09-Jul-2010 (4 comments)
This is the best ever striptease video on the web, however, if your parents installed Terra Parent-Control software on your computer you will have some trouble>>>
08-Jul-2010 (39 comments)
The collection of signatures to discredit IRI as Iranian representatives have begun.  We have until September 2010 to collect as many signatures as possible >>>
بهرنگ میری به تازگی ویدئویی به نام "ایران آزاد" را منتشر کرده است. امید است که این موزیک ویدئو افراد بیشتری را در اتحاد با معترضان ایرانی و جنبش آزادی خواهی ایرانیان جذب نماید>>>
I got this email on the list of some Iranian Billioairs, not including the Mullah class, e.g., Khamenei with their own class>>>
05-Jun-2010 (26 comments)
The latest round of discussions with friends regarding being a MSP reminded me of standing in the TSA line at the airport>>>
02-Jun-2010 (26 comments)
How does one become a torturer and still respect himself? A few illustrated experiments made me realize that it is easy to manipulate a certain percentage of ordinary people to become torturers>>>
در بیست‌وسومین برنامه هفته سبز با حمید دباشی آقای رضا اصلان نویسنده و روزنامه‌نگار، درباره جنبه‌گیری‌ها و سیاست‌های هسته‌ای ایران و هم اینکه چگونه جنبش سبز چهره ایران را در مجامع جهانی عوض کرده گفتگو می‌کنند. >>>
14-May-2010 (5 comments)
What is a Mohareb.  According to this Talabeh, IRI is. >>>
02-May-2010 (4 comments)
One of the bad effects of IRI has been the amount of unproven mumbo jumbo / fable especially when it comes to the emams and the hadith>>>
01-May-2010 (5 comments)
Undercover fashion in Iran 7:44
Female fashion designers tell CNN about the difficulty they are facing in creating fashion designs for women.
29-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Iranican teamed up with Maz Jobrani to create this multi-part Public Service Announcement. Look out for the next ones to come. Very funny>>>
28-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
End the Executions: A video by Mohammad Amin Valian to draw international attention on death sentences for post-election protesters in Iran. >>>
Composer and Singer : Siavash Nazeri
خواننده و آهنگساز : سیاوش ناظری
Created by : Hooman Moghaddam
22-Apr-2010 (8 comments)
شاهکاری جدید از شجریان که شاید تا کنون نشنیده باشید: "ای شادی ای آزادی"- تقدیم به کارگران شرافتمند ایرانی به مناسبت روز جهانی کارگران.>>>
20-Apr-2010 (6 comments)
The drums are fast and the dances are amazing. >>>