11-Jan-2008 (one comment)

"Self Explanatory".

Thought  you might like this song!! >>>
11-Jan-2008 (one comment)
The San Francisco Bay Guardian hails it as a “Triumph” and Berkley Daily Planet says it’s “becoming a Bay Area institution>>>
11-Jan-2008 (5 comments)
When are we Iranians going to learn the ways of the world?>>>


Strait facts

Gigantic errors severely undercut latest "Gulf of Tonkin"

11-Jan-2008 (52 comments)
Iran's release of the video taken on the morning of Sunday January 6th in the Straight of Hormuz, clearly debunks Pentagon's hype of depicting a routine patrolling operation by the Iranian Navy as an act of unfathomable aggression against the United States. Timing of this so called 'provocation' incident in the Persian Gulf just before Mr. Bush's trip to the region was also very convenient as he went on reminding the world and all the client Arab states in the region during a press conference in Israel yesterday that they must fear this menacing "threat to the world peace" and prepare for a joint U.S./Israeli action to deal with Iran>>>


Values, not bombs!

It is Iranian civil society that will ultimately bring the Islamic regime down

11-Jan-2008 (34 comments)
Is president Bush trying to strengthen his alliance against the Iranian regime during his visit to the Middle East? In Iran, with its current dog-eat-dog internal political affairs, president Ahmadinejad is too busy trying to keep his head above water while his political opponents try to drag him down. Too busy perhaps to notice how discontent the Iranian people have grown. The system of the Islamic Republic is in a state of crisis. The fact that neither Khatami nor Ahmadinejad has been able to realize unity even within the ruling elite shows this. For over two decades, the main resistance to that system has come from within Iranian civil society>>>


Hollywood’s war on terror

Films: In the Valley of Elah, Rendition, The Kingdom, Lions for Lambs and Redacted

11-Jan-2008 (7 comments)
Wouldn’t it be funny if one day, when all our current political concerns have vanished into the mist of time, we are brought back to life and judged by disheveled archaeologists whose faces are layered with dust? How would we fare if they used our filmography to divine our collective mind the way we use cuneiform tablets to guess at the zeitgeist of the ancient Sumerians? The answer to that question would depend on which shelf of footage is exposed in the dig. We would do quite well if our judges relied on Hollywood’s critique of the American posture at the outset of the 21st century >>>


The man who would be King

Excerpt from "Tales From The Zirzameen"

11-Jan-2008 (5 comments)
There was even a Café on Takht-e-Jamshid called the Havarti Café, I believe, which had a fern grotto and waterfall inside it. You could step in out of the heat, the hustle and the bustle of traffic and noise and there inside was this quiet secret little world. There were other magical restaurants like this as well such as Xanadu and Serena. The latter had a big buffet set up indoors and then you carried your plate out into a fairyland of a garden with landscape lighting softly up lighting the bushes and trees and fountains quietly making it dreamlike in the moonlight…. with the tables and chairs sprinkled about on the grass>>>
11-Jan-2008 (39 comments)