سعی دارم که با توسل به اشعار خودم بعلاوه مدد از عکاسی هنری و فیلم سازی یک هفته تمام موی دماغ شما بشوم. البته بطریقی طنز را هم وارد بازار میکنم تا شاید بیشتر مقبول افتد
If you TRULY Are an Intellectual ... then you will find yourself in Good Company ! ...
Iranians don't do much volunteering
A fascinating read and a genuine contribution to the rediscovery of the Secret Science of the Sages
This is big explosive stuff. If the Exile didn't happen, then there is "no right of return", and if there are no Jewish people or nation then Zionism has no basis
Richard Nelson Frye has noted that, 'Iran’s glory has always been its culture'.
...not only to raise children but to take care of your elders.
From the secret of Divine Civilization
We should not limit our children, especially the girls. So they cannot have a good education and they cannot survive alone
Since the June 2009 elections, the situation in Iran has dramatically changed. Thousands have taken to the streets in defiant protest – despite the Iranian regime’s history of brutal repression
How to creatively make sense of loss will be a focus of mine. I thought I had nailed it, but nahh...
May we all meet in a free Iran to see smiles of happiness on face of beloved Iran
Chavez has made Ahmadinejad extremely uncomfortable in praising him as similar to the three notorious figures above. If such praise makes Ahmadinejad squirm, perhaps its because it is so apt--like being forced to look in a mirror.
There will be an exhibition of paintings and films by the British-Iranian Artist Koroush Salehi