تنها دو بازی تدارکاتی برای اولین اعزام / باورها، دلیلی برای دوری دختران از ورزش / اسکیت بازان در انتظار مربی از ایتالیا یا کلمبیا / اولین گزارش تصویری از تیم ملی والیبال نشسته زنان در شیرزنان >>>
SCE Campaign
07-May-2008 (5 comments)
The Iranian judiciary postponed the execution of Behnoud Shojaee. He was initially scheduled to be put to death at 5:00am today (May 7th 2008). >>>
07-May-2008 (5 comments)
... پس از حمله تازيان تا امروز اکثريت خاموش و نخبگانی اکثرآ گمراه يا خاعن ،تا رسيديم به امروز.>>>


PMOI supporter

Iran Resistance Is Not Terrorist Group, Court Finds

New York Times
recommended by PMOI supporter
07-May-2008 (18 comments)

US Sponsers Terrorists, What a Surprise


Assassins of Peace / Justin Raimondo
recommended by sadegh

Behnoud is still alive!

Azarin Sadegh

Behnoud Shojai had his execution postponed

Daily Mail
recommended by Azarin Sadegh
07-May-2008 (4 comments)
Oceanside Harbor in San Diego: Check out some pictures>>>

Leave Mahdi Out Of This!


Iran clerics rebuke Ahmadinejad over 'hidden imam'

AFP / Siavosh Ghazi
recommended by PedramMoallemian


My Home, My Soul

My Home, My Soul

Photo essay: Visiting home

by Azam Nemati
07-May-2008 (7 comments)


07-May-2008 (3 comments)
Speaking recently at Hafeziyeh Stadium in Shiraz (May, 2008) about how the Iranian people will stand their ground >>>


Abadani girl goes back home

We arrived I was thrilled to hear the much familiar Abadani accent

07-May-2008 (14 comments)
It seemed like I had waited for eternity, but March 13 finally arrived. This would be my second trip to Iran in nearly 25 years. I spent the entire year working and cut off all my social and cultural activities because I was too busy. During 2007, I only attended two very small gatherings and two weddings and I was perfectly fine. Unlike last year, this year I had reasons, beyond my control, to be afraid of going to Iran. I am too old to change, have no fear and figured if I got held up, I would just deal with it>>>
07-May-2008 (one comment)
HE IZZ CRAZYYY lol Dr. Hassan Abbasi, the head of the Center for Doctrinal Analysis in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, speaking on Iranian TV in June, 2004. >>>

سر کوچه کمینه مجاهد پر کینه


To keep it the Persian Gulf

Changing the name will be a very significant blow to the Persian identity

07-May-2008 (47 comments)
This website, and many other Iranian ones, have for some time already been inundated by blogs and threads about a possible danger, the danger that the name for the gulf that is located in the Middle East, south of Iran, to be named Arabian Gulf, from its historical name of Persian Gulf. The concern is indeed genuine, and I quite agree with it. Many changes in this world, especially in the world of mass communications, democracy, lobby etc, take place not necessarily because the change is right, but because the change is well promoted, propagated and sustained. So, the Iranian community is doing its right bit to take preventive actions against the possibility of this name change, in the future>>>

And we thought we were friends!!


Iran protests to Iraq over disputed Gulf islands

recommended by PedramMoallemian