Darius Kadivar
British Report on the Imperial Iranian Airforce and British and American material being sold to the Shah of Iran to develope its conventional arms defence capabilities. Also Shah of Iran speaks about British Arms Sales. (circa 1978) >>>
29-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Ahmadinejad's women appointees were clearly chosen for their ultra-conservative views on everything - including women’s rights. >>>
29-Aug-2009 (15 comments)
Just as Iranian ex-leftwingers in the west call for reconciliation between the two wings of the Islamic regime, the ruling faction clamps down on its rivals >>>
29-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Crazy Thoughts>>>
Saead Soltanpour
29-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
در نهایت انتشار وب در زندان همکاری با دولت کودتا هست صرف زیر فشار بودن دلیل بر همکاری ابطحی نیست >>>
29-Aug-2009 (one comment)
President Carter used a religious man as an Atom Bomb>>>
gitdoun ver.2.0
29-Aug-2009 (6 comments)

This joke, to a measure, reveals the rampant hate towards Muslims clearly seen by some bloggers on this site!!!

29-Aug-2009 (17 comments)
I am proud to have been born and raised in the land of my ancestors>>>
Amir-Human Orfi

ايذاء دينى در گذشته، حال، و آينده ايران

Sahameddin Ghiassi
در اینجا میخواهم تعلیم و تربیت سه پدر را که با اختلافاتی فرزندان خود را بزرگ و تعلیم و تربیت کرده اند و نیز نتایج آنرا برایتان بنویسم. مسلم است که هرکدام از این پدران فکر میکردندکه راهی درست میروند >>>
Film review with video >>>
khaleh mosheh
29-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
AN is getting too big for his boots>>>
29-Aug-2009 (8 comments)
One of the oldest examples of the gods of one religion becoming the demons of another is perhaps seen in late Hinduism and late Zoroastrianism>>>
Darius Kadivar
29-Aug-2009 (5 comments)
Film shows Persia's Last Qajar Shah, Ahmad Soltan greeted by Prince Albert ( Later to become King George VI) at Guidhall, London during the Persian King's State Visit. Watch film (circa 1919) >>>
29-Aug-2009 (5 comments)
دوتوکویل خوندشون فیلش هوای هندستون خمینی رو کرده >>>