Helping younger generation on soccer and women's national team to attend Asia Women Football Cup
Flsh Back - by popular demand.
Many of you requested to have this reposted.
Why the occupied USA is forced to eat SHIT?
Photo essay: Worshiping stone
ramintork >>>
We had a blog for the Iranian of the year, we even voted for our favourite Iranian.comer
A give, give rather than take, take attitude towards the space we live in
Last year I achieved one of my personal ambitions. I spent a week at the stone-carving workshop on the Island of Portland. Portland is a rock outcrop that stands out from the Dorset coast into the English Channel, linked to the mainland only by the great sweep of Chesil Bank. Portland was shaped by quarrymen. For centuries these men have carved the landscape and given it distinct contours. They also formed the local culture and even the superstition, for instance the word “Rabbit” is not used on the Island as running Rabbits were associated with falling Rocks and bad accidents. The course was at the Tout Quarry. I walked through a landscape part shaped by man part by nature. A series of gullies and wild plants and stacked up rocks
The spot where your hand lay still is warm.
Your words hang suspended in the air
where first they flew forth.
They resonate
but I cannot hear them.
Your wails of love and sorrow,
bittersweet intruders,
breathe forth
اولین گام رسیدن به روشنفکری رئالیست روی آوردن به منطق چالش گراست
در حقیقت اصلاح طلبی پارلمانتاریستی باید یا آرزوی خود برای رسیدن به حکومت دمکراتیک توسعه گرا را به سطل زباله انداخته با اسم فریبنده اصلاح طلبی در پی بازی های سیاسی برآید یا این واقعیت را که قانون اساسی ما قدرت نهادهای انتصابی را بر نهادهای انتخاباتی افزون تر قرار داده است بپذیرد. تازه در این صورت نیز اصلاح طلبان امروز یک گروه بدون اعتبار سیاسی محسوب می شوند. در حقیقت سرمایه سیاسی این گروه امروز بسیار اندک است و این گروه هم اعبتار خود را در نزد رهبری از دست داده و عمال خودخواسته یا ناخواسته آمریکا تلقی می شوند.
The first step in solving our problems is to declare a war on ignorance
America is at a crossroads; this could be one of the darkest periods in its history both domestically and globally. Denial and sweeping our problems under the rug have run their course. America is past due for a reality check followed by action to save it. There is an Ethiopian saying,
“Those who hide their wounds will never find a cure.” All concerned American and global citizens should see in their mind’s eye that the founders of this nation would be turning in their graves if they could watch what has happened to the
‘government of the people, by the people for the people’ that they founded. The undeniable fact is that America is on a downward, self-destructing course that can be explained with simple cause and effect
This is for Senator Feinstein's constituents in California ONLY. Please consider and forward to family and friends in California.
برای ایرانیان یافتن ارتباط بین خشایارشا، پادشاه هخامنشی، فرزند داریوش و نواده کوروش با محمود احمدینژاد رئیسجمهور اسلامی ایران بعید بنظر میآید. ولی Anthony ...
Although I published this last year on my sites this still has relevance today, which would be her 38th birthday if she were still alive.
Fat dumbfuck American losers are going down the toilet, according to this article in Associated Press: