22-May-2010 (6 comments)
I had heard his name and seen his pictures.  I even knew he has millions of fans, including Michelle Obama! But... >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi


او باعث شده بود که فرمانده داستان ما هم هلن بینوا را آزار بدهد هلن ولی توانست برای مردم مفید باشد.( نمونه آن نلسون ماندلا است که بجای انتقام کشی و کشت کشتار به نیکی و خوبی با مردم گنه کار برخورد کرد و آنان را بخشید و عفو فرمود ایکاش هیتلر هم از او درس میگرفت.)

Darius Kadivar
Tomorrow Night's Grand Jury announcement of the Winners of the Palme D'Or and other catergories will conclude a week long competition of the most glittering Film Festival in the World. Crossing Fingers for Juliette & Abbas  >>>
22-May-2010 (12 comments)
در دل خاک>>>


22-May-2010 (4 comments)
? >>>
ebi amirhosseini
22-May-2010 (14 comments)

او در خانه در بر من     من در بیابان در پی او

Real McCoy
I am deeply saddened by the passing of one of our finest Iranians... >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
زنان زیر دست هلن او را میپرستیدند و مثل یک مریم مقدس او را ستایش میکردند زیرا با مدیریت او توانسته بودند که به یک زندگی خوب و سالم برسند >>>
M. Saadat Noury
22-May-2010 (14 comments)
بس چیزها کز اصل ، دگرگونه می شود >>>
سردار سرداران >>>
Darius Kadivar
Jean-Pierre Lavoignat editor in Chief of Film Magazine STUDIO in Cannes Majestic Hotel interviews the duet of directors of Persepolis about their upcoming film based on Satrapi's Book Chicken with Plums. >>>
22-May-2010 (6 comments)
A man many Iranians respect. >>>
I Voted Ahmadinejad
22-May-2010 (one comment)
One of the major reasons that Iranian opposition failed to bring about any changes would be the inherently conflicting values of the group forming the back bone of the opposition. >>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
21-May-2010 (35 comments)
IRI is the land of the free after all, because there you can do such exotic things that we can’t even imagine here >>>
G. Rahmanian
21-May-2010 (7 comments)
It was in June two thousand and nine
When the Iranian nation rose. >>>