Striking Iran gamble for Netanyahu
by Dan Ehrlich
For quite some time Israel, Iran and the West have been playing a poker game whose stakes have been growing daily. Now, however, we seem to be approaching the "call hand" or end game. Aside from also destroying three countries surrounding Israel, it would certainly receive all destroying retaliation. But Israel usually operates from a worst-case scenario; this being that the crazies in Tehran will rationalise collateral annihilation as being the price for the greater good
به سانسور رسانه های خارج از ایران پایان دهیم!
به تدريج بر تعداد کسانی که پس از انتشار مطلب شان خواستار آن می شوند که مطلب از سایت ها برداشته شود، افزوده می شود و، در نتيجه، گستره ی سانسور حکومت اسلامی در خارج کشور نيز وسیع تر می شود. ما البته نمی توانیم به کسی بگوییم که مطلب بنویسد یا ننویسد یا چگونه بنویسد اما این حق را داریم که اگر کسی خودش مطلبی را برای انتشار به ما سپرد و مطلب منتشر شد تن به سانسور حکومت اسلامی ندهیم
The expression “take it or leave it” means nothing to an Iranian
Non-Iranian readers seem to find the cultural aspect of my recent novel interesting and often ask questions about it at discussions. It was during one of these book talks that I came across yet another unique aspect of my culture. Someone asked me the reason behind the Iranians’ love of poetry and my spontaneous respond surprised even me. “Persians are all poets at heart and we memorize verses and use them in our conversations
If I were a prophet!
Making people happy would be my prophecy,
Liberating them, my message,
Making children laugh my miracle