Translation of Khamenei's speech regarding doing away with the presidency in the Islamic Republic of Iran's constitution
ترانه ترکی: Al Gönlümü /کلام :لیدا قائم مقامی
گفتگو با مهدی خزعلی، روزنامه نگار و فعال سیاسی در تهران، در رابطه با ریشه یابی تخلفات مالی در ایران
Iranian Regime's 'plot' to kill Saudi envoy - Analysis by Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi on France 24
Why didn't Iranians study and discover Iran's mammals? Because, they weren't interested. Their interests lie elsewhere - in areas like politics or social ranking of themselves.
The study of the contemporary history however reveals that it was in fact the Shi’ite clergy (Shi’ite Ulama) who in pursuit of its own gains helped the imperialistic agenda of the British Empire in the Middle East and the South Asia.
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