

Pray or act?

Showing teeth to ordinary Iranian immigrants

19-May-2012 (2 comments)
In the Iranian community here in Toronto a debate has started. Many see this matter as a good development, a turning point against potential financial supporters of Iranian regime who for decades have invested in Canada without any interference. They complain about many real estate investments by Chinese, Russian and Iranian investors that creates big headaches for the residents. On the other hand many insist that the sanctions enforced by Canadian financial institutions under government pressure only affect ordinary hard-working Iranians >>>


Conceptualizing Gender (4)

Freud’s fear of castration and penis envy

19-May-2012 (one comment)
Freud made the first lasting endeavor to give a scientific explanation of gender in psychoanalysis, the discipline he founded. He tampered with the seemingly natural matters of ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ by investigating into their components. He realized that gender and adult sexuality were not naturally rigid, but were constructed through a lengthy and troubled process. According to Freud, humans have a bisexual disposition, and feminine and masculine inclinations cohabit in everyone>>>


 سهراب چگونه شعر خود را می خواند؟
19-May-2012 (one comment)
کلمه خوشحال نسبت به غمگین, خوشحال است چون نقطه های خوشحال جهت بالا رونده دارند در حالی که در کلمه غمگین نقطه ها در پایین قرار دارند. خندان نسبت به گریان, خندان است چون نقطه ها در بالای حروف قرار دارند در حالی که در گریان نقطه ها در پایین است و مثل دو اشک در حال چکیدن هستند. خوشگل نسبت به زشت, خوشگل است >>>


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