اون قدیم قدیمها در عهد دقیانوس، در یک روز زمستانی، کنج یه اتاق تو یه خونه ........
This "fake" movie preview on You Tube is a satirical "coming attractions" approach to the revolution. It apparently borrows from the trailer for 2012 but applies it to Khamenei's Iran.
گفتاری طنز الود در باره دین و وقایع بعد از انتخابات
Hajiagha stops sucking to Canada?!?
الهی ! به مردان درخانه ات
Maz has been going on a whirlwind tour around and the world and doing TV shows. WE LOVE YOU maz. Here is a fun video from him:
Here is a video I found recently about this amazing iranian actress NIOSHA ZEIGHAMI. check it out
These messages have been sent from all over the world to make the 70th anniversary of the International Students' Day
I saw this in my email, need to share with you guys.
A poem by Ali Abdolrezaei which Abol Froushan translated and performed into English.
Life is a bitch and then you die
It all happened so fast. He painfully screamed "aah my butt" as he landed on his buttock
بهترين روز زندگيم روزيه که مامان ملکه صبارو برام خريد. با اون لباس سفيد بلند که پر از پولکهاى رنگى بود.
First Lady Azam-ol-Sadat Farahi spoke about "food security in Iran" at an International forum
معلم ِ كلاس ِ نهم ما بچه باز بود