Saead Soltanpour
به مناسبت سخنان دکتر جهانبگلو و نازنین افشین جم د رمورد کمک به فعالان ایرانی توسط کانادا در کنفرانس کانادا و خاورمیانه جدید>>>
Masoud Kazemzadeh
07-Apr-2012 (26 comments)
Several days after the coup the British received a report from the Iraqi ambassador in Tehran that the Shah and Zahedi together had visited Kashani, kissed his hands, and thanked him for his help is restoring the monarchy>>>
Darius Kadivar
07-Apr-2012 (2 comments)
The international community remains concerned about Iran's nuclear program, especially considering that the country has ignored a number of sanctions>>>

ضرورت نابودی اسرائیل

Red Wine
07-Apr-2012 (14 comments)
از یادداشتهای من >>>
07-Apr-2012 (2 comments)
By far the best video I've seen about Boeing 727. >>>
For years I wanted to find out what regime and governmnet will committ such crime and atrocity against its own people>>>
Masoud Kazemzadeh
07-Apr-2012 (14 comments)
The right-wing extremist Dr. Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh, who was close to Shahollahis (e.g., Ardeshir Zahedi) and then with the fundamentalist regime>>>

Breakthrough: Cloning egg-cells


Scientists rewrite rules of human reproduction

The Independent / Steve Connor
recommended by Simorgh5555
07-Apr-2012 (one comment)
According to biographers of McCartney and the Beatles, McCartney composed... >>>

Afghan women are being jailed for 'moral crimes'


Afghan women are being jailed for 'moral crimes', says report

The Guardian / Tom A Peter
recommended by Simorgh5555

Rise in Afghan women opium addicts


Lifting the veil on Afghanistan’s female addicts

The Daily Star / Amie Ferris-Rotman
recommended by Simorgh5555