Ralph Reed has re-emerged from the sewer again, in sponsoring the “Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference” this past week
=Israeli intelligence community’s allies in the British and American governments are increasingly worried about the English-language division of Press TV/Iran
او میګفت که اشتباه بوده که در ایران تحصیل کرده است بایست از اول به آمریکا میرفت و یا اشتباه بوده که اصلا تحصیل کرده و درس بدبختی خوانده است
واقعا نمی دانم آدم باید بخندد یا گریه کند
Dialogue of Piano with Oud
Chat of voice with silence
I have become a sad, sad man!
Tutorial - Mawashi Geri Yodan/Shodan
We don't have a word for "F********CK!"
A Report by Sepah’s newspaper claims that the 12th Emam might appear completely stoned!