David ET
20-Jan-2008 (20 comments)
The current economic problems were not a surprise WHATSOEVER to many >>>
Rosie T.
20-Jan-2008 (141 comments)
This is why. >>>
20-Jan-2008 (11 comments)
There has been a disturbing and increasing trend in employment discrimination against Iranians in US recently>>>
20-Jan-2008 (one comment)
Khorasani women in her home talking about her impoverished life. >>>


High drama

High drama

Photo essay: ReOrient Theater Festival

by Golden Thread



Ana's Kitchen

Ana's Kitchen

Photo essay: Ana Bayat

by Jahanshah Javid
20-Jan-2008 (one comment)



The comfortable generation

My generation of course isn’t blowing up a mall, but we don’t really do anything about anything

20-Jan-2008 (17 comments)
My generation doesn’t understand social justice. Not in the same unified or practical way your generation did. We are scattered around the world and our daily acts of organized or individual charity doesn’t go any where. And for the most part, we don’t care, I’m being honest. It doesn’t bother us that giving some old clothes to Salvation Army doesn’t do much for anyone. We don’t mind what is going on in Iran (talk in mehmoonis, or blogs on Iranian.com don’t count). We do nothing practical. We don’t organize. We’re too busy with ourselves>>>


Boom & bust

President Bush's economic mirage faces the real test of markets

20-Jan-2008 (10 comments)
The new economic stimuli of President Bush is not likely to produce the promised effects in terms of preventing the further slowing down of economic growth and negative structural adjustment in the U.S. economy. Though reduced growth is a given, we may even see negative growth in the next two years in the U.S. economy and greater falls in the long term value of the dollar. The reasons for this inefficacy are>>>


Model women

In the past decade the balance of power has changed

20-Jan-2008 (11 comments)
The Islamic Republic's first directive was to order women to wear the veil. It happened on 8 March 1979, one month after it came to power. This started a whole new women's movement, a movement that has increasingly become more vibrant, dynamic, expressive and resilient. The women's rights movement in Iran is very large and widespread. I believe it is at the moment the most active and strongest women's movement in the world. It has deep roots in the society and not only among women but men as well. I am certain that this movement will have a great impact on the situation of women in the Middle East. Its fight against political Islam will cross the borders and influence women's struggle in countries under the rule of Islam>>>
SCE Campaign
20-Jan-2008 (one comment)

Voice of America Television (persian language) interviewed Nazanin Afshin-Jam about child executions and other human right violations in Iran. The program was broadcasted via satellite in Iran and worldwide. To view visit:




انتخابات آمريکا و انتخاب های ما

جامعهء آمريکا را می توان «آزمايشگاه تاريخ» دانست

20-Jan-2008 (29 comments)
در روزگار ما اگرچه ممکن است اکثريت بالائی از مردم آمريکا حاضر نباشند به زنی يا سياه پوستی يا اهل مذهبی اقليتی رأی داده و او را به رياست جمهوری انتخاب کنند اما، در عين حال، هيج کس نمی تواند آن زن و آن سياه پوست و آن مرد مذهبی را از اعلام نامزدی و تبليغ برای جمع آوری آراء بسود خود باز دارد. بی شک برای اينکه آن «اکثريت مردم» به روزگاری برسند که جنسيت و رنگ پوست و مذهب رئيس جمهورشان تأثيری در تصميمشان نداشته باشد وقت لازم است، اما اگر قانون همچون موتور محرکهء راهپيمائی بسوی «ناکجا آباد بی تبعيض» عمل نکند و جامعه را در اين شاهراه به پيش نراند زمان رسيدن جامعه به نخستين سرمنزل های راه نيز بسيار ديرتر اتفاق می افتد؛ اگر اصلاً چنين امری ممکن شود >>>
Orang Gholikhani
20-Jan-2008 (7 comments)
این شهر فرنگ از همه رنگه
ولی چشم تو با قلب من یه رنگه >>>
20-Jan-2008 (21 comments)
Can the Iranian nation be bribed? Can Iranians topple the Seyyeds peacefully? >>>