

Orchestra Seat Spectator
by Orchestra Seat Spectator

What a horrible few weeks it has been. Like so many of the people who had been following the discussions feverishly for a while, I had gone off for a few days to recover from the sick emotional charge of the site over the past several weeks.

This site has been increasingly feeling like the Gaza Strip, complete with settlements, check points, bombs, and bullets.

There are a group of non-Iranian users who seem to have settled quite comfortably in spaces previously occupied by Iranians, the squeamish ones who couldn’t stand the hate and left. It is now their home and it seems the rest of us are no longer as entitled to be here as we were before.

Much like the beautiful olive farms, beautiful pieces of poetry and writing were completely burnt down in the fires of hate and prejudice recently.

The minute someone expressed an opinion remotely supportive of Palestinians, at least one and at times a whole platoon of pro-Israeli users descended upon him, accusing him of anti Semitism, lack of interest in Iranians, and for being an IRI apologist. Even poets and non-political writers of the site were not spared. Everybody became a mouthpiece of this or that if they expressed disapproval for Israel’s actions. continues to appear as a war zone, even after the “Mission Accomplished” blog by a fervent non-Iranian was issued. Seems like Iranians are too dense to get the message and keep out of stuff which has nothing to do with them!

In all of this I have a thought for Mr. Javid as the publisher of this site. I want to know if he was watching the 24/7 attack on the regular users of the site by members I mentioned above. I want to know if he was aware that the tactics used by the pro-Israeli users were shockingly similar to that of Hossein Shariatmadi and Keyhan, attempting to label and shut up any kind of voice that tried to say anything against Israel’s policies or in support of the people of Gaza.

When looking at comments on different threads, it seemed like one particularly aggressive user may not have been one user at all, but 10! For no matter how avid a debater she is, or how fanatic and thus appropriately aggressive she might be, it seemed like no one person could be writing that many comments on that many threads each and every day for weeks. It was as though there was no break, no sleep, or no life other than for this user.

Mr. Javid may be a cool guy and he might believe in freedom of speech, letting every Ali, Keikhosrow, Moshe, and Tom on his site to say their piece. Good on him, really. We all need to learn from others. But is he aware that a group of site users were extremely abusive to others, displaying behavior which was reminiscent of Iranian Ministry of Information’s attempts to listen to everything and everyone on the phone, on the internet, and at their homes, bullying, labeling, and persecuting them for their sin of having an opinion? This was by no means free speech. It felt like harassment and interrogation, and many of us felt like some users were routinely stopped at a checkpoint every time they said something, having to prove their legitimacy, humanity, and reasoning or they were immediately “dealt with” by these arrogant users.

I wish he would consider his rules of participation and to stop the growing harassment of users on his site. Sitting in my orchestra seat, I am here to enjoy the show that is. I’m not giving up my seat, and will write again to tell you what I see on the stage.


Recently by Orchestra Seat SpectatorCommentsDate
Shamefully Yours
May 03, 2009
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Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Yes you may. In fact, I would be deeply honored.


Dear Azarin

by Zion on

OK, fair enough. Far be it from me to come in between friends. :-)
Thanks for replying. I really appreciate it.

Azarin Sadegh

Dear Zion,

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear Zion,

I just logged to IC and saw your question...Sorry for my late reply!

Oh my! I thought my comment was clear enough..:-)

Ok! I have to confess that I rarely read the news. I never watch TV. I don't even read newspaper anymore...So it is obvious that I don't read the political articles/blogs on IC....and it is my choice! 

But a few weeks ago I noticed your blog directed at JJ, and how you were bullied because of your position regarding the conflict..(actually I added comments on this blog and got bullied too!). I didn't read other blogs from other users who support Israel's position, but I would say one group is made of contributors with this particular thinking.

I also read Cameron's Shame blogs and a few other blogs about Gaza/ Palestine supporting Hamas and Palestinians. Of course the number of these blogs were much higher. So it is obvious that this is the other group I was talking about and please admit that you were all over these blogs defending your position and harassing a few people like my dear friend Irandokht that I truly admire for her passion and humanity...and also for her art of discussing politics, even if I am never as opiniated as she is! (Didn't I just tell you that I am not as informed as she is!)

So these were the two groups I was referring… and I think it is clear which group you belong dear Zion! I even think you're a group by yourself! A true powerhouse!

I personally don't belong to any of these groups on IC, so i can be bullied by both groups!

So far, I haven't yet read any blog about people like me who think there's always two sides in a war and both sides have made mistakes. They both have bloody hands....I am simply anti-war and I think that war is a lose-lose situation and in any conflict each side holds only a partial piece of the truth... (have I missed such a blog? or maybe I should write my own blog, or what if am also a group by myself? )

My main point in my comment was about the way anyone belonging to any of these two groups bullied others and felt bullied by them. That's all!

I hope it clarifies my point my dear!

Cheers, Azarin  

PS: Dear Kaveh, I liked a lot your expression "word bombs" it ok if I steal it from you for a page I'm writing tonight?


Exactly Kaveh

by Zion on

Finally someone said it as it is. Thanks man.

Kaveh Nouraee

Let The Word Bombs Fall Where They May

by Kaveh Nouraee on

The time for "not stepping on anyone's toes" or worrying about "offending anyone's sensibilities" is long past due.

Half the stuff on this site offends my sensibilities on so many levels. I also know that my views piss some of you off. So what?

None of you are that important, and neither am I. I know some of you think you are, but, trust me, you're not.

You have an opinion on a given subject? Good. Share it, and be open to differing opinions and points of view.

Can't accept differences of opinion? Too bad. This isn't Disneyland where everything is sunshine and happiness.

Some of you tend to think some of the words posted here are abusive. To you, I say, grow up. This is cyberspace. If this is what you deem to be abuse, I can't for the life of me fathom how you can leave your houses and go to work out there in the real world.

I've been called everything around here. I'm a Fascist, a Neo-con, an Imperialist, a Zionist, a Zio-Nazi, a Baha'i, a member of the $75 Million Dollar Club (my paycheck is WAY overdue), an agent for the CIA, MI6, Mossad, SAVAK, and the IRI.

Now, I'm supposedly not Iranian. If I considered any of this to be abuse, I could hold a telethon and raise a lot of money.


شاهد از غیب رسید

شاعر (not verified)

طفلک خانم آذرین حالا باید به سرکار علیه جواب پس بدهد که چرا نظرش را اعلام کرده است. استنطاق ادامه دارد...

دهانت را می بویند، مبادا گفته باشی دوستت دارم
روزگار غریبی است نازنین

(احمد شاملو)


Both "groups"?

by Zion on

Dear Azarin, could you please give examples of the "group" I evidently belonged to that made both "groups" equally culpable?

Azarin Sadegh

I think...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Honestly, I don't agree with you Orchestra! The abuse went both ways...

I think during this period everyone felt bullied, no matter which side he/she took! Actually, I see it exactly like whatever was going on in middle east...both sides are guilty, (almost as if both sides are innocents!) So I think JJ's right about not taking any side... At least in theory!  

But you were right that many left IC because of the deep hatred expressed in the articles/blogs and the mean nature of certain comments...(from both groups). So I understand (pretty well) those who didn't want to absorb too much hate, and so they left IC. Good for them!  They are truly the only ones who have my sympathy and admiration!


PS: Dear JJ, I partly disagree with you too!!

For me Words are more important than real bullets. The bullets have this advantage that they hurt you for a short time, but then they kill you! The end of story!!...But hurtfull words could harm you forever. So please don't take their importance lightly! Thanks! 

rosie is roxy is roshan

No, Seat, I dion't think you were talking about me...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I think I just misrerad it a little at first, there's just been SO much labeling going on, one guy was hounding me about being Zionist just because I'm Jewish, it took forever to convince him, never mind,it's over, but I'm just a little bit dizzy  from the whole thing to tell you the honest truth. Thanks for posting this. I know there are sooooo many readers who don't normally post, and the regular bloggers do sometimes forget that, it starts to seem like such an incestuous "little" world. But in actual fact this site has enormous outreach and you're quite right, there are thousands, thousands every day...not only Iranians, but non-Iranians ALL OVER THE GLOBE..thanks so much for caring. It's been a very difficult time. Keep your orchestra seat so you can pop in from time to time and let us know what we look like to the REAL READErRSHIP.


ps said j. was talking to..???!!!  honey bunny, I misunderstood..more than I did...this is getting surreal... lol

Orchestra Seat Spectator


by Orchestra Seat Spectator on

Thank you for the kiss of death!  The messenger of bad news has been appropriately and fatally shot and silenced by your words now.  Not!  But since that was uncharacteristically mean of you, I need to ask whether it felt good or not. 

How about if you give me a break now?  Since when is registering with a different name a crime worthy of snide remarks by you, the savior and patron of anonymous fish commentators, both good and vicious?  Under whatever name I have used, and within privileges extended to me on your site (thank you) I think I have been plenty brave for speaking my mind publicly about a serious situation on your site, a site which would miss an important sign of life if not for caring and diligent contributions of its members whether through their comments or their blogs and features.

I think you are really pushing the notion of tolerance here.  Tolerance does not mean taking abuse.  You simply do not wish to acknowledge that the abuse is taking place.  That’s fine.  We could disagree on that, but not through ridicule, JJ.  As for me, I have been a season ticket holder for years.  I’m keeping my seat and continuing to observe for now.

Orchestra Seat Spectator


by Orchestra Seat Spectator on

I wasn’t talking about you.  You are one of the kindest and most intelligent members of this site.  If in my haste to get the message across I appeared offensive to you or any other peace loving non-Iranian member of the site, I do apologize.  My seat looks exactly like your seat, Rosie.  Except I watch more and say less.  There are thousands of other people like me, the silent readers of the site who read and see everything, but never say anything.  I cannot speak for them, but I have just spoken for myself.

rosie is roxy is roshan

From the orchestra pit and for the record Zion, for anyone

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

who missed what happened last week. You accused Iranians at the end of this long thread  of tribal primitivism. Shortly thereafter you wrote a supposed ceasefire blog  that was so warlike it could not even be featured to tell people. The title was sneering and the first sentence accused anyone who supported the Gazan plight of wanting the massacres to continue to prove Israel wrong. I wrote this blog to you in response; //

Shortly after Nazy Kaviani posted a blog // also protesting your ceasefire blog,  You assailed her viciously of being ideologically motivated. You used your ceasefire blog on my thread to "defend" yourself.

I concluded that you are paranoid and deluded and there is simply no reaching you, and I advised people to find some sort of strategy to deal with you to prevent you from dominating the website further.

I want very badly to be able to show people that there are many decent Zionist Jews inside and outside of Israel, that they are manipulated because of their trauma and they are reachable.  But you make me despair because your paranoia and its concomitant sadism make you UNREACHABLE.

I don't like sitting in judgment of you publicly but I'm the only one who can expose these things without being accused of being anti-Semitic.  And I have to do it to defend the tradition of ethical Judaism in which I was raised, a very great tradition.

It hasn't been a pleasant experience for me.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Sammy what are you saying? Say it in English will you? /PS

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

(That's what MPD told me two days ago to do..)

You say you don't give a hoot but you DO give a hoot. Is it because the voices of people like you have been lost here? That the site has become too homogeneous?

What are you saying Sam? I think I know what you're saying. but I'm not sure Can you please say it clearer for me? Whose uncle jj are you talking about? What are you saying Sam?

(PS Okay Sam, I re-read it. I got it. I'm so sorry you feel that way).



On words and community peace

by Zion on

And how do these evil entities "take your peace away"? That is the crux of the matter. How does an opposing opinion, a series of sentences in comments or blogs take that peace away? What kind of a peace is it anyway? Isn't it the case that only those are threatened who demand exclusive rights to speak, that feel peace only when their own words are heard and nothing else? :-) And that's why you are the one who decide who a "friendly foreigner" is and who is not? Just like the information iministry of the mullahs decide who is and who is not a "friendly foreigner" or even a "real Iranian" who can be allowed to speak? Peace of mind of little dictators is a very vulnerable thing, isn't it.

As I said again, very revealing indeed.


You have some nerves complaining

by samsam1111 on

yours is the story of "thief calling others to catch the thief" . only a handfull of folks like me are left here, at most %2 of the members and yet you come under another of your site sanctioned annonym covers and cry wolfe . Meanwhile I am the one whose comments are deleted , views suppressed , insulted . You have logistics behind you and still whine like a rozeh khooni imam hussein .you can attack people with unregistered annonyms but try to be me and see if even one single annonym comment goes thru even if it was  polite all over. because here, IP tells jj if I am a khodi or no khodi :).. and try to be us and make a 2nd id to write blogs yah right , never mind getting featured like you . so be happy with your 1001 ID,s and deletion team of sisters and brothers behind you...because if any one is bored of this BS is the non Iranian like me since watching these characters speaking for Iran as We the Iranians makes me double puke of the sheer pretention . So you want us out ..we are already ignored !!!! you want more? then ask your uncle jj to ban us then . I for one dont give a hoot ...pleeeeeeeeeeez ban me if!!!



dear Rosie

by IRANdokht on

instead of waiting for someone to tell you about other people, and if you don't really notice every blog and only scan the comments, why don't you ask them if they are. I know Mehdi said in a few comments that he's from Israel. It's not nice to ask others when you can be direct. If Mehdi Mazloom had not volunteered that info, I would not have told you the details here either.

as for foreigners over iranians, it's a very natural way of seeing things. is our little iranian community in cyberspace. As it is true also with our country, some foreigners come in to enjoy the culture, the hospitality, the friendship and the scenery, some come to take our peace away. The way we defend our home should not be seen as racism, but self-defense. As in real life, the friendly foreigners have always been welcomed and appreciated.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Well you oughtta know Z...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

after all you have your own Armaggedonist purification tendencies  too...ah well you denied it, but so it seemed to me...



(bottom third p. 1)



by IRANdokht on

attacking people and labeling them is now known as debating. If they see it as viscous attacks and insults and they resist instead of leaving the site, they just don't know how to participate in "discussions and debates".

I really enjoy the humorous aspect of it all...


rosie is roxy is roshan

Ebi / ID

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Ebi, oh that piece of "war porn." Well, anyone who REALLY had orchestra seats knows what came from me about THAT ONE //

And that's why I DO find it disturbing when people talk about the Jews or the non-Iranian Jews or the non-Iranians period on this site like we're some kind of "hulk". And I'm not the ONLY Jew  here who's stood up vociferously for the Gazans you see this labelling, this hulking people ID did it on a thread once about the "non-Iranians" and she didn't mean me, it was just a mistake...

and then I heard crazy stuff, like...someone told me that BIJAN AM and MEHDI MAZLOOM AND KAVEH NOURAEE ARE NOT IRANIAN (meaning EITHER by birth or heritage????????) And when I questioned it..poof! the claimant....napadid shod! ,,,and then..I dunno...would THESE too be some of the non-Iranians who "hijacked" the site...?

So now ID I just do want to say that I have seen some pretty bad anti-Semitism here lately, that Khaleh on the other feed being one...and stuff by Mehdi to Bijan that was...awful...about Jews being savages...just awful..I still await Mehdi's repl.., I chalenged him, politely, but I'm waiting..and someone else you would be VERY surprised .making it sound like we Jews are HAPPY about the Holocaust because we could make a profit..I SWEAR..someoe who..normally...never would've said something like that in a million years..

and these people are supposed to be...ideologically...on 'my side"..which makes me want to...puke my guts out..

and isn't the NORM the anti-Semitism, but people shouldn't be in denial about it either, it's me...I know...along with the clumping together of all the non-Iranians as a hulk, the refusal of some people to be cautious in use of incendiary Nazi terminology, the whitewashing to pristine purity of Hamas...all these things which just make...the "Zionists" get more and more...paranoid and insane...

and some of these outrageous statements are ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT from the ones which FINALLY made me lose it. go completely BALLISTIC with our and J's riend below whom I attempted for a year plus to be diplomatic with...the lovely ceasefire blog and  the tribal primitivism about Persians

so there is VICIOUS racism going on on ALL SIDES, ALL OF IT THE ROOT CAUSE OF WHICH IS PARANOIA, and they are feeding and feeding into each other exponentially causing a HUGE MOUNTAIN of gangreous pus on the face of our planet that grows and grows and what I want to know is




by Zion on

This is not a forum to share ideas and debate them, this is the arena for the fight and the final triumph of "light" over the forces of "darkness", for the sake of Truth, Justice... and the purity of the essence of our bodily fluids!


another anti-semite

by IRANdokht on

I know first hand how unfair it's been to be called anti-semite just for sympathizing with the victims. 

Iranians are resilient and peace loving in nature. No amount of bullying was able to deter us and we spoke up and we're still speaking up. The ones who left will find their way back and they will see how open discussions and the truth prevailed on this site. We shouldn't give up on this website.

When you stand on the side of humanity, truth and fairness, you can't allow darkness to win. Don't look at it as us being the gaza strip bombarded by the ruthless and cruel. We are representing Iran and the attacks that she's seen throughout the history and has survived it all.

Your blog is very well-written and I think we all understand you. I just think that JJ has a higher level of tolerance than we sometimes do and he doesn't get emotional like some of us. But he's giving us the forum to express ourselves and that to me is precious. We'll survive this too ;-) we're Persians!


ebi amirhosseini

Rosie Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

I think by "Mission Accomplished" blog ,the writer refers to :


Ebi aka Haaji

Jahanshah Javid

So silly

by Jahanshah Javid on

Give me a break. Just say you're intolerant and let's get on with it.

You compare words with real bullets and bombs? You're seriously out of your mind.

The very purpose of a civil, tolerant society is to turn bombs and bullets and all instruments of violence into WORDS, even words that may hurt your tender feelings and make you scream and pull your hairs out.

If I don't have my "enemies" on this site, I haven't done my job. is not an exclusive club for my buddies who agree on everything. How bloody boring and unchallenging.

All we ask people who leave comments on this site is not to be vulagr or aggressive. Otherwise I don't have a problem with anyone who is pro this or anti that, no matter how annoying they may be.

If you cannot tolerate WORDS, if it hurts and bugs you so much, try facing real bullets and bombs. Maybe then you'll understand the difference.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Sorry if I fired too many bullets! :o)

PS: What's the deal with all these anonymous names? Stand up for your ideas by using your real name. What's this ghaayem mooshak baazi?



by Zion on

Haha! This is great. This is actually funny! I loved it. Reveals so much of the mentality, wouldn't you say? You just look at all these blogs and article, one after the other beating on your drums, of all the personal attacks and the sporadic (ehem) systematic deleting and you still whine about some comments?! Why so afraid of words? Don't read them if they bother you so much. isn't that the easiest way? Why so much whining? lol.
It is because you demand to have the exclusive voice on the subject. That is why any opposing comment is treated as an "attack", as an instance of "infiltration", as a "threat". Isn't it? Don't you see how similar this is to the attitude of your mullahs in Tehran who imprison and stifle everything and yet still whine of the "cultural invasion", the "soft revolution" and the "agents that are trying to pollute the revolutionary culture" over and over again every chance they get?
Don't you realize how revealing this all is? :-)

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I have a few..comments to make here but before I do could you please supply link to the "Mission Accomplished" blog you reference. I don't recall one of that title and search did not come up with one.

You have orchetra seats, you're so lucky, I wish I had orchestra seats. I'm in the pit with all the musicians.and it's cacaphony dow here...deafening cacaphony..

but I least one thing I can say is that the CONDUCTOR has been doing...pretty well, all things considered..

