25-Jan-2008 (13 comments)

Oghdeh, hessadat va veghahat!

SCE Campaign
25-Jan-2008 (3 comments)
the European Union and its candidate countries (42 states) issued a condemnation of Iran's ruling regime for its new surge of juvenile execution orders. >>>
25-Jan-2008 (7 comments)
Must see video >>>


Sizzling Apple

Sizzling Apple

Photo essay: MacWorld expo

by Omid Memarian
25-Jan-2008 (one comment)



Reversal of fortunes

The Central Asian World System

25-Jan-2008 (8 comments)
Five hundred years ago, global warming helped create an economic down turn in West and Central Asia and facilitated the European economic rise. Today, might we have a case of reverse fortunes, allowing West and Central Asia to get back to where it was before? Andre Gunder Frank and many other economic historians have told us about “ReOrient”ing to China, and that while the Chinese economy has suffered 500 years of recession, it is only natural for it to make a come back and start dominating the world again. But can the same be said for the Near East?>>>
Orang Gholikhani
Up your head Look at me Just make a wish >>>


Brightest star

We all knew and loved Heath Ledger

25-Jan-2008 (8 comments)
I mourn his loss. There are some people who believe an actor's death should not be front-page news when there are soldiers and civilians who are dying in faraway lands for greater causes. I don't know a single soldier or a single dead civilian. I do know a lot about war. I've read about it. I've written twenty page papers on the roots and causes of international conflict, the reasons for genocide and ethnic violence, the clash of civilizations. Reading and writing about something isn't as real as mourning the loss of something you know>>>


Effortless energy

Interview with Arash Sobhani of KIOSK

25-Jan-2008 (8 comments)
The truth is I was a bit nervous at first. After all, it is not often that I have the chance to meet a total stranger whose voice has become a part of my every day routine. Odd as it may seem, this one dimensional nature of fame is an inevitable reality for all successful artists including the one I was about to interview. Adapting to increased recognition and celebrity is an adjustment that Arash Sobhani will most likely have to make in the upcoming years because both he and his band Kiosk have gained significant popularity and recognition recently across the US, Europe and Iran and show no signs of slowing down>>>




Flowers from Iran, England and Tenerife

by shahireh sharif
25-Jan-2008 (5 comments)


Jahanshah Rashidian
25-Jan-2008 (13 comments)
...the IRI knows that no government in the West cares about Mr. Lofftollahi’s death or such crimes. >>>
Darius Kadivar
25-Jan-2008 (2 comments)
"Persepolis" has been nominated in six categories: Best Picture, Best Music Score, Best Sound, Best Editing, Best First Film, Best Screen Adaptation. >>>


عمو ناصر!

پستان های داغ شهلا جاهد دیگه سفتی سابق رو نداره

25-Jan-2008 (16 comments)
من همه ماجرای عشقی تو و شهلا را به خوبی می دانم. ناصر! یادت می آید خانه ی شهلا در خیابان ظفر؟ همان جایی که پستان های داغ و هیکل خوش فرم شهلا را به دهان می گرفتی؟ همان جایی که شهلا بساط تریاک کشی ترا آماده می کرد؟ راستی در همه جای خانه با شهلا عشق بازی کردی و به قول خودت چه سکسی هم داشت. آخر می دانی اگر شهلا سکسش خوب بود به خاطر این بود که با تمام وجودش ترا دوست داشت گرچه می دانست همسری داری و شاید به قول خودش هوویی! شما دو نفر سالها با هم دوست بودید. نمی دانم شاید هم زن شرعی ات شده بود نمی دانم! >>>


I'd give anything to be Bush

Five quatrains

25-Jan-2008 (2 comments)
How many millions are spent each day on Iraq

How many billions are spent each month

Who is the president kidding when he says

we can't afford to expand health care for children >>>
25-Jan-2008 (one comment)

Freedom_sounds beautiful;not easy to attain

SCE Campaign

سرنوشت بزهکاران ناخواسته : محمد جعفر ساعد
