Jahanshah Javid
03-Jul-2011 (28 comments)
Dissed by a horse>>>
در سال ۱۸۴۲ میلادی، ویکتوریا ملکه انگلستان به ناصرالدین میرزا، پسر ۱۱ ساله وارث سلطنت قاجار، یک دوربین عکاسی را به عنوان هدیه میدهد که همین هدیه هوشیارانه ثبت تاریخ ایران را دگرگون میکند >>>
Old short documentary about a climber, but by no means, dated! >>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Jul-2011 (one comment)
Iranian Poet and Intellectual Nader Naderpour draws parallels between the Constitutional Movement and the European Renaissance>>>
salman farsi
03-Jul-2011 (one comment)
سه هزار سال دروغ در تاریخ ایران/ زرتشت وجود خارجی نداشته/ تاریخ ایران سراسر دروغ وافسانه/ کوروش و انوشیروان ستمگر بودند >>>

عروسی سلطنتی و شرکت شهبانو فرح پهلوی در موناکو

03-Jul-2011 (7 comments)
The only game in town >>>
03-Jul-2011 (one comment)
مسلمان ناشده کافر شدی>>>
02-Jul-2011 (one comment)
کوروش پاشو ببین کشور تو راه مهیبیه/ پاشو بنگر که ملت توی خواب عمیقیه/ببین! به دنیا داریم میگیم که ما برتریم/ در حالی که ما ها همه یه مشت گدا پروریم >>>
02-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
I had a hundred ideas for my "Garden" when I moved in 17 years ago! >>>
Darius Kadivar
02-Jul-2011 (30 comments)
Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi was amongst the numerous royal guests and heads of states invited at Monaco's Royal Wedding. Also Present was Prince Karim Aga Khan. Her Majesty wore an elegant green dress and headscarf for the occasion. >>>
02-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
Syrian protestors are using a clever propaganda tactic Iran's Greens should consider.   Meanwhile the Syrian economy is collapsing at an accelerating rate for many good reasons and that undermines political support for Assad.    >>>
Mona Tahiri
"This dawn illumines all who have lived on the face of the earth, whether they are in the body or out of the body, but those who are spiritually blind cannot perceive it." -- Esslemont >>>
persian westender
02-Jul-2011 (4 comments)
شعر >>>
02-Jul-2011 (8 comments)
An eye witness story of the 1988 mass murders in Iran >>>