I am invisible. A dark ghost ship
searching the seafloor, with fingers
that mistake junk for its lost anchor.
To be frank, I expected more,
say as a victorian, a romantic
or a soul that tosses and turns
waiting for something that burns.
You'd rightly say: “Oh, please!
There is an Iran who seeks freedom and justice, one who is caring and compassionate
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is slated to make his annual visit to New York to address the UN on Sept. 23, 2009. If there ever were a time for us Iranian-Americans to come together to demonstrate to the world our outrage and contempt for his government, it is surely now. It is important that we do this especially because the movement to protest election fraud and civil rights abuse in Iran has been brutally suppressed. The reform movement in Iran is in shackles and behind bars. Armed with the Sepah, Basij and plain-clothes forces the Ahmadinejad government has arrested our leaders, intellectuals, activists and students. Many have been killed, tortured and raped
Brilliant classical guitarist Lily Afshar
Try mentioning your Iranian background in a circle of cultured American friends. Instead of the usual questions about politics they may ask, “Do you know of Lily Afshar?” This is because Afshar is one of the world’s leading classical guitarists, with remarkable innovations furthering the influence of the instrument. In fact, someone once asked Afshar herself where she was from. That “someone” was Maestro Andres Segovia, the terrifyingly eminent virtuoso authority on the classical guitar. A group of 12 young guitarists had been selected out of hundreds of international competitors vying for the honor of playing in front of the guitar legend, hoping for an approving nod
“Reza: What’s wrong? Why are you so pale?”
Men come in all shapes and sizes. Yet there is something distinct about the Iranian man; for however ordinary his looks may be in his youth, the passage of time is kind to him. No matter what his shortcomings, philosophies or occupation, one thing is for certain; the Iranian man ages well. Nowhere is this more apparent than when he has been groomed throughout a long marriage to a woman who is a notch or two above him. It is as if she has taken an eraser and painstakingly softened the edges. Having carefully done away with the coarse language, the poor taste in clothing and the uncouth mannerisms; she has lovingly filled the void with refined sensibility
Advocacy for a Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Historical evidence shows that the cultural principle of human rights, which in a general sense is the right to pursue life-sustaining goals, interests, and beliefs freely and responsibly, transcends the boundaries of the East and the West. Around the world, however, different cultures have placed either greater or lesser emphasis on the individual or collective aspect of human rights. Some Eastern cultures embrace the concept that it is the individual who has a responsibility to contribute to the rights of the collective whole, and in so doing, an individual realizes his or her human potential
you look at the sky and you see blood
you see mourners streaming by the casket with thirst and hunger
you are so small to comprehend
you just cry because your mother is crying
and you can't wait for this day to be over
for sun to show up again
making every one happy
Even though life is short,
painful with stories,
and forgotten in retort
Even though memories' glory,
like bright stars in a dark night,
seduce the lessons learnt in part
No matter where I went, no matter who I saw, I found no glimpse of Truth
I am sitting in a high school class. It’s the end of grade eleven and I can barely take it anymore. I feel I am suffocating. I want my freedom. Outside the walls of this school is where I thought my freedom would be. On this particular day, in a stuffy, windowless classroom, our religion teacher is discussing about Truth. The students around me seem to be listening partially, as if waiting for it all to come to an end. I am tired too, but something in the teacher’s sentences catches my attention, the word “Truth”
نامه ی عبدالکریم سروش به خامنه ای
by Abdolkarim Soroush
آقای خامنه ای، می خواهم به شما بگویم دفتر ایام ورق خورده است و بخت از نظام برگشته است ، آبرویش به یغما رفته است و طشت رسوائیش از بام تاریخ افتاده است. کشف عورت شده است. خدا هم از شما رو گردان شده و ستاریت خود را باز گرفته است. آن دلیری ها که در کنج خلوت و در پرده تزویر می کردید فاش شده است. آه جگرسوختگان و جان باختگان و دهان دوختگان کارگر افتاده است و دامان و گریبان شما را سوخته است. خائفم که بگویم باب توبه هم به روی شما بسته شده است. شریعت هم از شما شفاعت نخواهد کرد که مشروعیت از شما گریخته است. ایران سبز از این پس دیگر آن ایران سیاه و ویران نیست
آقای موسوی طرحی راهبردی برای پیشبرد جنبش سبز تبیین کرده است
سیر حوادث نشان داد که نه فقط موسوی، کاندیدای نظام نبود و بلکه نظام بر آن بود که به هر قیمتی که شده او را از پیروزی محروم کند. البته این سیاست هزینه بزرگی برای نظام داشت، و افول قدرت خامنهای به صورت دیگری آغاز شد. ولی بر خلاف برداشت عمومی، اصولگرایی آقای موسوی بیش از آن که مفهوم سیاسی داشته باشد ناظر بر پایداری او بر اصولی بوده که به آنها اعتقاد داشته است. «اصل» در این جا آن چیزی است که در زبان عاریت گرفته از غرب از آن به عنوان «پرنسیپ» یاد میشود. اصولگرایی در برابر پراگماتیسم یا عملگرایی. اصولگرایی به مفهوم پایبندی به اصول و قربانی نکردن آن در پای منافع و مصالح روزمره
Homayoun Sanati: Fresh Perspectives
It had been many years since I had seen my Uncle Homayoun, with the difference that this time Auntie Shahin was gone. Tragically, his wife of 50+ years had died in a car crash. So when I opened the door to greet him, he simply fell into my arms and wept. This was a different man – someone who was far quicker to show his vulnerabilities, but even stronger than before because he didn’t waste time controlling impressions. Spending time with Dai Homayoun was nothing short of a pilgrimage for me. So many stories to share, so many new ways to look at everything
From new book, "Conspiracy for Greatness: Mastery of Love Within!"
For many years, I was fascinated by our ability as a human race to shift our thinking. One of the main elements that define us from other species is this ability to “think,” and to decide and redirect our minds to what we always knew we could do! Look at our collective recorded human history, and you will find all those wonderful, brilliant and fascinating human beings who directed their thinking to an area or topic, producing unprecedented results, incredible inventions and so many amazing creations that we can barely keep count. Now, you and I are taking advantage of the outcome of those brilliant thinkers!
Anger was at age of five
As she reached out to lend a hand
No care for her kind intent
No talking... attention! Be still;
They shouted in demand
Sadness came by at seven
Heart wrenching scenery
Her yellow shaded dog that
Followed in hope for miles