

دیوار جهنم زنان بلندتر می شود

حذف زنان از 77 رشته دانشگاهی

10-Aug-2012 (7 comments)
توجه کنید! در آغاز قرن بیست و یکم، قرنی که در بیشتر کشورهای جهان زنان حتی در اداره ی حکومت ها با مردان شریک و مساوی شده اند، حکومت اسلامی ِ مسلط بر سرزمین ما با گستاخی هر چه تمامتر تحصيل در این رشته ها را برای زنان ممنوع اعلام کرده و قانوناً آن ها را از آموختن دروس اين رشته ها منع کرده است: «مترجمی و زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی، حقوق، علوم تربیتی و راهنمایی و مشاوره، حسابداری، گرایش تکنولوژی آموزشی، علوم کامپیوتر، علوم سیاسی...>>>


Journalism in Iran

Jailing, dispersing the most experienced members of the profession

10-Aug-2012 (one comment)
In Iran, suppression of the press which, except for brief periods, has been around since the appearance of journalism in the country about a century ago, became more severe following the disputed 2009 presidential election. Since then, dozens of journalists have been arrested and dozens more have left the country, sometimes after spending some time in prison, in order to practice journalism freely>>>


The Birth of the Iranian Vampire Western

"I love being scared and laughing in equal parts"

Ana Lily Amirpour is an Iranian-American screenwriter and director of narrative films and music videos, whose work has been screened at festivals around the globe, and honoured with prestigious international awards. Ana, along with lawyer and producer Sina Sayyah, is the co-founder of Say Ahh … Productions, whose team is gearing up to shoot a groundbreaking new feature length film, entitled A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night. I recently sat down with Lily to ask her about the film, which is being hailed as the ‘first Iranian Vampire Western’>>>


Sunset on the Green

Interview with translator of H.E. Sayeh's poetry

10-Aug-2012 (one comment)
Chad Sweeney teaches in the MFA program at California State University, San Bernardino and lives in Redlands. He is the author of four books of poetry: Wolf’s Milk: Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney (Forklift Books, 2012); Parable of Hide and Seek (Alice James, 2010); Arranging the Blaze (Anhinga); and An Architecture (BlazeVOX); and he is co-translator of the Selected Poems of contemporary Iranian poet H.E. Sayeh >>>