نیمی از صورتش را شاد میداند و نیم دیگر را غمگین. خانوادهاش مهاجرند. مادرش از قتل عام ارامنه نجات یافت. پدرش از زندان استالین فرار کرد. به ایران آمدند و بعد از آشنایی با یکدیگر ازدواج کردند
My book of six long poems, Sixology, translated by Abol Froushan is now available as ebook on Bibliocracy.com
An interesting example how Arab world and Western world interacted in a positive and cosmic way can be found in legends of King Arthur
In case you're thinking of throwing a space beer party, right around 6:15 P.M. on Feburary 6
Iran's Navid satellite will pay an 8 minute (or so) visit to the San Francisco Bay Area.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 60 years as British Sovereign in 2012.
A collection of items involving Iran or developments affecting Iran.