کینۀ رضا پهلوی


by Fred

این روزها با موهای جوگندمی، کوله باری از تجربه و داغ از دست دادن عزیزان، رضا پهلوی همدرد مردم ایران است، کردار و گفتارش منطقی و پخته و شسته رفته و به گوش هوش خوش میاید.

برای نظام پربرکت و عوامل آن خطرناک شده؛ بیخود نیست که اینچنین از روی کینه به او میتازند. قابل درک است، هر آنکه از خودی­ها و چاکران "امام راحل" نباشد و دارای پتانسیل یک کاسه کردن خیل عظیم نیروهای پراکنده­ای باشد که در غایت با هر مرام و مسلک هدف مشترک آنان ایران آزاد و دموکراتیک است، سم مهلک برای اسلامیست­ها، "اصلاح طلب" و غیره میباشد.

این روزها رضا پهلوی، پسر محمد رضا شاه مغفور، حرف حساب میزند، خوب هم میزند و سزاوار تشویق است.

خوب باشد اگر آنانی که بدرستی دائماً از کمبود هماهنگ کنندۀ مخالفین پرشمار نظام پربرکت شکوه دارند؛ نگاهی دوباره به رضا پهلوی بیاندازند، حرفهای او را سبک سنگین کنند و با کردار او محک زنند.

این روزها حال و روز ایران خانوم و بچه هایی که در خانه مانده­اند وخیم است. این روزها برای ادای وظیفه هم که شده، مهر و دلبندی بجای خود، فرزندان جان بدر برده باید کدورت­ها را کنار گذاشته و برای نجات آنان آستین­ها را بالا زنند.


پ.ن. به اینجا و اینجا هم سرکی بکشید.


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هر گردی گردو نیست!


Siavash, it's like we're involved in two different conversations! I addressed a simple question to you (re whether or not you believe that political opposition to the ruling regime should be allowed!), yet you keep repeating your previous statements regarding insignificant demographics and British monarchy! Even VPK (who was not addressed by the question) got that simple point and commented on it!

P.S. The reason that the political system in GB is functioning, is not due to being a monarchy, but because it's a democratic system! You see! It's the other way around; the monarchy in GB is functioning because the political system is democratic! Not all monarchies are democratic! Position of monarch in GB is merely ceremonial, and the monarch has no executive power! Let me give you an example; in comparison to the Pahlavi monarchy, do you actually believe that Queen Elizabeth II has the power to declare all (or even any) political parties illegal and start the party of her own -- as HIM "aryamehr" did with Rastakhiz -- and still remain in one piece?!


Arj's Familiarity with G.B monarchy

by Siavash300 on

I'm aware of the system in GB and how it works," Arj

If you are familiar with how the monarchy system works, so why you are questioning the system?

All iranians are also familiar with monarchy since we had it over 5000 years. In fact, we are the one who innovated this system for the first time in the history of mankind. I am sure you have a model in your mind when you talk about monarchy. I don't know what is it, but the model in my mind is U.K.  Mullahs' propaganda portrait monarchy equal to dictatorship in people's mind in order to stay in power and impose idea of lizard eater arabs to our nation. That is it. U.K is the most democratic country on the face of the earth and runs by monarchy. Brits are proud of their Royal family. Why don't you?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


whether you believe that there should be a political opposition to challenge the ruling power (including RP, if he supposedly gets to power), or should there be no politically opposing alternative to the ruling power? 

Yes of course there should be opposition. Not just  one rather many different opposition voices. They may join together at times. Then based on votes "opposition" or one of them may become  "ruling" for a while. Next election they may lose.

This is the democratic process. New opposition groups may form and old ones may split; join or dissolve. I like proportional representation because it allows more voices to be represented. Winner takes all sucks because it limits the voices.

In my view RP has a choice. Be a figurehead Monarch. Or run as any citizen does and get votes. I don't see a problem with the Monarch also being elected to office although it may be awkward. But hey if he gets the votes democratically why not.


Re coalition and opposition

by Arj on

Dear Siavash, I'm aware of the system in GB and how it works, but that does not answer my question as to whether you believe that there should be a political opposition to challenge the ruling power (including RP, if he supposedly gets to power), or should there be no politically opposing alternative to the ruling power?


Dear VPK, I can not make sense of what you said; e.g. "...a monarch run as a normal citizen for office," or "Alternately he may renounce his throne and run for office anyway." I'm not sure what kind of a system that would entail, and I'm not even trying to challenge you on that! What I'm trying to say is that "sane" or "crazy" are not definitive creiteria to vet (or even discern) political entities and guarantee their commitments to democracy, nor are pro-god and pro-Iran postures! For in 1979, the majority of pro-Khomeini mob emphasized on his "religious convictions" as "mo'men" to dismiss the concerns of those who demanded checks and ballances on his power while Khomeini himself expressed his commitment to democracy so far as even equating Islam and democracy as one and the same! Subsequently, once in power, he not only disregarded democratic values in favour of perpetuation of his power, but even stated that once it comes to the survival of his regime, "he would even shut down prayers and fasting" that are supposed to be the main pillars of his religion!  

Nowadays, pro-RP mob are emphatic about his "love of Iran" as if it's some kind of guarantee that if he becomes a king, he would remain true to the principles of democracy! Firstly, the main mantra of Shahollahis (who are most likely to take over his Sepah, Police and Basij) is "Khoda, Shah, Mihan," which puts the king ahead of the country. Even if assumably Shahollahis decide to have a change of heart and put the country ahead of their king, there's still no mention of people in there! That means they can justify suspending democratic principles under the pretext of "patriotic expediency!" The main difference however, IMHO, is that it would be the rule of the mob mentality, only in secular form, and instead of chastizing people for "moharebeh ba khoda va rasul-e khoda," they'll try to shut people up in the name of defending the "kian-e homayuni of the land of Kurosh..."  

Whether a figure-head monarch or an absolute monarch, why are we talking about him as monarch when he doesn't even (yet) dare to refer to himself as one! There hasn't even been a national referandum or election of any sort in that regard for pete's sake!

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

That Q and A should remain like :IF our country needs some day an 80 yrs old Baba pahlavi coming to an occupied Iran (GOD FORBID).

WE all love our motherland someway or other.

** why using word such as MAGHFOOR?

for a great man R I P  who loved his country and its peoples?

happy yalda TABREEK



Arj's question

by Siavash300 on

"do you believe that we should have a political opposition in Iran" Arj

 U.K is the most democratic country in the world. U.K  runs by monarchy. Brits are proud of their political system. Is that the same as what Basij or Hezbollahs are saying? I doubt it.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Arj

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


this is the same exact reason that our people rallied behind Khomeini back in the day!

Three issues:

  • RP is sane and secular his positions indicate it. Khomeini's positions were the opposite indicating he was both crazy and power hungry.
  • RP has shown a true love for Iran and Khomeini had not.
  • Khomeini was viewed as some kind of "messiah" by idiots. People were seeing his face on the moon. RP is far more "down to earth" :-) He is a symbol not a messiah. I hope we all realize he is a man nothing more. 

Besides I hope people have learned not to allow repeat of 1979. My own guarantee to you is I will oppose any dictator. I will support RP as a figurehead Monarch. But I would never support a Shah like king with real power. And RP has to earn it. Which means he has to:

  • Help put together a coalition now before IRI is gone.
  • Put both his reputation and money to back the coalition.
  • Be inclusive and accept he gets one vote.
  • Step aside out of power and not make a power grab.
  • I see no reason why a Monarch should not run as a "normal" citizen for office. But he needs to get the votes and be elected.
  • Alternately he may renounce his throne and run for office anyway.

If he does all of that he would have earned keys to the Nivaran palace to me.


Regarding the origins of the "Pahalvi Dynasty"

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

انگليس و کودتاي 1299 در ايران



Re carte blanche

by Arj on

Dear HTG, thank you for hitting the nail on the head! I've been trying to say the same thing, but unfortunately been subjected to labelings such as "defending Khamenei!" Much like the predecessors of this mob of RP groupies who dismissed those who opposed issuing Khomeini the same carte blanche as "defenders of Shah" back in 1979! Perhaps mob mentality runs in our blood!

Dear VPK, this is the same exact reason that our people rallied behind Khomeini back in the day! That "no one else was accepted by the foreign media and enojoyed the celebrity status as Khomeini!"

Dear Siavash, why do you fixate on numbers (or apology, who said anything about that!) instead of focusing on the issue?! OK, to make you happy, lets say the numberis are 60% literacy and 5 million graduates! Now, do you believe that we should have a political opposition in Iran (whether under the rule of RP or anyone else) or should whatever regime that rules us face no challenges by its political opponents?

P.S. What you are saying about monarchy is very similar to what Basijis and Hezbollahis say about Islam. I disagree with you as I disagree with them. There are many other Iranians who believe in neither (monarchy or religion), do they have to submit to your ideology, or do you believe that they have the right to oppose you?!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Regarding Power

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I specifically said no one should have absolute power. RP is needed as symbol of unity not a dictator.

The idea is very simple. If write an op-ed it does not get published; I know because I tried. If RP does it will get published. That is why we need his title. A meeting by "Crown Prince" gets media and people to pay attention. A media by some "Akbar" or "Fahad" will not! Now you get why the the name is important.


illiteracy rate and why Reza Pahlavi

by Siavash300 on

 ".....our country has nearly 10 million university and college graduates and our literacy rate is close to 90%!" Arj

Dear Arj,

This number doesn't seem right. Do you have any scietific data to support this number? First socialogist who did some statistic research in Iran was someone by the name of Khosrow Rad who wrote an interesting book in regard to Iran's'population and it's diversity back in early 70's. We didn't have any survey or statistic of small towns and remote villiages back then. The reason I remember 45% illiteracy rate relates to the fact that I was doing some research in the fied of socialogy back then. Those numbers registared in my mind. Yes, half of our population couldn't read or write back then. 75% were living in rural area and only 25% was in urban area Now, you see how funny sounds to speak of democracy in such a social context or rather demographic configration. it would be funy to compare Iran with countries without any political prisoners such as Swiss in those days. Swiss celeberated 400 anniversary of it's university back in 70's. you should compare apple with apple and oragnge with organge. NOT apple with orange. The rate of illiteracy was very much competetive to Syria and Egypt in those days. Those are right comparisons.

Now,about apology. What I am saying that all those shah's opponents (which they all were punished by mullahs later on) should have courage and come forward and like a real man and real woman and say: yes we did it and we made mistake and we apology to our nation for our mistakes. Sorry we put Iranian people in such a misery for 32 years.

This is called courage. NOT keep whining and trying to push their point of views even after 32 years. They should be remorseful and accept their mistakes and come forward and apology to our people.  

Now, Hooshang T. is asking why Reza Pahlavi or rather one man role?

Shah has been a symbol of unity, integrity and strengh of our nation throughout history. Our ancestors introduced monarchy as a political system to the history of mankind for the first time. We should be proud of that.


As long as we have this "Blank Check" mentality, we're not going

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

anywhere, any time fast.

What's the dif between giving a "carte blanche" to RP, or Khomini or ....

Once and for all we need to understand  that unless we have a people-centered democracy, nothing else willl work. That is if we have the interest of the majority in mind.

We are all leaders. Why do we always need to create someone to rule over us?


Re titles

by Arj on

That is exactly what is going to make a huge difference in the future of our nation and the nature of the regime it'll be ruled by! You like to hand over the power to RP, and don't care whether he'd be a king or an elected official! While to me, the position and/or the nature of the political system sought by RP (and not only him, but any other entity) makes a huge difference as in between democracy and other forms of governance (autocarcy, plutocracy, plutarchy, kleptocracy...).

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Arj

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have no real love for Monarchy or a problem with criticism of RP. But I want togo forward and get moving. Rather than argue about titles and that stuff. It is just these diversions on "apologies"; "titles" that waste precious time.

I remember trying to start a company with a group. One guy begun with demanding title of VP and I knew it was not going anywhere. The better option is to not worry about it. If he does a good job: he is CP. If not he is a big nothing.

I vote for let him be anything he wants. I will be "a member". You give yourself any title you want. People are identified by their actions not titles. In my views: if he does a good job he is welcome to CP.


Re re alternatives

by Arj on

VPK, you either don't get my point, or your sentiments towards him make you perceive everyone's opinion of RP as personal or emotionally-based! My issue is not with RP the person, but with arbitrary titles like "crown prince" that suggest he has some sort of privilege over "non-princes" who are dedicating their lives to bring IRI to justice! Obviously as no one is stopping them, I'm not saying that he should not do what he does, but am expressing my views with regards to his positions. If you can't tolerate any critical view of him, that's a different story!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: alternatives

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I tried to explain it will carry no power but act as glue. But yes some people will not like it. I figure that no matter who some people will not be happy. If he does something my support will be with him.

Nobody is stopping others from acting. If they did then maybe they get support. One realistic question please tell me will you ever join with him? I get the feeling you do not like him or Pahlavi. That is fine however if that is so then might as well say it.

Move on and either bring out an alternative or say you are opposed period. I am willing to consider any reasonable option not MEK. I prefer some to others but anything  is worth a try. 


Re alternatives

by Arj on

Dear VPK, that is exactly what I'm talking about; the title of "crown prince!" If RP initiates his efforts towards building that coalition without the title of "crown prince" (or any other arbitrary titles), he may have a chance to attract a broad base of experts in all areas. Moreover, when I mentioned Dr. Lahiji, I did not mean him as a leader of any sort or even the head of that coalition, but one in charge of, namely, HR-related issues of that coalition -- as there would be many committees in charge of many issue in all of which we have an abundance of experts who have our people's respect and don't necessarily belong to any particular political groupings!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Arji II

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have thought of all the possible alternatives to RP. Just do not see any good ones. My reasons below:

  • The person has to be secular and provably so. That rules out Ebadi and many others.
  • The person has to have a clean personal record. That rules out Mousavi and his ilk.
  • I prefer not having an "intellectual" kind. By that I do not mean I am anti-intellectual. But Iranian intellectuals have a bad record. They showed horrible judgment in the past. Many tend to be  arrogant and full of themselves. 

Besides none of them have done anything other than promote themselves.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Arj I

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If RP is going to organize then he needs to reach the broad group. For it and many other reasons he must give up any notion of a powerful monarch. This changes the meaning of "Monarch" to a figurehead or "Glue".

If that were to happen a Monarch will have less power than a PM. All he would do is to officiate the start of the Parliament. Meet heads of state and give speeches at NowRuz. But the real power will be in the PM or whoever is the head of state. Or may act as protector of rights like the British House of Lords. To prevent hasty and stupid laws by slowing them down and forcing Parliament to review them. 

The problem with others like Dr Lahiji or Ebadi is they are "normal" people. Meaning someone will come along saying "why not me?". In reality there is nothing  special about various people. But in perception RP has the title of "Crown Prince" which distinguishes him. Plus he has the absolute highest name recognition. 




Re military

by Arj on

Dear VPK, when I mentioned military take over, I did not mean it as a role model, but something that must be avoided at all costs! For the idea of military being in charge (even temporarily!) has never been a good one! Look at Egypt whose military took pivotal steps in people's direction at first, but since it took over, seems to be even more brutal than Mobarak's Police and secret service! What creates such situations, IMHO, is lack of clarity! Ambiguity is not going to help achieve such a national consesus to build a viable alternative to IRI either inside Iran, or in exile. If RP is going to reach that broad base to have a role in creating that alternative, he should clarify whether by entring a coalition, he sees himself as the heir to the throne, or merely a member! For there are people among the opposition figures with more credentials and longer history of struggle against IRI (e.g. Dr Lahiji in HR)! If his real intentions are just to assemble that coalition to rescue Iran from the disastrous fate that IRI is steering towards, he should be the glue that binds that coalition together rather than looking to be its center of gravity!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are right about after IRI goes things will be rough. We need a person to pull things together real fast specially the military. I do not speak for RP but this is my idea of the steps I want:

  • There must be a "Government In Exile" or "Interim Council" formed now.
  • After the IRI goes the military to switch allegiance to the above.
  • Restore order or ideally not have any disorder from the beginning.

Now how does RP fit into the picture: a focal point. Not a dictator or "VF". But a person to organize and be the voice of the oppositions groups. Once we get order he may serve as a Constitutional Monarch in the modern sense.


Re Opposition and Marxist-Leninist ideology

by Arj on

Dear GR, your whole comment below is based on the assumption that I'm a Marxist leninist, or supporter of Communist ideology! FYI. I'm neither, for I believe that Mrxism-Leninism is a made-up ideology of the Russia of Bolshevik era, and I don't believe in communism because I do not belive in either the Proletarian Dcitatorship, but dictatorship or the ideology of internationalism ideology, both of which I believe against my priciples as someone who believes in democracy and as a natiolist (not to be mistaken for ultranationalism) who put interests of Iran above any other nation or country! Nonetheless, as a socialist I believe that Marx (far from a prophet or even necessarily an idelogue) has legitimate arguments with regards to economy and social equality-- yet that should not necessarily be lumped up with Lininism a or any revolutionary cults! With regards to my respect for the likes of Jazani, firstly, they were not necessarily Marxist Leninist, but since political activities were next to impossible during the late Pahlavi era, many democratic minded leftists and Socialists who were not necessarily Marxist-Leninists, were pigeonholed and recrutied by militant groups due to the monopoly of violence over the political atmosphere both from the government stand point and the opposition's!


Dear VPK, I get your point. Yet, the elephant in the room for me is RP's vague position on whether he believes in monarchy, or is he going to represent a political party (or a current/front) to compete over administrative power! What he says, is not clear to me. When are we going to find out what his position is?! For so far what I've heard from everyone (including he and his supporters) is "this is not the time, let's get rid of IRI first..." My main question is; then what?! When IRI falls, we would not have much time to restore peace and order before letting things unravell too far out of hand! Are we going to have the army to control the country (as in Egypt)?! When and how is that process going to take place and for RP to predicate the political system he represents?


Dear Siavash, firstly, I never talked about apology of any sort! Secondly, when I say the concept of 'political opposition" is not institutionalized in our culture, I am talking about the present time, as we speak! At the moment, our country has nearly 10 million university and college graduates and our literacy rate is close to 90%! Even in your post below, YOU are demanding an apology from Shah's opponents! Do you even believe that there should have been any political oppsition to the Pahlavi regime, or should there have not?! Your potential answer, whatever it be, would make the case for my argument!


G. Rahmanian

"Institutionalized Political Opposition!

by G. Rahmanian on

Dear Arj: It is said that once Kissinger, as the Secretary of the State, sent a message to one of his ambassadors in Central America advising him to forget about the political theories he had learned in school and get to work. What he probably meant was that theories are theories and cannot always be relied upon. Since you have mentioned your Marxist-Leninist heroes, could you also tell us in which socialist/communist state there was any "institutionalized political opposition?" Weren't your heroes fighting to establish "dictatorship of the proletariat," which, in fact, became a euphemism for dictatorship of a different brand of elites? Before the fall of the Soviet Union, the propaganda was that the state had reached the second or the communist stage. As you must have read the "second stage" was theoretically supposed to bring about establishment of dictatorship of the proletariat. However, there was no sign of the so-called proletarians taking over the state. It was a big Marxist-Leninist joke! But, as far as I know, the Iranian Marxist-Leninists would not want to have anything to do with the most important aspect of the theoretical basis of their ideology. Referring to such propaganda once I asked a Russian/Soviet diplomat about the "discrepancies" between the Marxist-Leninist theories and the realities on the ground in the Soviet Union. He smiled and said he couldn't answer my question. Some years ago, I asked a Polish friend what the differences were between post-soviet and the soviet era in his country. He said: "The old crooks have been replaced by a new brand of crooks like myself." A very objective and humorous assessment of the situation in his country. So for the sake of saving Iran from the shameless Islamist murderers, let's not get into debates that will get us nowhere!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

My point

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Is that we got plenty of blame to go around; this is not the time for it. If we start bashing one another that is just what Mollahs need to remai in power. You trash Shah; I trash JM and Mollah benefit.

We got to put aside our differences for now and work for the common good. Who cares what happened decades ago. Remain focused on right now! That is what matters and only that.


Arj's misunderstanding.

by Siavash300 on

"the concept of political opposition is not institutionalized in our political culture even among our people and those who consider themselves a part of the opposition" Arj 

Seems you keep ignoring the most important part of democracy which is education. Our society is NOT like Europeans or anything close to that. If you can consider this simple fact the remaining issue will be resolved. Half of our people couldn't read or write. Not even their own names. The illetracy rate dropped to 45% by late 70's as a deligent effort of shah and his adminstration. Sending troops of education to small villiages and remote area in our country. 45% means half of population couldn't read or write. Forget college education. They couldn't read or write.  At that time I was doing some sociological research in rural area and that is the reason I remember those numbers. Now, about 75% of our population were living in rural area. NOT in the city. Majority of Iran's population were living in villiages and small towns. This equation was changed in recent years. Dr. Maziyar Behrooz who is one of scholar told me that balance is changed to 40% in rural area and 60% in urbans. I don't know how accurate is his statement. Anyway. these are facts about our society. Now, keep talking about lack of democracy and zero tolerance about opposition without any clue of Iran's demographic configration or level of education sounds very funny. Gholam Zandarm was famous in those days said once: " all these Madeh needs one Nar and we call it Nar e Dash Gholam. He said it in respond to someone who was reading Made or new law of villiages. This one was so called ahead of state in those days. In Farsi, Madeh has 2 meaning 1. Principal 2.female. and that idiot couldn't differentiate the differences between these 2 meaning.

Another example: During revolution a group of Lor were chanting "Dorood bar shah e khaen". Those idiots were thinking Khaen means someone who is Khan or the landlord(Feodal) , so they were trying to support shah. They didn't mean to say anything against shah, so they were saying "Khaen" This is the society that you keep comparing with progressive countries and keep bringing up the issue of democracy.

Anyway, I think those who assassinated all those pro shah political figures should be punished and those political parties members such as Masood Kazemzadeh and his J.M,  Fadaeyan, Tudeh, and all shah's opponents should come forward and appologize for putting our nation in this misery, NOT Reza Pahlavi.


Re "the threat of soviet..." and opposition

by Arj on

Dear VPk, when I say lack of critical view, I mean collectively as a society, not individually. In a broader term, the concept of 'opposition' does not have a place in our political lexicon! It did not during the Shah (no opposition groups tolerated) or after the 1979 revolution -- whether the hardliners or the so-called reformist were in charged (the only mechanisms in IRI to express factional dissent is manifested through sabotage, kidnapping and assassination attempts)! Hence, the concept of political opposition is not institutionalized in our political culture even among our people and those who consider themselves a part of the opposition (they can not yet envision a viable opposition to the ideal regime they support), as if the whole nation is to support a certain political current at the same time! With Saddam, Ghaddafi and the like out of the picture, the only remaining societies with no political opposition are the of likes of North Korean regime!

Dear Siavash, the excuse of "Soviet threat" was used in most despotic and dictatorial regimes of the Cold War era to snuff their oppositions, and it doesn't work now that things are put in a better perspective! Shah had a relatively good relationship with the Soviets and even imported Iran's first steel manufacturing plant from there. So how could he be under such an imminnent threat by them?! I believe it was an excuse to stifflle or even anihilate, not only the leftist opposition, but the centrists such as Jebhe Melli! Moreove, why couldn't Shah tolerate even the watered-down political parties such as Iran Novin and Pan Iranist, and ditched them to prop up his Rastakhiz party? IMO, such excuses do not mask the culpabilities of the previous regime in creating the political situation which religious fundamentalists could exlpoit as the only viable political alternative!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not lack critical views but happen to pick my own time. In my opinion this is the wrong time you think differently. 

Perhaps if the likes of him were not eliminated and the political atmosphere had opened up a bit, peaceful means of political expression would have thrived over militant struggle! 

What bothers me is the assumption I want to hear their expression. What about my rights to live in peace and not be blown up for their right to express themselves. Most these "revolutionary" types think everyone is with them. They do not even consider maybe other people are not interested. They exaggerate crimes of the other side. When there are no crimes they manufacture them such as "Cinema Rex". Get it? 

If we really want to go there I want to see JM: Meli Mazhabi; Mossadegh supporters and Islamists also put on trial. I want those responsible for Cinema Rex found and punished. While we are busy doing this Mollahs have a field day.


Threat of Soviet Union during cold war

by Siavash300 on

"Perhaps if the likes of him were not eliminated and the political atmosphere had opened up a bit, peaceful means of political expression would have thrived over militant struggle!" Arj

Perhaps yes Perhaps No. We don't know that part. But we do know that Iran has always been target for USSR since the time of Stalin. The dream of reaching warm water of Persian Gulf has always been Soviet's agenda for a long time. If the political atmosphere had opened up a bit as you stressed, there wouldn't be any garanttee that we would have gone under wing of Soviet Union long before Afghanistan in 1978. As far as I know the left was very strong in those days and the possiblitiy they take over was much more than mullahs. In fact, there is a hypothesis which implies the west supported mullahs to create green belt in order to prevent soviet influence in Iran.

Now, as far as I know Jazani was one of the major figure in Fadaeyan organization. All their analysis based on concept of Marx and Lenin which used to view Jebhe Meli as a "National Bourgeois" or enemy of "labor class".  After revolution Fadaeyan splited to 2 groups:  "Majority" and "minority". Majority were pro none violent political activity and minority were still pro arm struggle against regime. Ashraf Dehghan was the leader of minority who wanted to continue arm struggle against new Islamic regime. If I am not mistaking she was the sister of Hamid Ashraf who assassinated Nahidi in Mashhad. Jazani was executed long before split in Fadaeyan organization. Jazani and his group were follower of arm struggle against regime. They assassinated many top political figures. Look nobody talks about those poor people who were killed by these guerrila movements and their human rights.  Violent and armed fight is the only reason distinct Fadaeyan from Tudeh party. That was the only differences between these 2 parties.  Amir Parviz pouyan and his group were founder of Guerrilla movement in mid 60's.    


Re dissent

by Arj on

Dear VPK, lack of critical views leads to the kind of groupthink that inflicted diasters like IRI on our nation! If RP is true in his convictions with regards to democracy and HR, he will be able to rise above the liabilities and become a better politician for it! Critical and opposing views are the key factors in keeping checks and ballances on political systems that ultimately determine the fate of a nation! So think of it as a part of the democratic process!

Dear Siavash, one of the tragic aspects of the previous regime's heavy handed way of dealing with political dissent resulted in perpetuation of violent and armed resistence to the regime! Elimination of political icons such as Jazani who advocated non-violent political solutions as apposed to armed struggle, only empowered the followers of Siahkal group and the likes of Ahmadzadeh and Pouyan who insisted on "futility" of non-violent political activities under the rule of iron fist! BTW, Jazani also had affiliations with the Youth branch of Jebhe Melli in the early stage of his political activities. Perhaps if the likes of him were not eliminated and the political atmosphere had opened up a bit, peaceful means of political expression would have thrived over militant struggle!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

You are welcomed to your opinions

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


All of you are welcome to think whatever you want. Thankfully humans have not yet built  a mind control machine. But the real needs for Iran require working together. We got RP and he is the best of the possibilities by far. 

No doubt some people will not work with him. They are going to demand one thing after another. First to publicly trash his father and grandfather. Then to kiss their *** in in the public square. No matter what they demand more because they hate Pahlavi.

I know some of them right here where I am. One told me flat out that he would never support him no matter what. As I said before no problem; don't join. Nobody will get 100% support so this is no big deal. Just work with the people we got.