Cultural Icons on Wall St.


Mash Ghasem
by Mash Ghasem

Though Occcupy Wall St. has barely finished its second week, it has already sparked national and international reactions, The fact that it already has a U-tube series, speaks for itself.

Below are four of my favourite apperances so far: Slavo Zizek, Rosean Bar, Russell Simmons and Michael Moore, (all its missing in Alec Baldwin and...).

Feel free to add your choice.

The last time there was such an amalgamation of intellectulas and artists at progressive causes was back in the 30's. Tis a vastly different world, and yet in some respects still the same. The more it changes the more it stays the same?

Today Liberty Plaza had a visit from Slavoj Zizek


A guy was sent from East Germany to work in Siberia. He knew his mail would be read by censors. So he told his friends: Let’s establish a code. If the letter you get from me is written in blue ink ,it is true what I said. If it is written in red ink, it is false. After a month his friends get a first letter. Everything is in blue. It says, this letter: everything is wonderful here. Stores are full of good food. Movie theaters show good films from the West. Apartments are large and luxurious. The only thing you cannot buy is red ink.

This is how we live. We have all the freedoms we want. But what we are missing is red ink. The language to articulate our non-freedom. The way we are taught to speak about freedom war and terrorism and so on falsifies freedom. And this is what you are doing here: You are giving all of us red ink."


Roseanne Barr with We Are Change at Occupy Wall Street



Russell Simmons on Corporate Greed and advantages of Meditation while protesting.

Day 12 - 9/28/11 Daily Recap



Michael Moore @ Occupy Wall Street



Occupy Wall St. U-tube series



more from Mash Ghasem
Shazde Asdola Mirza

Ghasem jan: you have to believe in Imam Zaman to understand ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

One needs to believe in Imam Zaman to understand how the average Iranian family can live on 250,000 tomans per month, where the average rent is 300,000.

"There is a special providence for drunkards, fools, and the followers of Imam Zaman."

Immortal Guard

Watch Charlie Sheen Roast on YouTube!

by Immortal Guard on

It is more interesting!


Revolution is afoot!

by Disenchanted on


       Corporate tyranny has to be challenged!

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks MG for this blog.

by Anahid Hojjati on

It looks like every day more cities are having occupy movements. Thanks for your blog and all the info in it.


Let them eat cake

by divaneh on

I heard the Wall Street said.

Thanks Mash Ghasem for highlighting this worthy effort.


let's not publicize anything regarding blue(s)

by MM on

Although AN has shoveled a lot of blues on Iranians, he is still looking for that perfect shade of blue to replace the green in the Iranian flag (cf., pictures of AN with blue/white/red Iranian flag from 2009).

Mash Ghasem

MM, you forgot , we also have "40 Shades of Blue"

by Mash Ghasem on

or however many shades you like.

As the singer asks the ultimate question at the end of this song:

" Oh,Johnny Cash where are you now?

The man in black,

Where are you now,

Now that I've got such blues,..?"


"40 Shades of Blue"



message in facebook "attributed" to OWS crowd

by MM on

Ten years ago, we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.

Today, we have no jobs, no hope and no cash.

Mash Ghasem

Well, here it is!

by Mash Ghasem on

Almost right at my doorstep. Looks like they have a video like this for every country: Spain, Canada,..The production techniques and iconography is obviously right out of Adbuster.

I really don't feel like getting arrested, so probably I'll skip this one, looking forward to it though.

The Canadian Revolution - Occupy Toronto - Oct 15, 2011


Dr. Mohandes

me iS BACK!!

by Dr. Mohandes on

SK jan Thank you for the compliment and indeed i missed messing around with some around here. I don't know what came over me. I guess i got into some kinda mental block situation and i just stopped commenting and teasing:))

Now that i had to leave USA and am back in Nan agha land (mother land) Things are a little bit different. It took a while for my application to be approved by Haj JJ mirza and i was thinking all kinds of different thoughts until this morning when i got the new information.

I read tha t blog by simorgh and thought to myself this man has a very neat and powerful imagination. I also think that some peoplzzz are taking things too seriously on this site and hence all the confrontations...

MG jan

agha ta ghabr AAAAA:)

They wanted me back at the other ranch or velayat and i had to respond heed the call. They said your time is up in Joo Ess A, and your azz is needed back here at home. so get your damn teeeket and get on the road :)

Like i said i have been watching and reading theinteractions from afar and now i am just happy that i am back !



Mash Ghasem

Mohands koja boodi? Ver ver yu?

by Mash Ghasem on

I alvayz toght vat hapened to DM. Good to see yu againe. Looks lyke I vazn't da only one missing you. Here's a nu sung I liked. Dis one eis four yu.

As you could see, back in the ranch: that's here on IC, we're all still at the bend of the alley.

Some say we're kind of stuck in there!

Got It All


Soosan Khanoom

Of course I remember you dear DK

by Soosan Khanoom on

 You have a unique sense of humor that was missed by many of us during your absence ..   

And,  you are right about the labeling business ... it is getting out of control .. We have got to stop it. I believe many people left this site because of that and those who stayed are seriously getting discouraged for each and every time that they witness it on this site; either done to them or someone else ... 

Simorge wrote a fun blog while ago on some of us What do you look like? . But also in his comment there he brought up a good point that if we do not talk politics we are just bunch of ordinary people with many things in common.


So I say screw politics or at least do not take ourselves too seriously .....  

 : )  




Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on


I am surprised you remember me !!! I took a long leave of absence from but i sure as heck missed it. Now I am back in a place ... They call I Ran:)) i dunno. That is what people around my home call eeet,...:)

Kholase. Joonom berat begod. I am bakk . Che baki. And you veeel defenetly ccc me eround Offten.

I missed interacting with everyone on this site but i really enjoyed reading comments ... I bore witness to all the condemnations and labelings and accusations and You are a zionist... No You are .../

But now that i am Up here... uuu underestand dat i have 22 take it eeeezzyyy and take the front of my mouth:))))

So Hello to all from Dr. Mohandes "interrupted/limited".


Soosan Khanoom

Hey DM U R back !

by Soosan Khanoom on

Where have you been ?    

Good to see you again. 

: ) 

Dr. Mohandes

Interesting Phrase!

by Dr. Mohandes on

SK jan

Thanks for bringing this to our attention But i gotta say I am not too sure what this take over of our democracy By corporation could possibly mean. I mean come the heck on!! Democratic process would be a more suitable term.

It is time to put an stop to using these revolutionary terms !! Take over of our democray! boro baba hal nadari... I mean the crowd and not you:)



Soosan Khanoom

Join the Virtual March on Wall Street

by Soosan Khanoom on

Join the Virtual March on Wall Street
"The 99% protesters are occupying Wall Street in an unrelenting, nonviolent campaign against the corporate takeover of our democracy. Check out and join the Virtual March on Wall Street in solidarity with the 99%."


Lets hope this to be the American Spring....

by Bavafa on

That some 99% of Americans have been waiting for

 More power and success to these young and concern citizen.

 Thanks for posting it.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Mirza jan , on the serious side, I just can't figure out how people make ends meet in Iran. If the economy in Canada, US and Europe is bad, it must be at least ten times worse in Iran, especially with all that Subsidy Elimination, and ...there has been many cases of mass refusal to pay utility bills, all and all reminds me of this one from Beatles

Lady Madonna



Disenchanted: You have very good taste, cheers


Maziar jan, there's no khan in here, only jan and that's it ( It used to be khan before the Land Reform, and then "Fahmeman Raft Bala!" . Aziz jan make all the fun you want of them, this thing has already spread to tens and hundreds of cities in the US with October 15th as a National Day of Protest.

As Lenin and Trotsky used to tell all visiting journalists (including the American journalist John Reed) on the new Russian revolution: " Observe and learn."


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

what I find intersting was the press release of the authorities going along with protestors in way of for as long as they're not breaking the laws they can camp and protest (read BARK) as long as they want .

hence nothing will change our order the new world order.

MG khan maybe they found traces of gold in jabolgha!



Very interesting...

by Disenchanted on



       Thanks for posting. I recommend watching lavoj Zizek talk for a breath of fresh air yo everyone!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Structural Crisis of Capitalism?

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Hey, no problemito ... we can always go back to the Islamic Paradise of Iran ... lol.

Mash Ghasem

Another reminder why Wall St. has no relation to reality.

by Mash Ghasem on

At least half the books for those corporations on Wall St. indices (Poor & Standard, NASDAQ,..) are cooked, creative accounting, if you know what I mean. And the banks: at least 80% of them have more junk loans than they know what to do with it: the size of Derivative markets approximately around: 685 trillion dollars thats $685,000,000,000,000. Mind you most of that amount, for the derivatives' market, is just ink on paper, probably worth less than the ink on it! 

The more unemployed the higher profit rates for Wall St. And you're correct, the bankers will probably use tis occasion and protest to fill their coffins. But this time it won't be the same. American history once again looks interesting.

Gold stands at some $1620 an ounce. And exactly how did it get to be so valuable? Topsy turvey doesn't even begin to describe it. How about Structural Crisis of Capitalism?


Shazde Asdola Mirza

And yet, with these protests, the stock market is going up!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

It's a topsy turvy world, Mash Ghasem jan.

The more they protest, the more the market is reasured of "government action and intervention" meaning gravy train, and the higher the markets will rise.

In a topsy turvy world, fools become kings and kings become fools, but the important thing is to preserve "the order" ... the New World Order that is.
