با ادب تر و با نزاکت تر شده ام
دیروز وقتی کارولاین از زندگی ام پرسید گفتم : بهتر از دیروزم هستم و برای یک لحظه دست از کار کشیدم و با خودم زمزمه کردم چه خوب ! وقتی میشل با خنده گفت : این جا رو بیشتر از کشورت دوست داری ؟ گفتم نه ! این جا هم بدی های خودش را دارد ولی اگر صادقانه بخواهم جواب بدهم آره ! این جا رو ترجیح می دهم چون به خوبی دارد زیر و رویم می کند و بیشتر از همه این تنهایی خودخواسته باعث رشدم شده که از این بابت خیلی خوشحالم .کی می توانستم در ترافیک فکرهای به هم ریخته و آشفته تهران فرصت بازپروری خودم را داشته باشم ؟ . به همه کارهایم به موقع می رسم .به وقت مریضی می دانم چه باید بخورم و چه نباید .به وقت درس خواندن حواسم به درس و مشقم است نه بازی با افکار احمقانه و بیهوده . به وقت خرید دقیقا مواظب این هستم که چه بخرم که واقعا به دردم بخورد و چه نه .در بازی های پرخاشگرانه شرکت نمی کنم چون این کار در این جا معنی درستی به دست نمی دهد .
I am writing to you on one of the most important dates of American history, the day when this country celebrates its independence with fireworks, food, family and friends. There is a level of excitement in the air that reminds me of our own Norooz, where everyone in the street is so happy and giving each other these twinkling looks and bright smiles, on their way home to have a good time. But tonight, I am neither at a party nor am I hosting guests. I am sitting at home alone. Yes, Shahab is here too. He is in the living room watching T.V. and drinking his beloved Vodka. As I have said, I am alone. Forget tonight: We have never had any guests over. Shahab has not invited anyone or introduced me to any of his co-workers or friends (if he has any!). He is obsessed with people finding out “what goes on” in his private life.” Why?
چطور ممکن است ما همان ملتی باشیم که امثال کورش را بدنیا هدیه کرد وقتی امروز یک بسته لواشک را هنوز بلد نیستیم چگونه بسته بندی کنیم؟
بمناسبت بزرگداشت روز کورش کبیر که امسال بخاطر نزدیکی آن با روز Halloween ما هردو را با هم جشن خواهیم گرفت که خرجمان کمتر شود، خواستم در مورد "لوحه کورش" که به آن "سیلندر کورش" نیز میگویند قدری با هم صحبت کنیم. اخیراً حتماً با خبر شدید که یک خبرنگار نشریه اشپیگل آلمان بنام شولتز نقل قول کرده بود از قول تاریخشناس آلمانی کلاوس گالاس که او هم به استناد به گفته های یک استاد تاریخ دیگر آلمانی بنام جوزف وایزهوفر ادعا میکند که بله "کورش، یک پادشاه دوران امپراطوری ها و کشور گشائی ها نمیتواند اولین منشور حقوق بشرو آزادی ادیان را شخصاً صادر کرده باشد چون او شاه کشوری بوده که مردمش از ترس باید پای او را میبوسیدند"، و اضافه میکند که "این یک دروغی است که محمد رضا شاه در 1971 در جشنهای دوهزارو پانصد سال شاهنشاهی علم کرد!"
درگذشت خانم سفیر، مهرانگیز دولتشاهی
خانم مهرانگیز دولتشاهی، خواهرزاده صادق هدایت و اولین زنی که در ایران سفیر شد، در سن نود یک سالگی به دنبال یک بیماری طولانی درگذشت. مهرانگیز دولتشاهی متولد سال ١٢٩٦ در اصفهان است. خانم دولتشاهی در سال 1354 یه مقام سفیری منصوب شد و به دانمارک رفت و تا زمان انقلاب در همین مقام بود. مهرانگیز دولتشاهی تنها اولین و زنی است که در تاریخ ایران به مقام سفیری نائل شد. پس از انقلاب مهرانگیر دولتشاهی ساکن پاریس شد و در طول اقامت سی ساله اش در پاریس "انجمن فرهنگ ایران" که یکی از قدیمی ترین و معتبرترین انجمنهای فرهنگی ایرانیان است را بنیانگذاری کرد. او با گذاشتن جلسات سخنرانی برای پژوهشگران و فرهنگ دوستان ایرانی، فعالیت های فرهنگی خود را پیگیری می کرد. مهرانگیز دولتشاهی در سال 1997 از طرف "بنیاد پژوهش های زنان" به عنوان "بانوی برگزیده سال" در پاریس مورد تقدیر قرار گرفت. کتاب "جامعه، دولت و جنبش زنان ایران" 1381 یکی از آخرین آثار خانم دولتشاهی است.
Kisses, kisses, and kisses landing everywhere
“Hey, hot date tonight?!” Her co-worker asked her in the mirror, as she washed her hands in the office bathroom sink, while Goli finished putting on her makeup at 5:30. “Heeh, no, not really. He’s just a friend.” She said. Her co-worker asked “Anyone special?” She said “Well, yes.” checking her reflection in the mirror. “I think he’s very special. He is a guy I have known for a while. He is a friend I met through a group of my sister’s friends. Later I started working with him on some volunteer projects having to do with ‘No War On Iran.’ I have been really attracted to him for a while and we have so much in common, but I’m not sure he’s interested in me. He has never said or done anything, always friendly and polite
There was no more room for Lily to stand by her tree
Lily Flower had never worked in her life. She was the last member of Flower family, well-known in Hustonville, Tennessee. At ten, her parents called her their little genius. She could sing the most difficult tunes and play the most complex songs on piano. At sixteen she dreamed of being a famous actress. But her parents died in a car accident and she inherited their fortune at twenty-four. Once the time of her grieving was over, she sold everything, left her hometown and moved to New York. She lived in a luxury house at Soho for the first six years, but the day she realized nobody had ever recognized her talents - excepted for her parents- she moved to this apartment building. Santa Fe Apartments, 43210 Stone Ave. “No pet allowed”. The concierge told her on the first day she moved in. But she didn’t care. Young and hopeful, “I’m going to get married,” she had thought. “Who needs a pet?”
by Mim Pegah
I’m astonished at this garden
The hand of autumn!
I’m astonished at this perfume
Sparkling itself
onto corpses
Photo essay: A loving, colorful refuge
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Did he really think that putting a plate of money in front of me was going to take away the pain of all those cruel words he hurled at me?
Khaleh Joon, I hope you haven’t been worried if your phone calls have remained unanswered for the past few days. Shahab and I were gone for a short vacation. I know this will come as a surprise to you after how low I have been feeling ever since our big fight. I was even more surprised than you must be at the way things turned out. About ten days ago, I came out of the shower to see the table set with candles and flower, the lights dimmed, some nice Persian music playing on the radio, and the smell of something yummy coming from the kitchen. I was in awe and did not know how to react. Shahab finally came out of the kitchen, came towards me and took my hand, which he kissed tenderly. He led me towards the table and pulled the chair out for me
I have been so used to living behind a mask that I don’t know anymore who I am and where I am going
Payam jan, To say that I am disappointed in you is an understatement. However, it is the most accurate interpretation of what I am feeling right now. After reading your email, I was really angry. Fuming. The initial email I wrote you was full of that rage. I am glad I cancelled it and I waited til I cooled down before writing to you again. However, the hurt is still there. After being unfairly accused by my wife, it really stung for you to point your finger at me too. Yes, I know I am far from the perfect husband. I am the first one who will call myself a failure. I have told you so many times. It was you and Maman Joon who always kept insisting I was this wonderful person who just hadn’t explored his full potential yet. Baba usually would hide his face behind a newspaper during one of those motivational sessions. How right he was
عادی سازی چند همسری در اذهان عمومی
این مجموعه برای خرد کردن اعصاب خانم ها در قرن بیست و یکم تهیه نشده است بلکه در ابتدا نگاهی داریم به تاریخ حرمسراداری در ایران و سپس با هشیاری کامل از این که قرار نیست نه فیلم هنری ببینیم و نه فیلمی از وضعیت فعلی ایران، به تماشای فیلم مستند "چهار همسر و یک شوهر" که بر اساس زندگی یک روستایی چهار زنه تهیه شده است می نشینیم. فیلم به درد تحقیقات مردم شناسی و انسان شناسی و دیدن در جمع های کوچک تخصصی می خورد و معلوم نیست چرا بانوی فیلمساز متعهدی از سوئد راه افتاده است و در روستایی گمنام یک مرد چهار زنه پیدا کرده است و از زندگی چهارزنه ی او فیلم مستندی تهیه کرده است؟ آیا این فیلم سندی از زندگی زن ایرانی است؟ آیا آن مرد روستایی چهارزنه، نماد همه ی مردان ایرانی است؟ آیا زندگی همه ی ایرانیان به این گونه است؟
I was born with two left feet
I was kidnapped from the maternity ward of a hospital after birth. When this appalling incident happened, to avoid a scandal, the hospital authorities took the baby in the next crib whose parents were missing and gave him to my parents. I am someone else. Who I really am, I don’t know. I could have been a normal baby growing up in a normal family and turned into a normal adult but my life didn’t happen this way. Just to add a little more flavor to my life, my parents once admitted that I was conceived because of a defective condom. I learned this horrifying truth when I was a kid. Sometimes I hope the real me never finds out who he really is. Obviously, he has more skeletons to discover than I do
Seeing you is reading a love poem
I am the lilies that in your hair reside
On the walls of your church
I am the image of Christ crucified
I am a book on your bookshelves
A whippoorwill on your shoulder
I am anklets around your calves
Photo essay: Two weeks in Karaj
kfravon >>>
Plain bored by fundamentalist Islamic version of Rumi
Under the pretext of celebrating Rumi, the 13th century Persian mystic, poet and philosopher, the Hollywood Bowl presented a showcase of Islamic fundamentalism on Sunday, September 27th. The event attracted a huge crowd (15,644 officially attended) made up mainly of Iranians who have emigrated to Southern California since the Islamic Revolution swept Iran in 1979. Initially, they were proud and excited that the Hollywood Bowl was paying attention to their culture. They thought that perhaps the grandeur of the Bowl, together with a grand budget and grand vision has yielded a grand tribute to the beauties of their culture. But, by the end of the night, many of them, if not most, found themselves disappointed after being trapped for almost four hours, and forced to witness the less grand aspects of that same culture
Iranian movies in Rotterdam festival so different, balanced and fresh
In a small theater in Rotterdam, there is Iranian music humming in the hall, people are either anxiously waiting in line to pick up their tickets or chatting in groups, while drinking a cup of tea around small round tables. The volunteers walk around the hall upbeat and excited, wearing their white t-shirts with a beautiful print of a phantasy bird on the front. It is the opening evening of the Iranian Film Festival, at last. I’m one of the last people who gets into the movie theatre before the lights are dimmed. Looking around I notice that every single seat is filled. Parwin Mirrahimy takes the microphone and welcomes the audience. Then Farah Karimi holds a speech expressing the one thought that was just running through my mind: This festival is one of the very few occasions that brings us individualistic Iranians together in The Netherlands!
هنگام رفتن است
گفت و انگشت سرد مرطوبش
بر مهره پشتم لغزید
نه، نه ،اشتباه آمده ا ی
من هنوز جوانم و هزاران آرزو
”مقاومت بی اثر است“
می بایست این آتش را بر فراز کوهستانها روشن کنم