Totem de la Tolerance

Totem de la Tolerance

Photo essay: A revolving statue

by Orang Gholikhani
02-Oct-2008 (4 comments)



[Re]defining Iranian comedy

Young comedians

02-Oct-2008 (4 comments)
Part of being an immigrant in the US, is understanding that there is a period of time that one has to go through, as the rest of America begins to accept you and your culture into it's fold. Before you can truly melt into the pot. The concept of melting, depending on your culture and it's character might be a bit daunting to some, more easily accepted to others. For example, it certainly appears that Indians have been more willing to blend into American culture as they immigrate. They seem to have arrived recently, or certainly after we did, and they look far more comfortable with the process of Amercanizing their culture, than we seem to be>>>


The Newlyweds (1)

BAM! Love at first sight.

02-Oct-2008 (11 comments)
Dear Mitra Joon: Yes, you read the subject line correctly. I am getting married!!! I know, your jaw is dropping from the shock. Me? Getting married? Me, who had all but given up on love, and vowed to remain single forever. It has been a whirlwind, let me tell you. I guess it must be true what they say, that you find your true love only once you have stopped looking. I had all but given up on finding my Prince Charming especially after kissing so many frogs (remember Houman from Montreal? LoL). In my case, as you have guessed, I found my true love in the most unlikely of places: Iran >>>


The history of a teardrop
30-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
"O, my shy teardrop,
 Do you feel the invisible barbed wires
 Tightening around the visible me?
 Comfort me.
 Come into being.
 Tell  being How harsh it is to breathe without love
 And weep without tears."
I hear a teardrop, a voice From the lips of unamed oceans >>>


نوعی تحقیر ملی

نمایش "جادوگران شهر سیلم" و به خطر افتادن امنیت ملی

30-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
فردای دستگیری آيمی گودمن و زنان چپ فمینیست در آمریکا، ما در فرانسه به علت توفان، نه تلفن داریم و نه اینترنت، سر کار هستم و هنگام تنفس، به سالن استراحت کارمندان می روم و در حالی که سیبی گاز می زنم در سکوت به ایرن نگاه می کنم که مثل همیشه دارد روزنامه لوموند را از اول تا آخر می خواند. ازش می پرسم: "خبرای جالب داری برامون؟" و ایرن داستان "آنا گلدی" را به طور خلاصه برایمان تعریف می کند. سرگذشت آنا گلدی، ساحره ای سرانجام محبوب را در روزنامه لوموند ببینید. آنا گلدی، زنی که روزی به جرم جادوگری محکوم شد و سرش را با گیوتین از تنش جدا کردند حالا پس از دویست و بیست و شش سال پارلمان سوئیس به بیگناهی او رأی می دهد!>>>



Bizarre music video by rock band in Iran

29-Sep-2008 (34 comments)

Love & Loss

Love & Loss

Photo essay: Apartment on Stannage Ave, Albany, California

by Jahanshah Javid
29-Sep-2008 (41 comments)



Causes and effects

The WAY of the WORLD: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism

28-Sep-2008 (one comment)
From Pulitzer Prize—winning journalist and bestselling author Ron Suskind comes a startling look at how America lost its way and at the nation's struggle, day by day, to reclaim the moral authority upon which its survival depends. From the White House to Downing Street, from the fault–line countries of South Asia to the sands of Guantánamo, Suskind offers an astonishing story that connects world leaders to the forces waging today's shadow wars and to the next generation of global citizens. Tracking down truth and hope within the Beltway and far beyond it, Suskind delivers historic disclosures with this emotionally stirring and strikingly original portrait of the post-9/11 world>>>


Palin or Biden
28-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
I dazzle the crowd with occasional
Saying your tribe is lacking spirit
And I am a nameless messiah.
When wind blows from East
To West, I am a child at loss,
Neither Palin nor Biden
Reflects what is in my heart >>>


Hero for humanity

In Memory of Paul Newman

27-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Today, I am grieving at the loss of 83 year old legendary actor and social activist Paul Newman, who was also a great humanist and dedicated his life to helping the world's needy, especially the sick children. Although I had met him only once at a fund raiser for his ‘Hole in the Wall’ charity, I felt I knew him rather well, not simply because I am like countless millions of others a devout fan of his movies and always admired his tireless charitable activities, but also because Paul was a dear friend of my brother, Mohsen>>>


Golpari Joon

Golpari Joon

Photo essay: A party in honor of Mohsen Namjoo

by Jahanshah Javid
27-Sep-2008 (2 comments)



The Key Ring
26-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
The key chain felt heavy
Though there were only two keys
I looked back
And said
I think I won’t miss this
But I think you will miss me >>>


تفسیر ملوکانه از "آزادی"

"زاویه ی دید" ملوکانه را که ملاحظه فرمودید؟

26-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
" "ان- در" دیدار سلطان صاحبقران از امپراطوری پروس: آمدیم پایین توی اطاق نشستیم. امپراطور هم بعد آمد پایین می نشستیم، بر می خاستیم، حرف می زدیم، صاحب منصب ها همه راه می رفتند، می نشستند، آزادی بود، یکی ایستاده بود کونش را به امپراطور کرده سیگار می کشید، یکی نشسته بود و کونش به امپراطور سیگار می کشید. یکی کونش را به ما کرده بود. هر کدام یک حالت آزادی داشتند..." (روزنامه ی خاطرات ناصرالدین شاه در سفر سوم فرنگ، ص 220) >>>



اینجا دارَک است. و کل جمعیت آن هشتاد و سه نفر است.

26-Sep-2008 (4 comments)
آن سال ها چنین بود که می توانستی پس از اتمام سال چهارم پزشکی، دانشگاه را رها کنی و برای سه سال خدمت با عنوان پزشکیار بروی به دهات دور افتاده و اغلب بد آب و هوا و پس از آن مجددن برگردی دانشگاه و تحصیل را از سال پنجم ادامه بدهی. اگر تعهد چنین خدمتی را می دادی در عوض با گذراندن امتحانی خاص " و نه کنکور " به دانشگاه می رفتی و پس از بازگشت و اتمام بقیه دوره و گذراندن " تِز " و دریافت پایان نامه دکترا، دیگر نیازی به گذراندن چند سال خارج از مرکز نداشتی. "اصلان" با سپردن چنین تعهدی سه سال خدمت بهیاریش را در ده دور افتاده و سرتا پا محروم از همه چیز و در حقیقت فراموش شده " دارَک " از دهات بندر عباس گذراند. از بچگی رفیق بودیم من و او و " کاظم "، در حقیقت سه تفنگ داری بودیم که حتا یک فشنگ هم نداشتیم>>>


Spark of life

Spark of life


by Jaleh Etemad
26-Sep-2008 (one comment)



Looking at you

Looking at you

Photo essay: People in Iran

by Nader Davoodi
25-Sep-2008 (14 comments)



Portrait of an Empire

Responding to a dire need of much more in depth study of Sasanian Iran and its history

25-Sep-2008 (6 comments)
Now historians have made attempts at reclaiming the history of ancient Iran and making it a matter for those well exercised in the historical approach to ancient times. I myself have very much tried to engage in the study of ancient Iranian history in dialogue with the historians of Rome, India, Asia and Caucasus, as well as those working on the economic, cultural and social history of the world or those interested in the roots and precedents of Islamic history and late antiquity. It is only in this way that ancient Iranian history can be released from philology and archaeology, and at the same time take advantage of the sources of knowledge brought about by these fields>>>


آنکس که نداند و نداند که نداند
24-Sep-2008 (22 comments)
آنکس که بداند و بداند که بداند
اسب خرد از گنبد گردون بجهاند
آنکس که بداند و نداند که بداند
بیدارش نمایید که بس خفته نماند
آنکس که نداند و بداند که نداند
لنگان خرک خویش به منزل برساند >>>


24-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
On a misty day
My face feels air like the old memories…
I look back and pray, not once
But so many times, over and over
Calling your name and longing for your touch
And hoping somewhere out there … faraway,
You have closed your eyes and thinking of the one, who >>>




Photo essay

by Kamal B. Farahani
24-Sep-2008 (4 comments)
