ki be ki mighe>>>
Jahanshah Javid
17-Nov-2007 (20 comments)
I posted a "poem" a few days ago, which I think it's pretty decent compared to the cheese bomb that's about fly into your face>>>


More than Lolita in Tehran

Interview with Dr. Fatemeh Keshavarz, author of "Jasmine and Stars"

17-Nov-2007 (24 comments)
We live in a world which still suffers seriously from an “us” versus “them” malady. Even in the absence of such bifocality, representing another culture is a hard thing to do. Now, add the fact that Iran and the U.S. have been embroiled in almost three decades of political conflict. In other words, no one will have a perfect solution. So far the villain versus the victim model has been the one applied most often. It provides something of an immediate relief for the burning questions we have “Why revolution?”, “How to make sense of some trends in present day Iran that seem backward looking?”>>>

In memory of my father



They're alive

They're alive

Berkeley protest against attack on Iran

by Enayat Katouli
16-Nov-2007 (27 comments)


mohammad reza razavi
16-Nov-2007 (5 comments)
Breaking wind in Iran is considered a big social taboo>>>
16-Nov-2007 (46 comments)
From Senate Hearings with Army Secretary and Army Chief of Staff. Thursday Nov. 15, 2007. Broadcast on CSPAN2. >>>
16-Nov-2007 (2 comments) earns 3rd Place in Deutsche Welle's Best Video Category >>>


Familiar curves

Familiar curves

Graphic design

by Aref-Adib
16-Nov-2007 (10 comments)





It is difficult to imagine a small perfect world, and I am sure it is impossible to create an eternal perfect universe

16-Nov-2007 (22 comments)
Who is perfect? My software code is never immaculate. Its flaws confuse my users. Its flaws shatter their belief in who I am. Its flaws start a kind of suspicion in the justness of my design. They name it their suffering and failure. I name it my “bug”, almost like a bad infection. Anyone who is part of this small world feels the agony of my mistakes. If my users had chosen to follow only the pre-defined paths I had imagined in my handy software manual, without going beyond my mindset, they would have never felt desperate or lost.>>>


در آئین "رقص- درمانی"  و "چماق- درمانی"

همه با یکدیگر رقابت میکنند که به کون لغات انگلیسی پسوندهای فارسی ببندند

16-Nov-2007 (12 comments)

بذار ببینم، 21 بعلاوه 4 میشه 25 دلار، یکدونه دوغ 3 دلار، ماست و موسیر هم حالا میگیم 5 دلار، خوب اینکه میشه 33 دلار، دو دلار هم مالیاتش، این 35 دلار، پس چرا اون از ما 41 دلار گرفت؟" ضمن رانند گی داشتم حساب میکردم که یارو گفت چلوکبابش "تو- فور- وان" یعنی دوتاش به قیمت یکی. پس چطور شد دوباره رودست خوردیم و شش دلار از ما زیادی گرفت؟



The Capital, again
is sucking on money.
Hanging about town,
among the riffraffs,
and the worried pants,
I noticed all of their faces
reflected in the glass
of this of all places. >>>
SCE Campaign
16-Nov-2007 (one comment)
Despite strong oppositions by United States, China and Iran, UN General Assembly panel  passed a resolution calling for a moratorium on death penalty. >>>




Photo essay: Our dog in Abadan

by Jahanshah Javid
16-Nov-2007 (20 comments)


Jahanshah Javid
16-Nov-2007 (28 comments)
Love that Animal Planet channel>>>