04-Feb-2012 (3 comments)
نیمی از صورتش را شاد می‌داند و نیم دیگر را غمگین. خانواده‌اش مهاجرند. مادرش از قتل عام ارامنه نجات یافت. پدرش از زندان استالین فرار کرد. به ایران آمدند و بعد از آشنایی با یکدیگر ازدواج کردند >>>

Life Becomes "Unbearable"


Damascus Avoids Blood of Uprising, but Not Pain

New York Times / NADA BAKRI
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Ali Abdolrezaei
My book of six long poems, Sixology, translated by Abol Froushan is now available as ebook on Bibliocracy.com >>>
04-Feb-2012 (one comment)
An interesting example how Arab world and Western world interacted in a positive and cosmic way can be found in legends of King Arthur>>>
Ari Siletz
04-Feb-2012 (10 comments)
In case you're thinking of throwing a space beer party, right around 6:15 P.M. on Feburary 6 Iran's Navid satellite will pay an 8 minute (or so) visit to the San Francisco Bay Area. >>>
Darius Kadivar
04-Feb-2012 (60 comments)
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 60 years as British Sovereign in 2012.>>>
Orang Gholikhani
04-Feb-2012 (4 comments)
شب طولانی
نفس کوتاه >>>

مقابله با ایران‌هراسی


Persian hearse rolled off the assembly line

For the philanthropist bone in your body...

04-Feb-2012 (8 comments)
Just as Monarchy in Europe or Christianity that transformed itself >>>
04-Feb-2012 (one comment)
A collection of items involving Iran or developments affecting Iran. >>>

Thanks Puting


Russia, China veto UN Security Council resolution on Syria

haaretz.com / Shlomo Shamir and Reuters
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