Take a trip thru the history of Laleh-zaar with this video.
Millions of people do Google searches without batting an eye. However, that information, along with your IP address, becomes stored in Google headquarters for 18 months
This is, supposedly, the only video of Reza Shah I that was found in Turkey where the voice of Reza Shah I can be heard. And, he is speaking Turkish w/ Kamal Ataturk
All you have seen on NIAC lately are hate-blogs such as NIAC talked to... and Perry Mason type yes/no questionnaires. I hope to show you a record of success that totally gets smeared in the hate dust
Clergy Maleki was sentenced to 3 years of de-robbing, 3 months jail, 5 million Toman in fines for his criticism of the Islamic Republic and her elite leaders. This is a clear message to the other clergy that "put out or get undressed".
A heated discussion of IC: Does NIAC really represent Iranian-Americans or is a disguised IRI agent? The news that the U.S. State Dept. sponsored Tita Parsi's
talks in Jeddah on various issues should put to rest any crazy idea that NIAC represents IRI.
I am sure that one can find more examples, but the pictures seen in this blog, send via email from Iran, can only be found in Iran.
This 20/20 special looks at tire sales in the US and how the tires we buy may be never used, but yet over 6 years old
حدادیان ثابت کرد که مهم نیست که چی می خونی مهم اینکه چه جوری می خونیش!
Which one do you like? Absolutely no comparison, haj agha.
Upon uttering the word mameh in a recent speech, experts are predicting a downward trend in the vocabulary of the leisure-suite toting president of Iran
Do immediately!!!! Facebook launched Facebook Places yesterday. Anyone can find out where you are when you are logged in. It gives the actual address & map location of where you are as you use Facebook
We have been having too many serious political arguments, and unfortunately, without any tangible results
Night-club dancers: eat your heart out.
Cute music too
Ahmadinejad talks in the meeting of the Iranians who live outside Iran in mannerism not suitable for a president.
رضا پهلوی در گفتگویی تازه در رادیو صدای ایران، با علیرضا میبدی و حسین مهری، پیشنهاد تشکیل شورای همبستگی سکولار کرده است