians are. The same can be said about many other nations. I think Shaban bimokh has been cloned and his clones are alive and well both inside and outside of Iran.
Fair enough, Josh. I'll put
by Sargord Pirouz on Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:41 AM PDTFair enough, Josh. I'll put the time into this. Starting from the beginning of your analysis, and working my way down:
You fail to mention the rioting aspect of the protests in June, such as the arson of at least two law enforcement stations. You also fail to mention the failure of the protesters to acquire the necessary legal permit with which to hold a public assembly.
You fail to mention the less-lethal force directive to Iranian law enforcement (NAJA), in place since the June demonstrations.
The Leveretts are not supporters of the Iranian government. They seek a realistic approach to relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, based purely on the advantages it potentially offers the United States.
Moreover, a relaxation of the US-Iran cold war offers the potential for the Islamic Republic of Iran to relax its internal security measures, which are to a greater extent related to the ongoing Cold War conditions, prevalent for the past 30 some odd years.
In terms of the legitimacy of the 2009 election, please address the following, in a detailed and objective manner:
In terms of the Neda incident, please explain the change of stories offered by Dr. Dr Hejazi (he refuses!).
On what basis do you maintain that the so-called Green movement provides any meaningful relevancy to today's political dynamics inside the Islamic Republic of Iran? Particularly post 22-Bahman.
Opposition to authority is not unique to Iran. Consider last weekend in Toronto. Consider the past G-8 meeting in Seattle. Consider the anti-establishment demonstrations held in the US during the late 1960's, early 70's. Consider the shootings at Kent State University. Etc., etc. You think the islamic Republic of Iran has a monopoly on this sort of thing?
Now consider the potential advantages to ordinary Americans and Iranians, in a rapprochement between their respective countries. Consider how this has worked out in the case of China, which the Leverett's are fond of bringing up.
But no. You're focused on demonization and sedition, just as the American radicals of the 1960's were. Well, I can tell you from experience that it will go nowhere near your expectations, young man.
by Josh Shahryar on Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:09 AM PDT"But I do disagree with you, regarding the Leveretts. And I think your
biased position is based upon a sense of emotional sentimentality,
thereby skewing any objectivity, resulting in a flawed analysis on the
Yes, and your reason for that is?
Remember, you have the right to disagree, however, if you want your opinion on the matter to have even a shred of credibility, you need to present an argument to back it up.
Thank you Josh
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:44 PM PDTDear Josh,
Thank you for your article.
You may wish to also read the following:
Best regards,
P.S. Welcome to i.c
I disagree with you,
by Sargord Pirouz on Mon Jun 28, 2010 09:59 PM PDTI disagree with you, Amir.
There's only one Iran in this world, and it is what it is.
And it's under external threat, just like Iraq was. To continually demonize Iran (anti-Iran cheerleading) can potentially bring upon it a catastrophe on the people of Iran.
For people like you who are either ignorant of that threat or don't care about the risks, well, the anti-Iran cheerleading continues here at IC.
ps Kaveh,
by Rosie. on Tue Jun 29, 2010 06:27 AM PDTI've taken a handful of breaks here so a lot of people don't really know me. But I can tell you that ever since October of 2007 all I ever did about history and politics here was ask and listen (and at one time mediate because some people wanted me to). I have listened very carefully to different people I've respected a lot including: Farah, Masoud, Mammad, David, Jamshid, Q, Irandokht, Niloufar, Kadivar, Rashidian and more. And now newer people: VPK, Ben,more. And yes, I even try to give a fair hearing to No Fear and Sargord. It isn't easy for me. But I try.
You are absolutely right. I should not have said I know anything and I apologize. Because what I just said is all I know.
But that's something.
Dear Sargord Pirouz
by AMIR1973 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 09:08 PM PDTDear Sargord Pirouz,
The IRI has executed an exponentially greater number of Iranians than any other regime in recent Iranian history. It exercises medieval punishments against Iranians, including stoning women to death, chopping off of limbs, bastinado, and floggings--for "crimes" such as adultery, sex outside marriage, theft, belonging to the Bahai religion, or simply opposing the IRI and denouncing its crimes. Anyone with the least bit of intelligence would see that the most apt adjective for describing this 31-year unparalleled monstrosity is "anti-Iran". To constantly spout dishonest propaganda from the safety and freedom of the United States, as you frequently do under a number of different user names (including Mark Pirooz, Mark Pyruz, Pirouz, Sargord Pirouz, etc, etc.) is a profoud act of anti-Iran cheerleading (to borrow the lame and nonsensical phrase that you use ad nauseam). You don't speak Persian, and your knowledge of Iran's history is less than elementary, as judged by your comments on
If you like, you are welcome to cite Dilip Hiro (with his ridiculous falsehoods, predictions, and made-up stats) and the Leveretts as great Iran scholars (to my knowledge, none of them speak Persian but they have churned out some propaganda that's used on the IRI's third-rate propaganda websites). The Leveretts are perpetrating a sham on anyone dumb enough to buy their worthless propaganda--the sham being that the IRI will ever drop its anti-American stance. It will never do so, because it considers the U.S. to be the source of Evil in the universe and the Great Satan. If you consider an entity to be the Devil, you don't make peace with the it. The IRI will always view the U.S. as its Enemy, no matter what the U.S. does. This is the line laid down by the Khomeinist republic from Day One of its existence: "Death to America".
The people who are most fond of these folks are IRI quasi-functionaries--not the least of whom is IRI propagandist Mohammad Marandi (he's "their man" in Tehran). Needless to say, I can see why you have a soft place in your heart for these functionaries.
Josh, thanks for commenting.
by Sargord Pirouz on Mon Jun 28, 2010 09:01 PM PDTJosh, thanks for commenting. But my comment regarding heckling wasn't directed at your analysis. It was directed at the recent comments of others on this thread.
But I do disagree with you, regarding the Leveretts. And I think your biased position is based upon a sense of emotional sentimentality, thereby skewing any objectivity, resulting in a flawed analysis on the subject.
Well, Kaveh,
by Rosie. on Mon Jun 28, 2010 09:15 PM PDTI said I know I read reliable books. I should've said I know I've read books that I think are reliable. And I didn't say anything even close to you (as in y'all) being brainwashed, let alone implying me saving you from brainwashing. I said Islamism equals brainwashing. Some anti-Islamism here equals whitewashing (of the Shah). That's all I said. Kaveh, if you can't clearly read something so simple, why should I necessarily accept you as the arbiter of truth, any truth? Nonetheless, thank you for the compelling reference.
Kaveh, please don't bother to play us/you with me. For three years I've listened to 'y'all' fling it was a pony, no it was a box of oatmeal at each other so many times, from before the Uprising and before these hardliners and their aficionados came here, to KNOW that there has been no consensus about MANY major things among you. And if my tone has gotten jaded it's because it's all gotten so disgusting here lately. So, no, Kaveh, us/you won't work. I couldn't give a damn anymore if I'm a minority of one.
And Kaveh, please do 'bore' me with the details (or not, as you wish). Also please take the issue up with Masoud. He's currently active on Shizdeh's MKO news thread and also has a contact button. The fact that one of 'you' said it should disturb you far more than that I quoted him. Far more. It should be resolved.
Or not. As you wish.
You're welcome, Kaveh.
by Josh Shahryar on Mon Jun 28, 2010 08:51 PM PDTSargord Pirouz,
Heckling? Is that what you call an analysis that attacks a shady argument? I do understand that you are a fan of the Leveretts, but instead of defending them without providing supporting arguments in their defense, you just want to make unsupported comments.
Wake up, people demand back up these days. We don't live in IRI. This is not Keyhan.
I think the Leveretts make
by Sargord Pirouz on Mon Jun 28, 2010 08:30 PM PDTI think the Leveretts make perfect sense. And their continued success at making predictions is unsurpassed. Too bad I can't say the same for many Iranian Iran analysts out there (I'm sorry to say).
Read the Leverett's latest piece on Afghanistan over at Race for Iran. It's a brilliant piece of work.
But hey, they're not unrealistic anti-Iran cheerleaders, so that makes them worthy of ignorant heckling- right?
So, who killed more Iranians?
by fooladi on Mon Jun 28, 2010 08:10 PM PDTShah or Sheikh?.........
And the winner will gain an entry in the guiness book of records.
Yes Rosie...
by Kaveh Parsa on Mon Jun 28, 2010 07:57 PM PDTWe will use yours & Massoud's numbers, rather than use the numbers researched by Emad Baghi under the Islamic republic. Mr Baghi has been jailed many times for his research. FYI, Mr Baghi is currently on "holiday" from Evin Prison after 6 months of IR hospitality.
I will not bore you with the details of how the "the Shah's army fired into at least one crowd" since you already know from reading "reliable books". Thats why you needed to reference Masoud's factual comment as the source for "whitewashing" the Islamist's claim & save us from getting "bainwashed"...... "Yousef is right that the Shah suppressed (much smaller) crowds more brutally than those of the Tehran Uprising.
Thank you Rosie
dear josh
by shushtari on Mon Jun 28, 2010 07:39 PM PDTthanks for all your hard work
this is an excellent piece on the vile duo- leveretts.
these two idiots have been writing nonsense in a pathetic attempt to defend the mullahs and their crimes. I think they may have been promised a cabinet post in khamenei's regime in southern lebanon after they're kicked out of iran LOL
here's to a free iran- free of akhoonds and tyranny
O Rapist Regime Groupie and Islamo-Nazi comedian
by AMIR1973 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 07:19 PM PDTDid I ever say I was a revolutionary, O Islamo-Nazi? If I ever said I was a revolutionary, prove it you lying Islamist liar. Just like I want you to prove that the Shah's regime killed 60,000 Islamo-Nazis in his non-existent "reign of terror". The Terrorist IRI is accusing others of "terror"--that's very cute. Everyone already knows that the Rapist Basij and Pasdaran are only good for killing Iranians and stealing their money. God knows, those animals could never win a war against a modern military, like the U.S. After 8 years and 500,000 dead, they couldn't achieve a damn thing against Saddam, the most inept military leader in 100 years! Did you see what the U.S. military did to the Iraqi "military" in 3 weeks? The only way that Iran has any chance to become a decent country is to eradicate the Islamo-Nazi cancer just like the German Nazi cancer was eradicated. But my favorite statement is the following:
Outside of Iran, I can educate the world about Islam and Persian culture, along with the divine achievements of the Revolution
Is that your pathetic excuse for living like a cancer in the civilized West rather than in your Islamist dung heap? The divine achievements of the Rapist takeover (aka "revolution") are to make Iran a Third World hellhole whose economic output is smaller than that of the poorest and most insignificant of U.S. states (by divine achievements, do you also mean the Saeqeh and the North Korean ripoff missiles)? Your anti-Iranian Rapist "culture" is the Number One enemy of Iran and Iranians. Got that, O Rapist Regime Groupie? Now, keep spinning your lies--it's the only things Islamo-Nazis are good at.
Yousef Bozorgmouth,
by Rosie. on Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:10 PM PDTSo you are a scientist and thus superior to your 'attention whore'. Have you written scientific papers about the Twelfth Imam? Oh, I forgot. One hand science, the other religion.
Yousef, do you really expect anyone to hear the handful of valid points you have when you are using Nazi language and saying any government can last til the end of time? Etc? With all due respect, your parents must have really done a job on you because you appear to have spent a lifetime rebelling against them with this Fundamentalism and hatred of yours. You have read Nietzsche. Have you tried Freud?
C'mon, Yousef, come clean. At least half of you still knows that at least half of what you say is wrong (in both senses of the word).
ps No, I don't expect you to answer me. You have already found an attention whore of your very own to be so retiring and demure with.
by Josh Shahryar on Mon Jun 28, 2010 07:02 PM PDTLike I said, there is no excuse for using the kind of foul language you entitle yourself to using. If you had been a scholar, you would have known that. And please, don't throw mud at the scientific method. Cling onto your extremist religious views and leave that to those who are susceptible to logic and reason - and fairness and balance.
Brother Yousef-- Your cousin Baghdad Bob
by pastor bill rennick on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:42 PM PDTused to say similar charand-o-parand about your uncle Sad'dam Hossein.
Of course, a year later your uncle Sad'dam was pulled out of the hole he was hiding!
Your time will come!
Amir has no guts
by Yousef Bozorgmehr on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:37 PM PDTOnce again,
If you want to "free" Iran from "rapists" like me, then catch the next flight to Tehran and try and overthrow the IR.
I will pay for the ticket. I will also give you a baseeji escort straight from the airport to a khoone khaali called Evin.
Outside of Iran, I can educate the world about Islam and Persian culture, along with the divine achievements of the Revolution, but you can do nothing for your goal.
Its up to you. I am pishtaz for my cause...what about you?
Brother M 57 +1! But we do now!
by pastor bill rennick on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:23 PM PDTImagine if US targeted the Friday prayers in every city on the day of Ashora and Tasoa. Consider US targeting just Qom and Mash-had during the month of Rama-Dama Ding Dong! Imagine if every mosque in the Islamic Republic got bombed! Let's say there are 10000 mosques in IR and 100 in each mosques then you have 1000000 right there!
by maziar 58 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:14 PM PDTPastor; the only problem back then we didn't have million mollahs. Maziar
Brother Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
by pastor bill rennick on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:08 PM PDTshould have killed at least a million! Hey, America carpet bombed Germany in WWII. America nuked Japan twice in WWII. Look where those countries are now! A bathroom custodian in Germany and Japan has more freedom and a higher standard of living than a university prof in the Islamic Republic!
For Iran and Iranians to achieve better in the future, an American carpet bombing of the Islamic Republic not only is necessary but also sufficient!
God bless America!
Prove it, Islamo-Nazi liar
by AMIR1973 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 06:00 PM PDTThe number killed over the course of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's reign of terror is 60,000
The reign of terror started after 1979 not before. You are making up numbers and lying again about a non-existent 60,000 that were killed (of whom 15,000 were killed and injured in Jaleh Square by Israeli soldiers, according to Khomeini :-)
but not the rioters behind the sedition who desecrated Ashura and Qods day.
The Rapist Regime was founded by rioters who burned banks, restaurants, and cinemas, including the 400 people the Islamist Rapists murdered in Cinema Rex.
If Amir wants to be a hero, he should go to Iran and take his chances with the government.
If you want to live by your pro-Rapist principles, then you have no business living in a Western country. Your inner being is pure Islamist Rapist, so leave the West and settle down permanently in your Rapist Utopia. Got it?