Manchester United lost to Manchester City on purpose - to help reinforce City manager (Mancini's standing) to stick it to Tevez and his Iranian Minder - Kia Jourabchian
The Shah's State Visit to Egypt's Anwar Sadat two years prior to the Camp David Accords
Making sense of the The Rising World Wide Grass Roots Discontent, that started with the Wall Street Protests, From one Baha'i's perspective
The SOLE way to stop a war is to overthrow the terrorist regime before it completes its nuclear weapons program.
the only outletleft for ordinary people is Letter to the Editor of local and national newspapers and Dear Abby
آزادی را تاحدی که به آزادی دیگران خدشه ای وارد نکند پاس بداریم. و به سلاح علوم و فنون جدید اخلاق و دوستی و محبت مجهز شویم.
لینک آمازون، به درخواست عده ای از دوستان با وفا
King Abdullah arrived in Ramallah on Monday for a rare visit to the West Bank, as the Palestinians pursue statehood
Winner of the latest Islamic fashion show!
Responding to Mr. Bagherzadeh's history will be kind to Bakhtiar article.
گوشه از از داستان در دهلیز تاریک ابدی...یکی از شش پاره داستان های کوتاه از کتاب گذر کولیان.
It was only 2 short years ago, that Newt Gingrich shared a stage with Gert Wilders in New York, and Openly attack Muslims in the U.S.