Haleh Sahabi: Our Antigone in Tehran
by Hamid Dabashi
We - Arabs, Iranians, Afghans, Africans, Asians, etc - are in an inaugural moment of our renewed claims to our history, humanity and dignity. Today in the streets of Tehran, Kabul, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Sanaa, Manama, and scores of other major and minor cities from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, our people are busy writing the allegorical parables of our future claims on who and how and what we are. Our people are writing new legends, crafting new metaphors, coining neologism for our emerging poetries
Don't get your hopes up for the numbers you've been led to believe we are
If you go with the official count (which is the one that counts for anything you want or think you deserve from the US government), then off or accurate, like it or not, the 400k number is going to be it. And that makes us 0.13% (or 1 tenth of one percent) of the US population. Or, smaller than the Viet-Namese, the Filipinos, and of course much smaller than the Chinese. All the Asians combined are less than 7% of the US population
Lots of hype around U.S. visa policy change
Recently, I noticed an email in my inbox which had the name of Anousheh Ansari on it. Soon after a glance, I realized that, this is something that must have been sent to all Iranian dot com members whose email addresses have been generously given to NIAC and supplied to others to spread their propaganda and present themselves as a real force for making any change in regards with American policies towards Iran. Before I go any further, I need to write a few words about Ms Ansari whose name appeared on an email sent to me without me asking for it
from Symphonie Fantastique
A series of rare footage of the Shah's various State visits, meeting with Ministers and diplomatic corps as well as family reunions and vacations ranging from the 1950's to the 1970's.
Remembering Ayhatollah Khomeini: The Greatest Muslim the world has every known