به مناسبت سخنان دکتر جهانبگلو و نازنین افشین جم د رمورد کمک به فعالان ایرانی توسط کانادا در کنفرانس کانادا و خاورمیانه جدید
Several days after the coup the British received a report from the Iraqi ambassador in Tehran that the Shah and Zahedi together had visited Kashani, kissed his hands, and thanked him for his help is restoring the monarchy
The international community remains concerned about Iran's nuclear program, especially considering that the country has ignored a number of sanctions
By far the best video I've seen about Boeing 727.
For years I wanted to find out what regime and governmnet will committ such crime and atrocity against its own people
The right-wing extremist Dr. Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh, who was close to Shahollahis (e.g., Ardeshir Zahedi) and then with the fundamentalist regime
According to biographers of McCartney and the Beatles, McCartney composed...