Bluff and Bloodshed


The Persian Gulf is more dangerous than ever.

Newsweek / Christopher Dickey
recommended by aryanium

Persian Gulf


Persian Gulf or #&#% Gulf? Iranians Prickly Over the Name

CNSNews / Patrick Goodenough
recommended by aryanium
01-May-2008 (4 comments)
SCE Campaign
01-May-2008 (one comment)
Stop Child Executions Organization officially announce its support of the "Every Human Has Rights campaign" which was launched this year. >>>

How bioweapons are secretly created by government

Food for Thought

In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - Official Release

Tetrahedron Films / Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
recommended by Food for Thought
01-May-2008 (one comment)
01-May-2008 (4 comments)
Once upon a time there were a people called Iranians >>>


The heart of the matter

Dalia Sofer’s "The Septembers of Shiraz"

01-May-2008 (2 comments)
In a publishing world where a majority of manuscripts are printed exclusively for the benefit of marketplace, it is uncommon to find the work of a new author in print simply on its own merit and because it was too good to reject. The Septembers of Shiraz is such a book. Not only is it written from the heart, but also the soft touch in Dalia Sofer’s style is a rare gift to readers who crave good literary work. True as it may be that the title could have been more relevant – as noted by several critics – by the time I realized this I was pulled so deeply into the story that I no longer cared. Ironically, the misleading title works to the book’s advantage because I doubt I would have picked it off the shelf if the title were Septembers at Evin, or any other that might have revealed its plot >>>


این زیرزمین تیره و تار

گویا اگر چنین حادثه ای در مشرق زمین رخ داده بود عادی مینمود، اما حال که در بطن اروپا اتفاق افتاده است غریب است!

01-May-2008 (5 comments)
گفته میشود که یکی از فوائد زندگی در مغرب زمین همین است که شهروندانش، به نسبت ما شرفی ها، کاری به کار هم ندارند، ولی این پرسش پیش می آید: تا چه حد باید به امور دیگری بی تفاوت باشیم؟ چطور یک نفر از اهالی شهر آمشتتن اطریش به این مرد مشکوک نشده بود؟ آن هم در مدت قریب یک ربع قرن و در حالیکه گزارش میشود که در طبقات فوقانی مستأجرانی زندگی میکرده اند که متوجه بازدید عجیب و پی درپی یوزف فزیتزل به زیرزمین ممنوعه شده بودند بدون آنکه پی دلیل برآیند. حتی یکی از این مستأجرین که به مدت 12 سال ساکن ساختمان بوده است مکالمه ای را به یاد دارد که فرینزل از منزلش به عنوان خانه ای یاد میکند که روزی در تاریخ ثبت خواهد شد !ولی افسوس که هیج یک از این نشانه ها شک از اطرافیان را بطور جدی برنمی انگیزد. >>>


Based on an Old Persian anecdote

01-May-2008 (2 comments)
“Have you met our new neighbors?” Bob asked his wife.
“Not yet. They just moved in a couple of days ago. After they settle in we should go and meet them.” She responded.
“Where are they from?” He asked.
“They look Middle Eastern to me. But their two girls were probably born here. They speak perfect English. They were talking to April the other day. They got along well.” She commented. >>>


رستنی رستموار

بلی، از شور عشقی تازه باید گشت مالامال.

01-May-2008 (3 comments)
هلا ای رهسپاران دلیر ساحل جیحون:
مگر در ریشه گردوی این دوران
نشان از تیر آرش نیست؟
مگر در پیکر پیکان
گرامی جان آرش را:
نشان مرز ایرانشهر،
فدای مهر یک پیمان نمی بینید؟



Azeris clear Iran nuclear cargo

recommended by almo5000
01-May-2008 (one comment)

yesterday man grew trees, today he grows fingers!

BBC Persian
recommended by mazfaz
01-May-2008 (2 comments)

On The Iranian Chessborad

News Goffer

Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, Iran under the Gun

recommended by News Goffer
01-May-2008 (3 comments)
01-May-2008 (one comment)

i think the most unhumane thing is what joseph fritzl has done to his daughter, having seven children with her.

Peyvand Khorsandi
01-May-2008 (6 comments)

The similarity between Josef Fritzl and the Israeli government is startling.


Iranians should listen to this program


Shirin Ebadi answers questions

The People Speak Radio / NIAC
recommended by Abarmard
01-May-2008 (2 comments)