15-Jan-2011 (16 comments)
Political Cartoon: "Tunisia’s Red Wave and Iran’s Green Movement" by "Kaveh Adel" Every Revolution is different>>>
به بهانه پانصدمین روز بازداشت شرف اهل قلم>>>
14-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
دیر وقت بود . یادم نیست دقیقا چه ساعتی بود ولی هرچه بود نیمه های شب بود. خواب خواب بودم که با صدای در از جا پریدم! یعنی چه کسی بود آنهم این وقت شب. کورمال کورمال از جا بلند شدم و در را باز کردم>>>
Saead Soltanpour
14-Jan-2011 (one comment)
آیا اعدام ضرورتاً نقض حقوق بشر است؟ آیا حقوق بشر بدون هزینه و کار فرهنگی درازمدت به دست می آید؟>>>
Multiple Personality Disorder
14-Jan-2011 (6 comments)
تعبیرِ من از آوازی از دیوید ویلکاکس >>>
14-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
What would IC do without Sargord? >>>
14-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
Since its inception, the Islamic government of Iran has been building close economic and political associations with many different countries particularly with those with anti religious regimes>>>
14-Jan-2011 (23 comments)
Stanford University’s president, Dr. John Hennessy, today assured PAAIA that controversial remarks made by a retired faculty member does not reflect the university’s views or admission policies >>>
Darius Kadivar
14-Jan-2011 (66 comments)
Unrests in Tunisia and the passionate reactions it has triggered in a nation often hailed as an “Island of Stability” in the Maghreb could benefit from lessons on Iran's clumsy "Islamic" revolution>>>
Orang Gholikhani
14-Jan-2011 (4 comments)
رها کن زندگی>>>
Multiple Personality Disorder
14-Jan-2011 (9 comments)
My adaptation of lyrics of a song by Majid Afshari, performed by Ehsan Khaje Amiri >>>
14-Jan-2011 (8 comments)
People trust their governments like the babies intuitively know that they are cared for >>>
Red Wine
14-Jan-2011 (12 comments)
یادها و خاطره ها >>>