Multiple Personality Disorder
26-Oct-2011 (10 comments)
ترجمهء فارسیِ شعرِ انگلیسی از «مهربان» >>>
Multiple Personality Disorder
26-Oct-2011 (8 comments)
English adaptation of a Farsi poem by divaneh,,, >>>
26-Oct-2011 (7 comments)
از خیابون شاه که می پیچیدی تو لاله زارُ راست شیکمت رو که میگرفتی به طرف توپخونه ٬یه کم پایین تر میومدی کافه سهیلا بود>>>
Orang Gholikhani
26-Oct-2011 (8 comments)
من نیازم رویا ست
 واژه سربسته خوابهاست >>>
Darius Kadivar
26-Oct-2011 (12 comments)
Shah Celebrates his 40th Birthday in Golestan Palace in all Pomp and Circumstance shortly before his official announcement of his third Marriage>>>
Dr. Mansur Rastani
26-Oct-2011 (one comment)
European Parliament’s delegates are taking a trip to visit Iran next week. A letter signed by a group of Iranian patriots has been submitted to the EP delegates to reconsider and cancel their trip>>>
26-Oct-2011 (63 comments)
 شرمینه شهریور >>>
Mash Ghasem
26-Oct-2011 (14 comments)
Iranian refugees in Turkey seem to be in a most vulnerable position, not only they are homeless with no quarters to live in,  but their security is also threatened by  agents of IR in Turkey. >>>
A smooth transition... >>>
Darius Kadivar
26-Oct-2011 (18 comments)
Romania's former King addressed the parliament in Bucharest for the first time since his forced abdication in 1947>>>
از مدتها پیش به دنبال دیدار بوده >>>
My Dance Video Playlist >>>
وای اگر از پس امروز بود فردایی! >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
  جوان ما از طبقه متوسط حتی شاید نتواند تا سن سی پنج سالگی یک ازدواج معمولی داشته باشد و اگر سن خواستهای سکسی و عشقی را حتی بیست سالگی بدانیم این جوان پانزده سال محرومیت سکسی عشقی را در پرونده خود دارد. >>>