yes abe was a basiji as well
I have a problem with NoRooz 1390
جد اندر جد ایتالیایی مرید " امام خمینی (ره)"
if a government has the support of its people no Super Power in this world can bring that government down
Eid-e Norooz (1390) Mobarak
Whilst the idea of a flash mob isn't a new thing, a Dabke / Hip-Hop flash mob in Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport (Beirut Duty Free) at a time when the region is in flux is certainly a first
ارباب خودم نفت خوزستان
دربست مال لرد انگلستان
ارباب خودم ما گوش به فرمان
گور پدر ملت ایران
حاج سید علی آقا خامنه ای حکم فرمودند
Dutch-Persians celebrate Nowruz in the town of Uitgeest, in The Netherlands.
Butter from Eastern European countries in Iranian supermarkets in the 1980s.
I still bear the mark upon my arm