اعترا ف نوکر مفت خور

Jahanshah Javid
07-Feb-2012 (9 comments)
Coming from where I come from, I expect disputes with foreign powers over colonialism and oil to lead to some ugly scenes. But I've seen none of that in Buenos Aires>>>
Ari Siletz
07-Feb-2012 (13 comments)
Cartoon. . . . . . . . . . >>>
Sharareh Golshani
07-Feb-2012 (7 comments)
I learned to be Iranian like my family, and apparently my family is not like most Iranians.  I discovered this when I moved to California and had the following experiences>>>
Mohammad Ala
07-Feb-2012 (3 comments)
همون خلبان ماهری که هواپیما رو بدون چرخ جلو نشوند تو مهر آباد.... >>>
Nazy Kaviani
07-Feb-2012 (2 comments)
The screening of Luna Shad's new documentary, "Keys To My Home" in Berkeley.>>>

Avigdor meets Hillary...


On U.S. visit, Israel's Lieberman thanks Clinton for resolute stand on Iran

haaretz.com / Natasha Mozgovaya
recommended by پندارنیک
07-Feb-2012 (one comment)

"why the Israelis seem to mean it"


The nature of the Islamic Republic

israelhayom.com / Elliott Abrams
recommended by پندارنیک

Followup on Roya

رضا جون، یاد بگیر...

حمایت ایران

07-Feb-2012 (34 comments)
We should not let rage or revenge against the IRI blind us to the evil of some of these sanctions. >>>
07-Feb-2012 (7 comments)
Persian Rock and Roll >>>


Darius Kadivar

Iran parliament summons President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

recommended by Darius Kadivar
07-Feb-2012 (one comment)

UAE & Qatar Central Banks stopped trade with Iran