Like the actions of Iranians who enjoy full freedom of press and speech abroad, Oxford's new Neda schlarship has the regime's thugs drinding their teeth.
Death has its wings open over our Nation for centuries, every where smells death and destruction, the Vultures (Kaftar ha) of Islam is eating our mother land Iran
وقتیکه یک انسان نیم بعدی مثل آیت 3 تا نقطه مصباح یزدیدی خواب نما میشود که امام زمان در ته چاه بو گندوی جمکران پنهان شده و ابلهانی مثل احمدی نژاد ماجرا را باور کرده
One of the most famous quotes of Albert Einstein is this: "Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". Have you ever thought about a reformed Islamic regime? Whats that mean?
Simurgh instructed and Zal conducted the first known Caesarean section which in persian is called Rustamzaad
دو سازمان نسبتأ جديد غيردولتی، که هر کدام دو قطب مخالف طيف مسايل خاورميانه را تحت پوشش خود قرار دادهاند، در هفتهها و ماههای اخير هدف حملات مخربی واقع شدهاند
Persian King Cambyses vanished in the Egyptian desert. Now, in 1986, an American archaeological team has also gone missing. Hellboy, the world's finest paranormal investigator, has to find them
Supercharging an already tense rivalry